Saturday, January 24, 2009

Serenity Sunday ~ Come To Jesus

Remember to pause my playlist at the bottom (far left button)

I had the amazing privilege of hearing this song performed live by Kenneth Cope this weekend at Time Out for Women. I have always loved his music and his voice, but seeing him perform in person and seeing the look and expressions on his face that so powerfully testify that he KNOWS and BELIEVES what he is singing, was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life.

I took pages and pages of notes of the speakers, but I learned more from his words and spirit than all of the speakers combined.

When I bought his CD Greater Than Us All at least 10 or more years ago...I listened to it over and over and over because it just spoke to me. Then when Tyson passed away I knew immediately that the song Never a Better Hero had to be sung at his funeral. For more on that go HERE.

I was able to meet Kenneth and talk to him this weekend during the conference. He was genuine. He remembered me and my name the second day. He is so kind and so Christlike in person that it is no wonder his music is so powerful. What a gift he has. What a gift that I can now call him my friend. I will write more about this when I do my post on Time Out for Women, but for now ENJOY his music!

Marilyn, Julie, Kenneth Cope, me, and Audrey at Time Out for Women at WSU this weekend.


Kelsee said...

Yes he has a gift. Very cool you got to hear him live! I heard him once in concert and it was faboulous!

The Hoyt Family said...

Thats so great you were able to go to the confrence... I had a great time going to the one up here... I didnt get to hear Kenneth though only Hillary performed at our confrence.. He is an amazing singer!!!

Yvonne said...

That must have been an amazing experience--can't wait to read more about it.

Anonymous said...

That is the best song. Of course I had a hard time turning Donny's off to listen to it! LOL


Anonymous said...

Wow. Where was the Time Out at?


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