Monday, July 15, 2019

*Monday Memos*


 (If pictures are too small, just click to enlarge) 
Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!

dear monday, today I got up and headed to the track to get in a walk. I got in three miles. My ankle is still a bit swollen and painful and so I am not sure if I should walk the Dam Race or not?  
I then came home and practiced the harp for almost two hours. I have not been getting in any practice time because things have been a bit cray cray around here.  I showered and then headed to O town for our Sista lunch at El Matador.  We had a great turnout.  Shauna was in town and we had 12 peeps there.  I was in a silly mood, but we had a good time.  A huge group of 20 came in after us and it became harder to hear but it was still fun.  

Why am I always the ONLY one doing hand motions and pulling faces in these. The ONLY one!  hah
I came home and practiced the harp again.  I need to get in at least an hour and half a day so I can keep progressing, but not sure when.  I am SO far behind on this again!

dear tuesday, I got up early and practiced the harp. My pieces are pretty tough right now and it takes so much time.  I then headed to physical therapy. I am a minus 2 cold!!!  And totally a -4 warm!  Only two more degrees and I am back!!!  At least the knee. I still have a ways to go on the ankle. Today Rob had me on the non weight bearing treadmill.  It was quite interesting to say the least.  I honestly could NOT breath from the strap thing. He got me a different one and that one was better, but not sure I liked it too much. I kind of floated and ran in the air and it was like I was flying. Randy told me he has not seen anyone walk in the air before on it.  haha  Rob got some photos.  
My very first attempt at real running again! 
Non-weight bearing treadmill at physical therapy. 
Only allowed to do 30 second increments but a pretty cool contraption! Feels more like I was getting ready to skydive!
Umm.....if ya wanna look like Dolly, then come and try this thing out!  LOL  It squeezes you so tight and everything is pushed where it doesn't belong until you can't even breath!
I then headed straight to my harp lesson. We worked almost the entire time on Allegro. It's tough.  Then I did Rustic Dance and then April arrived.  We chatted about my health for almost 15 min.  I finally left so they could get on with the lesson (it was April's daughter's). I ran to Farmington Station to return something at Marshall's. I also HAD to go into Home Goods. Love that store. Then I headed back to O town and hit some craft stores for some party stuff Sarah needed for Carson's party. I also went to Crumbl. That was lunch. And so delish. I had part of a Muddy Buddy cookie. I also brought some sugar cookies home. Love those too!  Mmm...  I hit Dilly Dally's and then headed home.  I did some cleaning and then Bryce and Haylie and kids stopped by. 
I was going to tend the Little's tomorrow but she had to cancel her ultrasound because her ex is on a different shift so he will have them. I am sad. I was looking forward to it.  I will still have Carson because they (and Dave) are going to West Valley to rip out more stuff from that house.  Julie stopped by for a bit with some watermelon and Carson and I swept the porch and de-webbed the front of the house. 

dear wednesday, so I gained a full pound today. Yep.  I'm going the wrong direction haha.  
Image result for diet humor
But it is so frustrating because this is what I ate yesterday:

1 Greek peach yogurt (80 cal)
1 Fig Newton (90 cal)
1/2 peanut butter cookie with choc (no idea but prob 250 cal)
1/3 sugar cookie (100 cal)
3/4 cup of cooked carrots and broccoli (40 cal)
3 bites of ground beef steak (70 cal)
watermelon (lots of it - prob 80 cal)
1/2 popsicle (25 cal)

