A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
"What we ponder and what we think about sets the course of our life."
"What we ponder and what we think about sets the course of our life. Any day we wish; we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish, we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge. Any day we wish, we can start a new activity. Any day we wish, we can start the process of life change. We can do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year.
"We can also do nothing. We can pretend rather than perform. And if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are. We can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence. The choices are ours to make. But while we curse the effect, we continue to nourish the cause. As Shakespeare uniquely observed, "The fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves." We created our circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today." ~Jim Rohn
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~
I like how this piece of wisdom continues to emphasize the words "any day we wish".... How many of us are waiting for something or someone else to push us into making those changes in our lives we know we need to make? Maybe we are hoping that eventually those things will just somehow automatically happen without much effort on our part. But yet we know deep down, it is ultimately up to us if we want to see those changes. We are the ones that make that choice and can make it "any day we wish". It really does all start with our thoughts. It's sad that today's world is so good at teaching us to blame everything else but ourselves for the effects of our choices. Yet we are the only ones that have the choice to begin on our own personal progress or to remain as we are while we go about "cursing the effect, but continually nourishing the cause". It reminds me of the thought by Albert Einstien: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If we want to see changes in our lives then we have to be the ones to initiate them. So what are you waiting for?
Decide on ONE thing you want to change about your life. Think about how you will accomplish it. Erase all thoughts (including blame) that have kept you from making that change sooner. Put the responsibility for the change completely on your own shoulders. Start today with your plan and work on it (as long as it takes) until you are satisfied with the results.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
Ask for help in knowing what change you need to make in your life right now. Pray for the strength and ability to accomplish it.
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
You are here on earth for a divine purpose. It is not to be endlessly entertained or to be constantly in full pursuit of pleasure. You are here to be tried, to prove yourself so that you can receive the additional blessings God has for you… Some blessings will be delivered here in this life; others will come beyond the veil.
The Lord is intent on your personal growth and development. That progress is accelerated when you willingly allow Him to lead you through every growth experience you encounter, whether initially it be to your individual liking or not.
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~
I once saw a bumper sticker that said, "Life is hard..... then you die" Not exactly a real optimistic thought,
but it did get me thinking. Life is difficult. It was meant to be. Like the above quote states, we aren't here for a joy ride... we are here to be tried and tested and proven. That's not to say we aren't also able to experience great joy and happiness while here, but it is so much easier to accept the trials and difficult things that happen to us when we believe they have a purpose. If we can focus on the fact that "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger", we then realize that great progress will come from our hardships. One of my favorite quotes is, "The Lord cares more about our happiness than our comfort." He knows those trials He sends in our lives will ultimately be for our good and happiness and so is willing to watch us suffer through them. That is because He sees the big picture. It's like a jigsaw puzzle---- He has the advantage of seeing the picture on the outside of the box when it's all completed, while we only see a big jumble of tiny puzzle pieces with no clear vision of how it will all come together. We just need to trust in Him. And even though we don't enjoy the trials, if we can let go and let God lead us while allowing Him to direct our lives, it will be easier to progress than if we fight against it.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
Take some time today to stop and think about the trials you are dealing with right now. Focus on the ways you will be stronger because of them. Look until you find some of the blessings that you are already experiencing because of the trial. You may have to look real hard, but I promise they are there. When it becomes difficult don't allow yourself to feel beaten or hopeless. Focus on those blessings and remind yourself that you are strong enough to deal with whatever is put in your life and that those things are there for a great purpose even though you may have no idea what that is right now. Imagine yourself when the trial has ended and see where you are because of it. When you are tempted to be angry because of your trials, keep this thought in mind:
Many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away hunger. Saint Basil
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
Pray that you may be able to see the good things that come out of the bad. Ask for the strength you need to endure your trials...and then trust that it will come.
PS Will you all say a prayer for my Mom today too.....she is having surgery today. Thanks!
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
Choice blessings await those who live in thanksgiving daily. “He who receiveth all things with thankfulness,” the Lord has promised, “shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more” (D&C 78:19).
