Monday, April 2, 2018

*Monday Memos*


 (If pictures are too small, just click to enlarge) 
Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!

dear monday, I really didn't want to run today with all the snow and how cold it was, but I forced myself out the door. It was colder than I remember in a long time.  My hands were like ice and my breathing was labored. I got in six miles.  The boys Boston 5K bibs came today!  Yay!
I had a hair appointment and then came home and tried to get some cleaning done.  Dave and I watched Martian for FHE.  It wasn't really planned as FHE, but we counted it. :) I was beat!

dear tuesday, I woke up at 3:30 a.m and couldn't got back to sleep.  Dave ended up getting up at 5 a.m. but I just wasn't going to.  I actually fell back to sleep for about an hour and then got up and practiced.  I rushed to my lesson.  It went well, but I'm still not on the last song in Book One. Since I don't have a lesson next week due to spring break, I think I am going to do it anyway.  I want to get to Book Two!  I feel like I need to really get my technique perfected in my other songs and that's why she isn't assigning it yet.  Harp technique is challenging.  At least for me.  

I ran some errands and then tried to find something to wear to Boston since I got an email telling me the skirt I ordered was out of stock and so now I am back to square one. Groan.  And look how cute it was!

I am surprised how hard it is to decide mainly because I can't find much.  And I have to have three different outfits because you have NO idea what race day weather will be like usually until the day before, so you need to be prepared.  I found a cute top and a tank top (had to special order) but I have no idea what I will wear with it.  If it's chilly I will wear my black capri's with side pockets.  If it's a blizzard, I will wear something totally warm and not care.  If it's hot, I will wear the tank with a skirt.
I am starting to panic because there is still so much to think of and plan.  The shirts I got today are purple.  Surprise!  Surprise!  My dream is to wear a Hawaiian print skirt with them because Tyson loved Hawaii so much, but having a hard time finding one.  But...I finally found one on line!  And I love it!  It even has pockets on the side of the shorts! 
I headed to get my MRI but when I arrived they didn't have the approval of our insurance because someone dropped the ball and didn't change the info that I was going through our insurance instead of out of pocket like we had originally planned on.  It was a mess.  I got Dave on the phone and he was not happy because he had made most of the arrangements himself and yet they still didn't get it right.  He talked to the receptionist for almost 10 minute son the phone.  She was so nice.  She somehow was able to push it through with our insurance's approval.  It was important I got it done today because I have my long run in the morning and I can't keep pushing it back because it will mess with my training.  I can't be doing a 20 when I am supposed to be tapering.  Long story short, I was able to get the MRI.  But, the problem is getting the results back before my run in the morning.  Didn't happen.  Nope.  Dave said I could still do it but stop if I feel any pain at all no matter what mile I am on.  So, that is probably my plan because there is a good chance the MRI won't show anything anyway. 
I hit Costco and then came home and made dinner.  Dave is on call this week and got home late and then had to get to his meetings.  I tried to psych myself up for my 20 tomorrow. I am not even going to think the number 20 but just keep maybe 16 in my head because that may be as far as I get anyway.  I need to just be glad it's my last!  Image result for dreaded 20 miler