That is 735 calories!  I know I ate terrible and I am not proud of how I ate yesterday but I was gone all day and that is what I ended up eating.  But HOW do you explain that I gain instead of lose?  Unless I go NO carbs and NO sugar, this is what happens. I know it's because of the sugar (cookies) and all that watermelon.  But if calories are supposed to be the reason you lose or gain then this is not explainable to me.  AND...I did PT this morning and got quite a workout there.  I might as well go get a hamburger and eat that instead of the cookies, but once I ate the cookies, I didn't want to add more calories so........  and this is the reward I get?  Gah!  This aging thing is for the birds!  Mainly because you have to eat like one!
Image result for diet humor
Image result for diet humor
Image result for diet humor
I went to PT (on my own) early this a.m.  It was empty!
But then due a miscommunication about who was watching Carson, I had to leave early because Dave had a treadmill.  I picked him up at the hospital.  He was still so tired and barely awake.  Dave and Sky and Sarah were all in West Valley tearing out cabinets, flooring, mirrors, sinks, countertops, etc. from the deal Sarah found.  They were gone ALL day!  They didn't get home until almost 10 p.m and left at 7 a.m
I got Carson dressed and fed and then went to the hs track.  
He ran quite a bit and then I wore him out from walking too far. LOL  He is so funny.  I was tired too!  It was HOT!  We came home and invited Grammy to the kid movie.  Grampy brought her to our house and then after visiting for a bit, we went to see Goosebumps 2.  It was an intense and scary movie.  But we had fun!  We then went to the Maddox Drive In and all shared a banana split and fries.  
It was fun.  We took Grammy home and Carson made some potions and had fun.  
We then stopped at Smith and Edwards and Real Deals and he was really good while I tried on some clothes.  
This photo was in my phone!  A little boy (who shall remain nameless) was in the dressing room with me. Too funny. LOL Guess it beats needing a "rear"view mirror! 
I took him to Wendy's for chicken nuggets and a Frosty and I got a really yummy salad.  We came home and sat outside and enjoyed the shade and the pretty deer.  We were both so tired and so came in and watched Wizard of Oz in my room until he feel asleep.  
And he actually lets him do this!

dear thursday, I went on a walk but not early enough because it was so blasted hot!  I was sweating and the heat wore me out but I did get in almost 4 miles!  And found a chipped penny!
I am still debating on whether or not to the Dam Race on Saturday. I want to but my ankle has been sore this week since the Honeyville race.  I took Carson to 7-11 to get a slurpee since was 7-11 day.  We ran into half the ward. Hah  
Got our free Slurpees from 7-11 on 7-11!
Did you???

We came home and I made banana bread.  I finished up the stuff for Dave's parent's dinner and Sarah was on her way to the apartment and so she dropped it off for me.  

dear friday, I went to the PT gym early this morning.  Then I went to the hs track for a bit.  I had a lunch at El Toro for Julie E's bday I was invited to. I wasn't sure if I was going to go or not, but decided I should.  There were only seven of us there and it was fun. I love their El Mole Enchiladas (there is chocolate in the sauce!).   
Image may contain: 7 people, including Joy Hipp, Karen Curtis Jones and Jodi VanDenakker Wilding, people smiling, people sitting, people eating, child and table
I came home and got busy on stuff around the house.  Then my parents stopped by. This boy loves them both so much!  He is just the sweetest little thing ever.
Carson only got to visit with them for a bit because he got sent to take a nap for misbehaving by Sky.  But he was so cute.  My parents left and I worked really hard on the article Diane (AMI State Pres) asked me to write for the AMI website.  I struggled with it for a while, but then it just suddenly came to me. I still struggled, but I think I got it done.  Dave was at  the apartment working with them and so we didn't go on a date (again).  
I got this guy to put on Tyson's grave.  He fit perfectly in Carson's car seat. Hahaha

dear saturday, it was overcast and windy today.  I loved it!  I got ready early and then Carson and I headed to the Mantua parade.  Bryce and the kids were also going to go but they got invited to Lagoon at the last minute so it was just us.  Holy cow!  He got SO much candy!  It was a cute little parade actually.  A clown stopped and made him a balloon sword...(he ended up getting three or four during the time we were there) and we got frisbees, balls, and a boatload of candy!  

 Cute missionaries!
 So much candy!
There were some people in the parade with water guns.  Carson did NOT want to get wet and so he ran and hid behind a big bush!  hahahhaha
We walked down to the park and he played on the playground and made instant friends with half the playground.  He is so friendly.  I chatted with Linda B., Mitzi, Cheryl S., Jen and a few others.  

