Thursday, January 2, 2020

Utah Young Mother of the Year 1994 and American Mother's Inc. Oldies

I am doing this post to document this time of my life since most of it was before I had a blog. There are many more pix I could post if I had the time to go find them, but these popped up when I was making my blog books and so I am just going to throw these in here. The historian in me wants to go back and find the rest and make this a complete post, but I am living by the mantras DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT and A LITTLE IS BETTER THAN NOTHING. So this is going to be good for now.

The first ones are from 1994 when I represented Utah as the Utah Young Mother of the Year. I could write an entire book on the experiences of that year. I am not even going to write much in this post, but suffice it to say, it was life changing for me. 

These pix are just a few of the very busy and very rigorous schedule I had that year. I also attended the American Mother's National Convention representing Utah and was second in line to the National Young Mother of the Year. That's another story in and of itself. I was on a National Task Force that worked hard that year trying to promote motherhood. I gave many speeches and talks and was in several parades. That was one of my favorite parts!  Not so much for my boys! LOL  I gave a speech in front of the House and the Senate and met the Governor (Leavitt) at the state capital and even sat in his chair. Too bad those photos were blurry!  But I will always remember that day. I was given an official Citation and a Declaration from him.  

It was a very fun year and one of dreams come true for me. I will always treasure it in my heart and remember it with great fondness until the day I die.  

At the state capital with Dave, Tyson and Skyler.

Speaking to the House
 At the senate
 Meeting with the Governor of the State of Utah. Governor Leavitt.

 Peach Days parade in Brigham City.
 Tremonton Wheat and Beet Days parade

I believe this was the Ogden 24th of July parade
 My cute boys!  Bryce is in front with the squirt bottle. We took several to squirt them off during the parade because it got so hot!
 This is Taylor!  Tyson is behind him looking hot.
 I think these parades were in Logan and Wellsville. I am with Utah's Mother of the Year Rosalynn Christensen. She was so much fun to serve with. Her son is T.C. Christensen who is the director of many prominent films including The Cokeville Miracle, Ephraim's Rescue, Love Kennedy, Emma, The Fighting Preacher, The Work and the Glory...just to name a few.  
Betty Larsen is the driver of the car below and her husband is driving above and she is in the passenger side.. She was the MOY the year before and such a riot. We had a lot of fun that year!  So many great memories!!!  

This is the Declaration and the Citation from the Governor...
An even bigger honor than serving as Young Mother of the Year for the State of Utah in 1994 was the opportunity to meet and work with Barbara B. Smith (former General Relief Society President of the LDS church and my personal heroine!). In high school and in college I idolized her in every way. And never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would one day not only meet her but work side by side with her during my years as serving as the Young Mother as well as while serving as the American Mother's State President as she served as the American Mother's National President.

With Karen Huntsman (wife of John Huntsman Sr.) and Barbara B. Smith at the Huntsman cabin in Deer Valley.

We are at the John Huntsman Sr. cabin in Deer Valley

This was on the Church's website. It appeared in the Church News in 1994 and so that is probably why. 
 Working with Barbara B. Smith on the State Board. This photo was taken at her home (well in the meeting room at the Eagle Gate condos). 

I founded and served as the President for the Brigham City Chapter of American Mothers for 10 years. I only stepped down to serve as the Utah State President. 
Oh the pictures I could post (if they were scanned) from those 10 years!  Especially from our yearly Summer Survival Camp for Mom!  This photo was for the paper advertising it. We had a different theme each year. They were so much fun and attended by about 200 moms each year!  Our first year we had 250 and Linda and Richard Eyre as our keynote!

 My time serving as Utah State President with Sheri Egbert (we served as co-presidents)
 I am standing behind Barbara B. Smith in the top photo and sitting next to her at the head table in the bottom photo. The lady in the red next to her is Phyllis Marriott. Yes, THEE Phyllis Marriott. American Mothers is well respected and we fortunately have many prominent women as members.
 This is Olene Walker the Lieutenant Governor.
We tried to get the Gov. John Huntsman Jr. but he was unable to attend.
His wife however, DID attend. She is in the light blue.