dear wednesday, today was the big last 20 miler.  I wasn't dreading as much as I thought but mainly because I wasn't sure I was going to even be able to do the full 20.  If the MRI results came back while I was running and said I have a stress fracture then I was going to stop at whatever mile I was on.  I really didn't think I have one and so I was not planning on that happening.  I drank some UCAN before and I am hoping it is a good fit for me. I actually like the taste.  It is easy on the gut too.  Bryce drove me and Robin up to the sheds.  HOLY HURRICANE!  We headed towards Sherwood Hills but the gale force headwind nearly blew us over.  My hat went flying and I almost didn't get it back!  It was also a freezing wind!  No thanks!  We decided it would be better to go around the dam then fight the headwind all the way to Sherwood Hills.  We did go down airplane hill on the other side of the barrier so we didn't have to cross it and back up because I needed to at least get in that hill.  
It was much better running with a tailwind on the way up.  
We made it to the sheds and then headed into Mantua.  After a potty break we headed around the dam. We got more headwind along with snow, rain, hail and freezing rain.  I got pelted with some freezing rain right in the eye that nearly blinded me! Sherri was going to join us after the dam, but she never made it.  We did however run into a bear or two!  Robin wouldn't get in the photo though.  Must be doing a 20.  hah
We ran back down towards the campground but since it was so muddy from the flooding we decided to go back up and down Sardine.  I was feeling great as far as energy goes.  My left foot plantar faciitis flared up big time though.  I am praying it's not because I wore my new Altra's today for the first time.  Not a smart idea I know to break in a new pair of shoes on a 20 mile run.  But, I did.  It did hurt this morning though when I woke up and so I am pretty sure it's not the shoes. By mile 16 it was really bad so I took some Advil hoping that would curb it some.  We ran west so we could finish going downhill since I haven't done hardly any downhill training at all.  We stopped at the Nat for a potty break and then ended almost at Love's Truck Stop.  It felt so good to have that done!  Robin was a trooper for going with me the full way.  She got in 19.5 because I ran some while she was in the bathroom or waiting for her after the hill etc.  She was good with that.  
Dave picked us up since he was still on his lunch break.  We didn't start running until almost 10 so it would simulate Boston a bit better.  I wasn't feeling too great after.  I felt like I do after running a full.  Just queasy.  I showered and rested for a bit (watched part of Unbroken) and then ran a couple errands.  Dave went straight to his meetings from work because he is on call.  
My FB POST: My last 20 miler before Bean Town was a bit of a 'bear'.😂🐻 Started out with a beast of a headwind in the canyon and then pretty much every weather except thunder, lightning and a monsoon! We had rain⛈️, snow❄️,hail 🌨️, wind🌪️, freezing rain☄️, and even some sunshine☀️. Feels good to have that done! 🙃  Special shout out to my dedicated running friend Robin for going the full distance with me even though she didn't need a 20, just so I wouldn't have to do it alone! That's a true friend! I was supposed to do it on Saturday but had to postpone it until today while waiting for the green light from my MRI results on a possible stress fracture. #18moredays #bostonbound #tapertime #nostressfracture #springinutah

This popped up on my memories today:  It's been 8 years since it was taken!  8!  
"We take photos as a return ticket to a moment that is otherwise gone." 

dear thursday, I got out and tried to run but the muscles were a little stiff.  I basically did a wog (walking and jogging).  But I am not going to push it because I need to stay healthy at this point.  I am getting SO SO SO excited for Boston!  Once my outfit comes together I can relax and just enjoy the rest.  I stress way too much over that. I still hate what I wore last year.  This year nothing has come together until today.  Since the purple skirt I ordered is out of stock, I decided to go the Hawaiian route. Since I am running it in honor of Tyson I thought what a better way to dress? I probably already wrote this above.  Sorry.  I found a skirt and I think it will match with my shirt I ordered.  We shall see when everything arrives.  Now, let's pray it's warm enough ( but not too warm) to be able to wear it. If it's a cold rainy day (or a blizzard), I will not be wearing a skirt.  Either way, I am excited!  So many details I still have to figure out though. I still am unsure on my fueling. I need to get that settled and soon.  I love the UCAN so I think I will mix it in those applesauce squeeze things and put them in my belt instead of carrying a water bottle. But...still not certain. 
Image result for ucan sample bars
I made lemon bars and the fixings for Taco Salad for Dave's parents dinner tonight.  I have a thing for lemon bars.  Oh, my gosh, they are so good. I ate very little real food because I ate so many lemon bars.  I really didn't eat that many, but I kept piecing at them all day.  I probably only ate two total but I felt immense guilty because I was going to go off sugar as soon as my taper started.  I still have two weeks to go.  I need to get to my race weight which is three pounds less than I am now. I was there about three weeks ago.  Sigh.  Training for a marathon makes one RUNGRY!  I was following a post on the Boston Training page and it was about how hungry everyone is at this point in the training.  It was hilarious to read how many feel they need to eat all the food all the time.  It really does increase your appetite.  I have enjoyed being a part of that page. I have learned a lot about running that I otherwise would not have.  I am seriously considering doing the Jeff Galloway method in my  next marathon and see how it goes since so many runners on there swear by it.  
Image result for rungry
I took the food to Dave's parents and then ran my visiting teacher sisters treats.  I only was able to catch one. 
I also ran over and dropped a little gift off to my friend Bonnie who just had surgery and is pretty much banned from driving or walking too much for a few months.  Dave and I ran to Brother Elegante's viewing.  It was very sad.  He will be sorely missed.  Cherish the moments.  Life is fragile and you just never know.