Dr. Michael McCollough, of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and Dr. Robert Emmons, of the University of California at Davis, say their initial scientific study indicates that gratitude plays a significant role in a person's sense of well-being. The results of the study indicated that daily gratitude exercises (such as writing in a gratitude journal) resulted in higher reported levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism, and energy. Additionally, the gratitude group experienced less depression and stress, was more likely to help others, exercised more regularly and made more progress toward personal goals. According to findings, people who feel grateful are also more likely to feel loved. McCullogh suggests that anyone can increase their sense of well-being and create positive social effects just from counting their blessings. (The Osgood File
, CBS Radio Network, July 12, 2002)
[Gratitude] is a quality I have found in every happy person I know. It is a quality that instantly makes a person more likable and more at peace. Where there is an abundance of this virtue, there is happiness. Where there is an absence of this virtue, there is often sadness, resentment and futility... If we only look around us, there are a thousand reasons for us not to be happy... the more we focus on the things we don't have, the more unhappy and more resentful we become. -Joseph B. Wirthlin
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~
Wow, could it really be that easy? Gratitude seems like a magic formula for peace, well-being, and happiness. It is not always a natural thing for us humans to focus on what is good in life when there is so much bad surrounding us all the time, but.......it IS there. And when we look for it and feel grateful for it, that one little act can change us. Being grateful is not saying that everything in our lives is necessarily wonderful. It just means that we are aware of our many blessings. We can still be fully aware of our disappointments while at the same time grateful for all the many things we've been given and for the chance to live. If we tend to only focus on our disappointments and unmet needs and wants, then we will be prone to unhappiness, depression, and resentment. When we are aware of our blessings, it becomes easier to see our difficulties as opportunities for growth.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
Each day ask yourself, “How did God bless me today?” As you do that you will find yourself remembering blessings, many of which you overlooked, but can now see were a gift from God. I challenge you once again --if you haven't already-- to start a daily gratiude journal. Record at least five things you are grateful for each day and watch the amazing difference it will make in your life.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
Today say a prayer that expresses only the things you are grateful for. Refrain from asking for any blessings. Just thank Heavenly Father for all you have been given. You will be amazed at the abundance of all you have.
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
"We need to find God, and he cannot be found
in noise and restlessness. God is the friend
of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers,
grass - grows in silence. See the stars, the
moon and the sun, how they move in silence. . .
We need silence. . . "
~Mother Theresa
in noise and restlessness. God is the friend
of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers,
grass - grows in silence. See the stars, the
moon and the sun, how they move in silence. . .
We need silence. . . "
~Mother Theresa
“Think about your life and set your priorities. Find some quiet time regularly to think deeply about where you are going and what you will need to do to get there. Jesus, our exemplar, often ‘withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed’ (Luke 5:16). We need to do the same thing occasionally to rejuvenate ourselves spiritually as the Savior did.” ~ M. Russell Ballard
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~
With our busy lives and the speed at which we tend to fly through the day, it seems there is little time left for "being still". But when we understand the impact it can have on the rest of our day, we will move mountains in order to "squeeze" it in. When we finally stop and be still, our minds think clearer and we are able to find those elusive solutions to our pressing problems. The other day I "withdrew myself into the wilderness" and walked up on the mountain behind our house. I don't often go up there due to my fear of snakes,
but it was early enough in the morning that I figured they were still too cold to move. I walked quite a while just enjoying the solitude. I purposely left my IPOD home so I wasn't distracted by any noise. All I could hear were the city noises from below and the birds flying in and out of the trees.....luckily no "rattle" sounds! I found a large rock and made myself comfortable as I looked out over the city below. The view was amazing! As I sat there and just let my mind be still, I felt a great sense of calm and peace. I sat there for quite a while and found it really difficult to leave because it was so nice to not have any distractions and to actually have time to just think. I had ideas pop into my mind and solutions to problems I had been searching for that would not have come had I not taken the time to allow my mind to empty of all it's normal "stuff" long enough so they could enter in. When we quiet our minds we open up a venue for God's quiet whisperings to be heard. I wonder how often I have missed something He was trying to tell me because I was just too distracted or too busy to find the solitude I needed to be able to hear. It may not be easy, but we need to make time each day to "be still and know that He is God".
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
Come up with a plan so you can find some time each day (even if it's only 10 minutes) to be still. You may have to move mountains to find it, but the payoff will be worth it! If you can't find time to go meditate then simply turn off the radio when you are driving alone in your car. Leave your IPOD home when you are exercising. Turn off the TV when alone at home even if you like background noise. Go outside in your yard and find a spot to just sit. Or you can always do what I used to do when the boys were little and I needed a moment of peace......I would go in my walk-in pantry, close the door, sit on a stool, and eat chips (it's amazing they never found me!) You may have to be creative, but keep trying until you find time to think and ponder each day!
