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Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!
Poor little mama! She is the best mama but unfortunately, these kittens are going to be the death of her!!! Serious! She is so skinny and looks so worn out and tired and unhealthy! I am going to start feeding her canned food. She has dry food but it doesn't appear to be working. Poor thing! My heart is pained for her! At least one is always eating from her!
I went to Julie's for a bit and I got to hold the new baby Quinn. She is so sweet and so cute!
Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!
dear monday, I got in five miles! Yay! I was at Pioneer Pond and there are these two baby ducks that two mama ducks take care of. One mama has only one leg. It's so sad, but today the two males that hang together with a different female were trying to attack those two babies. I couldn't stand it and so I ran over and yelled at the males and tried to chase them off. The mamas and babies got in the water and the males chased after them and almost got one of the babies. I was yelling at them to stop. If anyone saw me (and I know at least one walker did) I am sure they were wondering what was going on and who the heck I was yelling at. It was so sad. I am not sure how they survive! They were sitting on 12 eggs at one time (an old duffer told me) but only two eggs hatched. I am sure the males ate the eggs or destroyed them. Nature! Ugh!
I found a penny! Yay! Much harder these days to find any. And I found some chalk and so Ieft my signature message on the sidewalk for others to see!
I went to Carson's so he could show me the kittens next door to him. They are so stinkin' cute! I love them! He said the guy wants to kill them but I doubt it because he is feeding all these stray cats. Sky says they are progeny from the ones I had when we lived there. Might be. Dave made me leave two cats when we moved to St. Louis to med school because of course we couldn't take them and back then there was no shelter. The lady next store promised me she would feed them. I had Bootsie (who disappeared before we moved) and Shasta and Simon. Shasta was a calico and Simon was part Siamese. I loved them so much. Dave not at all. I tried to find homes for them but no one would take them. Now days with the internet it would have been easier. I feel so bad I left them. But the lady did feed and care for them. Still... So so so bad. But I basically did what I was told.
I would not do that today!
I would not do that today!
I went to Julie's for a bit and I got to hold the new baby Quinn. She is so sweet and so cute!
dear tuesday, I got in five miles today. I wish I was running more, but I am so grateful I am at least able to walk that far!
I went back to Pioneer Park today and the saddest thing ever! The two baby ducks that the male duck was trying to attack yesterday are gone! GONE! Those dang males got them! I wanted to cry! Especially when I saw the two mamas out swimming and just squawking. It could have happened today or last night. Just heart breaking. I do not like nature! It is too sad.
I ran a bunch of errands today for the cake. I practiced doing the silver writing. I hope I can pull this cake off! Starting to stress about it! I went to Maurices to exchange the bday gift Julie gave me yesterday because it fit weird. I found one that looks better. I tried on some jeans. I have to take a photo with my phone so I can see how they fit in the back. They need mirrors so you can tell. Anyone else do that??? haha I ended up getting a $60 pair of capri jeans for $14. Not bad.
I also hit Crumbl and found a penny in the parking lot! I think that's a sign I was doing the right thing by buying a cookie. LOL
Most of my cards.....
dear wednesday, I got up early to practice harp. My lesson was at 10. It went well but holy that new song is a killer! Petite Etude. SO hard!
There is one spot where you have to place your 2nd and 4th finger that play together as well as the 1st and 3rd that play together after and they have to stay on while you play the 2nd and 4th and then after that you play 1 and 3 and have to replace the 1 and 2. SO hard! I worked on it after my lesson for a long time. Not sure I will ever get it. She said it seems impossible but after a while when I get it I will wonder why I ever thought it was so hard. I hope so! Sheesh! I worked on the cookies for Sarah's shower today or a very long time! They turned out cute. Julie's dil Andrea baked them and that made it harder because the cookie cutter was bent and so the crown cookies were not straight. I had to work hard to get them to look good.
I went over to see the kittens with Carson. He was so cute and excited. They are adorable. I just love them! We had fun.
dear thursday, I got in a good walk but did a lot of running today. It is hard! Hah I have lost so much cardio. Oh well. Such is life! I did find a penny and another penny that was really bent up! Crazy!
Today Sarah and Carson and I went to Cindy Parry's to get my dress. It turned out so nice! It's pretty form fitting so I better not gain any weight! lol We had the best chat. I could talk to her all day long. I just love her. We chatted a lot about Tyson and how he would always come in my room every night and ask me if there was anything I needed or anything he could do for me. He was the sweetest. She told me lots of stories about Cory (her son that passed away). Carson sang an Aubrey song (or two) for her. It was precious. He is so sweet.
We then hit Taco Time and the Dollar store. It was fun. We also dropped her dress off at the dry cleaners. It's going to cost over $100 to dry clean it (it got dirty at the First Looks photo shoot) and then she will have to do it again after the wedding. I worked on some stuff for the shower tonight and made dinner for Dave's parents. I took them chicken salad sandwiches on croissants. Lynn and Linda were there when I dropped it off. I hurried to Julie's for the shower and helped her set up.