The Dam Race shirts were cute and had purple on them.  Waaaa!  Oh well.  Next year I plan on running it.  They will probably be ugly. My luck. Hehe  We got a scone to share.  Mmm....  And we stopped at the little store and got baby ice cream cones.  Mmm....  
We counted over 180 pieces of candy on the road, either smashed or just laying there leftover from the parade.  I think he had about that many himself!
We came back home and it started to rain!  
We went outside and sat on the porch to soak it all in.  I love summer rain. I'm trying to teach him to love it as well. It smelled SO good!  We then picked some weeds.  Sky and Sarah arrived home with a pizza.  We chatted a bit then Dave got home and I took off to run some errands. I needed to get Carson some more bday gifts.  I ran into Wilson P at Walmart. He's a great kid.  I chatted with lots of peeps.  I came home and wrapped all his gifts. Then I got a text from Janet.  I knew I had to run over there. I took her a book called Miracles, a card, and some chocolate. I visited with her for a while.  We were both in tears.  She is struggling with a lot.  I tried to tell her she can't give up hope but needs to hang on.  She will get the miracle she desires.  I shared with her some of the things I did and how my faith was shaky most of the time but how I visualized my ankle healing and I thanked HF in advance for healing it and I felt what it would feel like when it was healed.  I know our minds are SO powerful and I know we don't take advantage of that power.  I told her how I was so devastated when I was told it was still dead and I could never run and that was after I had been doing all of those things and so I kind of threw in the towel for a time and just figured I was one of those that would not get a miracle.  But, I DID!  We can never give up!  Those things DO work and once we get to a place where we are okay  (the BUT IF NOT), then things change.  I hope I helped her some.  Her eyes seem to be getting worse not better.  I delivered a baby gift as well and then went and got Carson from the apartment so he could come home and not have to stay there.  They are making progress!
Chayden comes tomorrow and Carson is SO excited!  He is going crazy!  haha
His Chillin' with a Villain shirt came!  So cute!

dear sunday, we headed to church. Sky and Sarah left right after to go pick up Chayden from the airport.  I went to RS today because it was my week.  It will be my last time because Bailey is getting married.  It was nice.  Audrey and Lindsey taught.  They do a great job. There were a lot of comments.  We came home and I had Dave edit my article and I decided I need to start over.  I am just not feeling it.  I have no idea when I will find time to do it.  Life is pretty insane over here right now.  I have no time to just think.  Ever.  I am too tired to get up early anymore when it is quiet and I am totally wiped out about 9 pm. I have even missed a couple of my physical therapy sessions and I went until last week without ever missing a single one in over five months!  Not one!  But I have missed a couple now because I was so tired went I went upstairs that I completely forgot!  I am not able to transition back to being able to multi-task like I was when my boys were young.  It's a real thing.  Hah  Carson was counting down the minutes until Chayden arrived.  He has been counting down for about six months now.  But he was going a bit crazy today with excitement!  Chayden arrived and Carson was beyond happy to see him. He jumped in his arms and just hugged him. I have never seen a boy so excited to see anyone.  

Bryce and Haylie filled some water balloons and everyone had fun playing with them. Liam would throw his on the grass and when it popped he would just giggle with the cutest look on his face. He loved it.  We had FRESH raspberry shortcake! Mmm...

dear random, I am adding some of the memories that pop up on Facebook because I wasn't blogging for a lot of these and so I want to include them here so they will be at least somewhat preserved.  I think this one was on the blog but I am not sure.  It has been so long ago! But what a great thing!!! I still can't believe I won!!!
10 years ago
Drum roll please........ Utah's new Sego Lily Day Spa Blogger is: ------------------------ME!!!!! Yes!!! I WON!!! I WON!!! I WON!!! What a day!!! ~~~ I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! A BIG ENORMOUSLY HUGE THANK YOU to all my FB peeps who supported me along this.

On another note...

This is our cabin we rent out in Kenai Alaska.  It's near Sterling and Soldotna.

This is Joan who worked at the clinic for 59 years and just retired. BIG changes are happening at the clinic. Dr. Taylor just retired and so now it's only Dave and his Dad left. They have 4 NP's right now.

Well...mostly true.

Here are some more of the old memories that I took a screen shot of- some from when I wasn't blogging. My good childhood friend Jani posted these 9 years ago.  She has since lost her husband.  Had a tragic accident (fell off a ladder) that changed her entire life and she totally dropped off the planet.  It's a reminder that life can change in an INSTANT.  And you never know WHEN that might happen.  

Mantua Dam Race

Keith Urban concert.  Or maybe it was Lady A...

My friend posted this the other day:
It was very sweet of her. I do have to admit if there is one thing I am, it is PASSIONATE!  I am passionate (probably too passionate) about so many things.  Purple, chocolate, running, lighthouses, cats, journaling, baking (used to be more so about cake decorating), Carson, writing, I could go on and on. But I will stop there for now.  :)

dear quotes,

1 comment:

Audrey said...

How in the world do you fit everything you do in a day? I get exhausted just reading your adventures! I get such a kick out of all of the fun things you do with Carson. He is such an adorable kid!


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