dear friday, I drove Dave to Honeyville about 8 a.m. to drop off Taylor's car for inspection.  I then headed out and got in a quick 5.  
 SUN!!!  I am so ready for more of it!
I ran to Kent's and then home so I could get to the funeral for Brother Elegante and drop my food off before.  It was a really nice service. I am still having a hard time believing he is gone. His boys did a great job speaking as did the Bishop and Dave.  I am always amazed at how Dave seems to say exactly what is needed to be said and does it without any real study or preparation.  He has a gift.  The gift of the Spirit for sure, but he has always been such a good speaker.  
We then ran back to Honeyville to get Taylor's car.  I got caught up on a few things that have been on the back burner (including laundry)....seems to always need to be done.  I finished Carson's panda curtains and did some mending.  
I ran to Walmart and spent a small fortune on Easter stuff.  
Look what I found!  Mmmm..... 
On the way home, I almost got T-boned by another car.  I pulled out and did not even see him.  Whew!  Scared me half to death!  It would have been my death if he had hit me.  Boston would not be happening!  It's going to be fun to have a little one again at Easter!  Last year we were in Boston for Easter.  This year, it is April Fool's Day, Easter, and General Conference all at once.  I need to get thinking of what I'm doing for April Fools!  I will have everyone here and such a great opportunity!  BUT, I have no thoughts yet what I'm doing.  I need to get hoppin'!  Dave and I went to Costa Vida.  We shared a big pork salad.  It was so warm today!  60 degrees!  So ready for spring and summer!  When we got home Taylor was here.  Glad we brought a couple extra burritos home.

dear saturday, it was really nice this morning!  Spring is here!  It was 50° when I headed out on a run.  I ran past Pioneer Park and ran into some bunny pretty cute!
 🐰 Not every day that you run into some bunny like this while out training. I offered to sub, but too much hopping around for me. 🐰  

 I know...I know...but I couldn't help myself!
They were getting ready for the big annual Easter Egg Hunt.  I ran down to the high school on a hunt of my own and found this!: ($1.55)
I ran back past the hunt and it was in full swing.  
When I got home, I planned on making a big breakfast for the boys, but Dave had brought home breakfast burritos.  I felt bad conference had already started and I missed the Solemn Assembly where our new prophet President Russell M. Nelson was sustained.  
Everyone was gathered watching it (except Dave who was at work) and it was great.
Sky and crew showed up unexpectedly right after the morning session ended.  Carson was all smiles as usual.  
Love that kid.  Sarah and I took him with us to the Dollar Store and to Walmart.  I ran in to Betsy. She was really sweet and I can tell she misses living here.  We are going to try to do lunch next week.  We also went to the cemetery. Carson wanted to see where Tyson was. I explained just his body was there, not his spirit. When we got back the afternoon session had started.  It was a bit chaotic and so I will have to watch a rebroadcast.  It was such a gorgeous day! 
We colored eggs.  It was Carson's first time!  He was a pro!  They turned out pretty.
As you can see, I can't get enough of him! I had to post ALL the pix! But every single one brings a smile to my face!  
Oh my gosh, this little guy brings me such joy!  He is a very special little boy!  I can't get over how wise and smart he is about everything. He never misses anything either.  So sharp and observant!  And he "gets" the adult humor which most little kids would just whiz right past their heads.  He does not miss out on anything. You can't pull the wool over his eyes.  And he is emotionally smart as well.  If you make the tiniest complaint about anything, like "I have a headache", he immediately rubs your arm and hugs you and says, "I'm sorry".  What little kid does that?  Serious!  He is one of a kind. I have been around a LOT of little children in my life and Carson truly is unique is all the good ways.  What a blessing he is to our family!  We love him to pieces.  Actually, I have no idea how you could NOT love him!  He is the most amazing kid!  I love that he adores me too!  It's so sweet.  Sky always tells me he talks about me all the time and wants to make me cards and presents every single day.  Carson told me he didn't play with the kids at preschool because he was busy making me cards. still my heart!