It looked so cute. Her yard is so nice. I didn't invite very many peeps because of Covid and also because Sarah doesn't know hardly anyone in our ward. We had about 10-11 total there. I didn't get pix of everyone. A lot also sent gifts that couldn't make it. It was nice though. The cookies were cute. She got some nice gifts. It was fun to chat with everyone because no one has seen each other for so long. It was nice.
dear friday, my goal was to make a huge dent in the wedding invites today. I went on a four mile walk/run and came home and started on them and Carson was here. Sarah stopped by to get some tools because Sky's tire blew on the freeway. Yikes! I told her Carson could stay here. He would be so bored if he had to go. He hung out with me and McKay.
McKay had a free day today because he takes the MCAT tomorrow. His tutor told him to have someone with him all day and to not be alone otherwise he will psych himself out about the test. He had several friends lined up at different times to keep him company. LOL Brody, Kaden, and another one. They hung out here and then he went and played basketball in the pool somewhere. We took him out to dinner and he wanted to go to Longhorn but when we got there the wait was an hour so we tried Olive Garden and it was the same so we hit In and Out Burger. haha It was yummy though. Fun fun!
dear saturday, McKay got up at 5 a.m. to take the MCAT. Dave and I got up and wished him well. As soon as I hugged him he started sneezing! Mr. Cat had just been laying on me in bed and so I transferred it to him. I felt so bad because sometimes he will get allergies SO bad that he can't breath and can't stop sneezing. I started praying really hard he would not get bad. Luckily, he didn't! I got in a good walk this a.m. and a bit of running. It felt pretty good.
The "mean" baby duck killers! ↓
I went to Carson's to see the kittens. That poor mama is so skinny but the canned food is helping. She needs it! She loves it and if I really fear she would not make it without it. Plus, it makes her happy! Every living thing deserves to be happy.
My goal was to get the invite list done today. I did pretty well. Karen called me and asked if I wanted to meet them at the Farmer's Market here in town. When I arrived it was so fun to see them. Sam was even there. But the market wasn't too impressive. We bought some stuff from Ethan and some cupcakes and then hit Peach City. I invited Sarah to join us. We sat outside and it was so fun. We had fun on IG and Mickey was hilarious. Carson was so cute too. Fun times!
McKay is so happy the MCAT is done. He thinks he did well, but has no idea. He has to wait three weeks to hear. I am sure he did. I have never seen another human be so disciplined as he was studying. I thought Taylor was incredible and he was, don't get me wrong, but McKay had a set schedule and he followed it to the tee. He got up at 6 a.m. every single day and studied the MCAT for 8 hours and his anatomy class for 4. When that class was over all the time went to the MCAT. He basically gave up his social life and free time. It is insane. I am so proud of him. He did pretty well on the practice tests and so I am sure he will do well. I have amazing boys. All Taylor did for two years (no three if you count the first year of med school) was study. It was so much sacrifice but it will all be worth it someday. They are amazing!
Mr. Cat saying Peek-a-Boo!
My chocaholic frolic running shirts arrived. I love them so much! Now to get the runs in! Virtual runs that is!
Today I had the Back to School dinner planned because McKay is heading to USU to begin his semester later today. I made zucchini brownies because when I was in elementary school they used to put green something in our chocolate cake and so this is the closest thing I can think of. We thought it was sauerkraut. But who knows? I got the tablecloth all ready. That always takes a lot of time. I had to have McKay proof some of it because I didn't finish a couple of them. LOL
Sky and crew came early and I wasn't quite ready. We ended up eating about 3:30. I invited Bryce and crew but they were unable to make it. We had fun. It was over so fast though. Here are the highlights:
The lunch lady returns! Over 20 + years traditional BACK to SCHOOL dinner -next generation! Didn't even have to teach him to hide those canned peas in his milk carton like I used to do.
Copy cat lunch
from my elementary school lunches.

When I was in elementary school we had a mean lunch lady named Eve (nicknamed Eve-il) who made us eat ALL of our school lunch (if you could call it that
) or we couldn't go out for recess. We outsmarted her and used to hide it in our milk cartons. But you had to drink your milk in order to do that which I never did so I spent a lot of time sitting on the stage during recess.
She eventually outsmarted us and started checking our milk cartons. Oh, the good old days! 

#cannedpeasbelonginmilkcartons #traditions #thelunchladyisback #backtoschooldinner #backtoschool2020
I caught the deer on video this morning going a bit crazy. One was just running like a Bangee back and forth in our backyard so fast! It was hilarious. I will try to post the video.
I took a vote on which shoes to wear to the wedding. I think the ones on the right are more CInderella-ey but the ones on the left are more sylin'. Most liked the ones on the left.
My dress... I got the lighter one to match her colors.
Dave and I stuffed invitations into the envelopes for a long time tonight. He helped me come up with some names.