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
When you are alone and pondering, ask for guidance about your life and priorities. Then follow through on the promptings you receive.
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
At the Gorge of LÃ, the great waterfall plunges for thousands of feet, its spray visible for miles. In the churning waters below, no living creature can be seen.
One day, K'ung Fu-tse was standing at a distance from the pool's edge, when he saw an old man being tossed about in the turbulent water. He called to his disciples, and together they ran to rescue the victim. But by the time they reached the water, the old man had climbed out onto the bank and was walking along, singing to himself.
K'ung Fu-tse hurried up to him. "You would have to be a ghost to survive that," he said, "but you seem to be a man, instead. What secret power do you have?"
"Nothing special," the old man replied. "I began to learn while very young, and grew up practicing it. Now I am certain of success. I go down with the water and come up with the water. I follow it and forget myself. I survive because I don't struggle against the water's superior power. That's all."
"The submission of one's will is really the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God's altar. The many other things we 'give,' . . . are actually the things He has already given or loaned to us. However, when you and I finally submit ourselves, by letting our individual wills be swallowed up in God's will, then we are really giving something to Him! It is the only possession which is truly ours to give!" ~Neal A. Maxwell
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~
Years ago I spent a lot of time working with wood in order to prepare it for painting so I could make little craft projects that I sold in boutiques. I remember Dave's advice to me that whether sanding or painting the wood, to go with the grain whenever I could. That made it so much easier (and faster) than going against the grain. Little did I know then that I had just learned the Taoist concept of Wu Wei! It seems to be a societal norm in our world to resist the natural forces rather than go with them. Instead we try to control or conquer them, or at least fight them. But just like going with the grain, when we are able to be submissive to God's will and quit struggling against it, the storms of life become easier. And paradoxically, it is done through yielding. Our energy is often better spent in setting the sails of our life rather than rowing our boat in the direction we want it to go. Instead of spending all our effort on rowing and trying to control, why not just release those oars and allow the wind to set the sails and choose our path according to God's will? It's not an easy thing to totally submit when we are so used to doing everything ourselves, but when we keep Him out, we are essentially trying to be our own Saviors. When we set our sail in Christ and allow Him to chart our course, then we are also allowing Him to be our Savior.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
Recognize your need for God. Admit that you are powerless and need a Savior other than yourself. Make a decision to turn your will and life over to the loving care of God. Figure out what you are holding on to that would be better released to God and His plan for you. Then "let go and let God."
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
Pray that you will have the trust needed to totally submit your will to the Lord. Ask to know His will for you and the strength to be able to yield to it. If you are struggling with what to ask for you can rely on this excerpt from a prayer by Fenelon, the Archbishop of Cambrai:
"Lord, I know not what to ask of thee. Thou only knowest what I need. Thou lovest me better than I know how to love myself. Father, give to thy child that which he himself knows not to ask. Smite or heal, depress me or raise me up: I adore all thy purposes without knowing them. I am silent; I offer myself up in a sacrifice; I yield myself to thee; I would have no other desire than to accomplish thy will. Teach me to pray. Pray thyself in me."
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).
"Our earnest prayers are answered when they conform to the will of the Lord. Since we cannot perfectly understand His will, we must walk with faith. He is all-knowing, and His decisions are perfect. The fact that our finite capacity does not let us understand all of His dealings with man does not limit Him from blessing us. His will is our best choice in life, whether or not we fully understand it. When we act using our moral agency wisely, the Lord will act according to His will.
We see such a limited part of the eternal plan He has fashioned for each one of us. Trust Him, even when in eternal perspective it temporarily hurts very much. Have patience when you are asked to wait when you want immediate action. He may ask you to do things which are powerfully against your will. Exercise faith and say, "Let Thy will be done." Such experiences, honorably met, prepare you and condition you for yet greater blessings. As your Father, His purpose is your eternal happiness, your continuing development, your increasing capacity. His desire is to share with you all that He has. The path you are to walk through life may be very different from others. You may not always know why He does what He does, but you can know that He is perfectly just and perfectly merciful. He would have you suffer no consequence, no challenge, endure no burden that is superfluous to your good." ~~Richard G. Scott
I love the story of Pres. Packer going to Pres. Harold B. Lee for counsel and telling him he couldn't see a way to accomplish what he had been assigned. Without hesitation Pres. Lee replied, " The trouble with you is you want to see the end from the beginning." Then Pres. Packer responded that he would like to see at least a step or two ahead. To which Pres. Lee said, "You must learn to walk to the edge of the light, and then a few steps into the darkness; then the light will appear and show the way before you." He then quoted from Ether 12:56: "Dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." Our lives are a walk of faith. There are so many things we don't understand, but that is okay as long as we learn to trust that Heavenly Father is all knowing and He will lead us in the path that that is best for us. We once again have to learn to do things that may be against our will, but are for our ultimate good.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
Take some time today to look up the word Faith in the Bible dictionary. Mark some of the scripture references. Think about what it means to take counsel from your courage instead of your fears. Put your trust in God knowing full well that He is directing your paths.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
Get in the habit of ending each prayer with, "Thy will be done", and really mean it.