  Dave and the boys headed to the Priesthood Session.
Sarah and I went to Costa Vida to use up my last free $5 coupons.  Sky had a bonfire going but me and Carson played in the playroom.
 Set out the baskets!  
We were up late.  Dave and I did the Easter stuff and it was 1:15 a.m. before we headed for bed.  Probably after 2 before I fell asleep.
Every year Mr. Cat wonders,  "What in the....?"  He loves to play with the treats and shove them under the couch. We will probably find them around Christmas time.
dear sundayAnd he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.” Mark 16:6
He lives!!! Happy Easter! 🐣 🐰🌷🌿

I got up at 7 a.m. to be sure I beat Carson down.  This is the scene from above.  This is what the Easter Bunny has traditionally done since this family was established. It's a tradition passed down from Dave's side of the fam.  
 Carson was as perplexed as Mr. Cat.  But he figured it out pretty quick.
 Well, actually he checked out his gifts before he gathered all the treats up.  
The Easter Bunny had an assistant this year.  Looks almost as if TWO Easter Bunnies stopped by this year.  :)
Finding the eggs
I then told them all that there were FIVE eggs hidden in the yard that had $20 each inside.  That perked up their ears!  Sky, Sarah, Bryce, Taylor, and McKay all went in search of the five valuable eggs.  They searched and searched AND searched.  They really looked hard and for a good long time.  But to no avail.
Looking everywhere for those eggs!
Well, I DID hide five eggs with $20 in them BUT they were in the FRONT yard and I told them search the back.  Of course, Bryce being Mr. Observant, ended up going in front and discovered they had been had!  Oh, it was one of my greatest April Fool's moments!  I also colored one egg that was raw.  I had Sky help me crack them to make deviled eggs.  I gave him the one that was raw, but then Carson grabbed it because he wanted to help.  Yep.  He got it.  Hah  But, I got them good!  Not as good as in some years. One year I sent a formal letter informing them they owed a severe fine for a traffic violation in Los Angeles.  They all fell for it.  One year I drew a mustache on McKay with a sharpie while he slept and when he woke up and went to get ready, SURPRISE!  I made chocolate covered cotton balls one year and gave them to Dave's dad.  He totally fell for it.  And I covered powdered donuts with baking soda a few years ago and I got a lot of peeps on that one.  Brussels sprouts in a Krispy Kreme donut box was pretty good too.  I should list all the good ones I have done over the years.  I have had a few flops as well.  Taylor is pretty tough to get but with it being Easter AND General Conference this year, no one was on their toes.  
 McKay headed off to General Conference.  He was in the last session where they announced they were plans to build a temple in RUSSIA!!!  WHAT???!  Who would have ever thought!!!  He was pretty excited as was the audience. You could here gasps!
 We then did an Easter Egg hunt outside for Carson.  He loved it!
Purple flower.  For me???
 Sarah then hid the confetti eggs she brought.  It is a tradition in her family.  It was really fun!  Confetti was everywhere!  I loved it! 
 Bryce found something else besides eggs!
 Carson was being very scared of it.  Sooooooo......I decided to show him that snakes weren't that bad AND....AND....AND...I PICKED IT UP!!!  ME!  Not even I can believe it!  The things you do for little ones!  I could only hold onto him for a second and the reflexes took over and I screamed and threw him.  That didn't help Carson feel any more brave. Oh well. Sadly, there is NO photo evidence of it.  Yes, I held that dang thing and I have no proof!  I touched it several times as well. No one could believe it. And NO, this is not APRIL FOOLS. I REALLY DID HOLD IT! 
 We had a nice breakfast and lunch today.  German pancakes are our tradition for General Conference and we also had a traditional ham Easter dinner.
 Dave and Carson 
During the afternoon session, we made playdough creations. 