 Photo with the state board as well as Olene Walked (Lieutenant Governor) and Mary Kaye Huntsman (the Governor's wife).
 With Sheri as we served as co-presidents. 

 I was on a panel at a conference here in these pix. I am sitting next to Sister Mary Ellen Smoot who is a former General Relief Society President. She served from 1997-2002. I was nervous but she was just a normal human and so down to earth. 
 I had to give a speech!

More trips to the State Capital to meet with the Governor.
I'm hiding two people to the right of him. 

Traditional photo of me in the PURPLE chair!

 New MOY and YMOY  being introduced to the Senate/House.
 We had a reception after at the Governor's Mansion with Utah's First Lady Janette Herbert.
I was asked to bring a dessert and so I made some sugar cookie bars.
I added some tiny silver sprinkles to the top of them. Taylor asked if he could try one before I took them and THANKFULLY I said yes because he bit into one and it almost broke his tooth!
The sprinkles I had used were Martha Stewart glass beads for crafts NOT edible food sprinkles though they looked the same! When I bought them they were in the food section and so I didn't even think twice!  Just think I could have been responsible for being accused of trying to poison the First Lady! 
 I scraped the deadly beads off and added these edible sprinkles!  hahahahahhahahahahaha

 With the First Lady Janette Herbert

 In the Governor's desk at the Mansion.

Meeting Governor Herbert (again)
 Sure, why not???
 Current Mother of the Year and Young Mother of the Year being introduced to the House/Senate.

Once again in my purple chair!

Another year meeting with the Governor

 With Elaine Dalton (former LDS General Young Women's President) and her daughter Emi Dalton Edgely.

 Traditional photo in the purple chair!

The American Mother's National Convention held in Utah.
I was on the planning committee and it was HUGE JOB but we pulled it off!

 With Ruby Washington. An amazing American Mother's icon!

Emi Edgely, Elaine Dalton, moi, Diane Weese 
With AMI members and Linda Eyre and Elaine Dalton.
 With THEE Don Aslett! As well as Cecilia  Benson.
I was responsible for getting him to come and speak.
He did a great job!

 Having fun with free NON alcoholic energy drink.
With Linda Eyre (my hero) and her daughter Saren.

 One of our main speakers. Governor Herbert.
 With Marilou Meyers.
 Newscaster Ruth Todd.
 Sister Dalton

 With Sister Elaine Dalton and Shelley Locke
 With Linda Eyre and her daughter Shawni.
 With my cute mom and dear friends Julie and Brooke.

 With Hilary Weeks and Emi Edgely.
 With Cecilia Benson.
 The Gala Banquet.

 With Sister Margaret Nadauld (former General Young Women President) 

 With Sister Sheri Dew (former LDS General Relief Society 2nd counselor) 

 With Sister Sheri Dew and several members of the State Board. Jenniece, Claudene, etc.

  Ruby Washington.
 She really liked Dave
 We survived!!!!!  It was so amazing and fun and so much work!

I have worked with so many amazing women.
With Sister Cheryl Lant. She is a former LDS General Primary President. We were both judges to choose the new Mother of the Year. She is so down to earth and so wise.

With Sister Margaret Nadauld (former LDS General Young Women President) and Marilou Meyer's sister. They are so amazing yet so different. 

Another day at the State Capital.
 State board members with the new MOY and YMOY

 Photo in MY purple chair. It should be mine by now don't ya think??  LOL
 The Governor was gone and so we met with the Lieutenant Governor Spencer Cox

State Board meeting at Lesa Stevenson's. She is still involved even though she is now married to an apostle and her life is busier than we can even imagine.

Special event at Maddox with speaker Jennie Taylor. With members of the state board.
 At the Logan Mini Conference with Jennie Taylor keynoting
With Lesa Stevenson.
She is a dear friend and I am amazed she was able to find the time to attend.

 Current State Board
 That's me!

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