BIG changes were announced at this General Conference. The whole church is abuzz. It’s hard to remember a General Conference so packed with brand new policies and procedures. It seems like one headline after another: Solemn Assembly! A New Prophet! Two new apostles! One gigantic Melchizedek Priesthood Quorum! Seven new temples (Russia! India!), New Young Women’s Presidency! New Seventies! And Ministering replaces Home and Visiting Teaching!  What a historical conference!  One not soon forgotten!


dear april fools! This ↓ is hilarious!
Besides. the Easter Egg hunt prank, I also added one on Facebook.  Oh how I LOVE April Fool's Day!!! I posted this on Facebook: "If anyone wants to use the beach house we rented in Bermuda for two weeks this summer, let me know. The hubby can't take that much time off from work, so we have to cancel. No charge -- we just need someone to take it off our hands."  I got a couple suckers right off the bat!  
My friend Julie responded with: 
Well take it!!!! If it’s up for grabs. When is it??? 
When they realized it was a joke they wrote:
But ya. We were so excited. By the way Jodi. They cancelled the Boston marathon this year. 😆😂  And 
Then she posted this photo.  Too funny! 
Screen shot of post:
 I almost posted this but I did it a few years ago and besides I didn't want to jinx things!
Brad Pitt thinks I'm incredible!  And Tom Hanks loves me.  
Sadly, April Fools! :(

dear boston, preview of the shirts this year.  I guess they look okay. Hard to tell until I have one on.
 The extended forecast has been either stressing me completely out or making me so happy! I want NO RAIN!  NO WIND!  Unless it's a headwind! Putting in my order for 55 and partly sunny!  It's usually saying it's going to rain!  Not so much these ones, but nearly every single day!  Maybe that means it won't!
 This is a screenshot from a little video on Youtube with this title!

 I ordered this to wear on my back!

I got this off a blog and wanted to save: 
Acceptance into the Boston Marathon is a coveted achievement dreamt about by runners all over the world. This race is a collection of incredible athletes whom have dedicated hours of training and sacrificed time with loved ones to have the privilege to race the most famous marathon in the world. Being accepted is only the beginning of the journey. Now the athlete has to start training to race. Preparing for the Boston Marathon is a challenge in and of itself given that the race takes place in April so for most runners this means training during some cold and unpleasant months. Boston bound athletes understand the importance of being well prepared for this event as this challenging course can annihilate even the most well trained and seasoned athlete.
WHAT MAKES BOSTON SO CHALLENGING?On top of the 26.2 miles, the weather is unpredictable, the headwind can be brutal and the hills are relentless on the body. How’s that for a race description?
The challenge of this course is part of the allure. It is a strategic race which can yield a different result each time you run it and may take a few times to master. One needs to practice patience during the first half, be confident with their abilities to hold back just enough to charge the Newton Hills and have a strong 10k once they crest Heartbreak Hill. For many runners the race is defined by how strong you feel on those last 6 miles. With the right race strategy, the Boston Marathon is bound to be an incredible race. My number one tip: Enjoy the experience. Take in every moment and celebrate your accomplishment. Here is a course guide with strategy on how to race for success in this challenging yet magical course. Enjoy!
Okay, I will try!!!

dear random, a former dance student (Esther) posted this photo of herself on Facebook with some comment about "for your viewing enjoyment"... it was so funny!  I immediately recognized the dress!  It was from when I taught her clogging....about 35 years ago!  She got hundreds of comments on it!  It was hilarious!  I had to add some of them below because it brought back so many memories of when I taught dance. I need to scan some of those photos because I have a lot!  The good old days!!!
 I really liked what Boldachev posted.  So true!

Bryce at Island Park
 Bryce in Vegas somewhere
Taylor ;)
Come to Mama!

dear quotes, 

1 comment:

Dawn Ropelato said...

What a fun Easter. I loved having Easter on Conference and April Fools! I'd never seen candy spread all over like that until I met you!

Carson is seriously so cute! Lots of great things going on in your world! You're amazing and such a fun mom and grandma ;)


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