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
"Being human, we would expel from our lives, sorrow, distress, physical pain, and mental anguish and assure ourselves of continual ease and comfort. But if we closed the doors upon such, we might be evicting our greatest friends and benefactors. Suffering can make saints of people as they learn patience, long-suffering, and self-mastery. The sufferings of our Savior were part of his education"
~~Spencer W. Kimball
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~
There are many things in life that we have to endure before we are able to enjoy the end result.......i.e. remodeling projects, nine months of pregnancy, road construction (that may be endless!), years of college before landing the job we want, exercise and dieting, practicing any instrument or sport..... the list goes on and on. But once we have "survived" the journey to get to that long anticipated destination, don't we always say it was worth it? It's not always easy while in the moment to think that, but when we finally reap the rewards of our labors and see the end result, we are grateful we went through what it took to get there. It is the same with our trials and afflictions -- they are not a lot of fun while going through them -- but when we believe they are for a greater purpose to teach us things we can learn no other way, then it makes it easier to accept them. To get from where we are to where Heavenly Father knows we can be, requires a great deal of pain and stretching. Even the Son of God had to be taught through His suffering. Had He not, He would not be able to understand and compleltely empathize with our own individual suffering.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
Put your trust in Heavenly Father and take strength from knowing you will not be tested beyond what you can endure. He is all knowing and His purposes are wise and He intimately knows what each of us individually need in order to fulfull our purpose while here. Be patient when things don't pass as quickly as you would like. Keep this quote in mind by Richard G. Scott:
"When you pass through trials for His purposes, as you trust Him, exercise faith in Him, He will help you. That support will generally come step by step, a portion at a time. While you are passing through each phase, the pain and difficulty that comes from being enlarged will continue. If all matters were immediately resolved at your first petition, you could not grow. Your Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son love you perfectly. They would not require you to experience a moment more of difficulty than is absolutely needed for your personal benefit or for that of those you love."
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
Thank Heavenly Father for your trials and tribulations now while in the midst of them! (WHAT?
) Yes, even if that seems crazy, remember they are for a wise purpose and will ultimately bless you and make you stronger! 
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
The only difference between needing more and having enough is your attitude. At any time, in any circumstance, you always have the option of deciding that you are enough, and that you already have enough for the moment you're in.
Always longing for more will eventually wear you down into a painful, frustrating and overwhelming sense of disillusionment. Having enough, on the other hand, puts you into a peaceful, positive and productive state of mind.Just imagine how completely satisfying it would be to suddenly have everything you need. You can know that satisfaction right now, in this very moment, just by allowing yourself to have enough.
It costs you nothing to decide that you have enough. For having enough does not preclude you from creating more abundance in your life.
In fact, having enough sets your creativity free and allows your effectiveness to soar to new heights. When you get away from the stifling mindset of lack and limitation, truly magnificent things will happen.
By having enough, your struggles disappear and are replaced with countless opportunities for real joy. See right now that you have enough, and delight in the warm and genuine richness it brings. -- Ralph Marston
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~
We live in a society that promotes the philosophy that the more you have the better you are and the happier you will be. With commercials and advertising everywhere we turn, we are constantly bombarded with all that is out there we don't have. It is so easy to become focused on our lack instead of being aware of our abundance. This mindset not only occurs with material possessions, but to ourselves as well. Many struggle with feeling they are not enough. Once again, we have the media to thank for the many images of false perfection we can no longer escape. We seem to be very good at comparing our worst qualities with others best, and then wonder why we always come up short. I have a sign in my home that says, "I am enough, I have enough, I do enough!" It is a reminder for me to be content with all I am, have, and do. There will never be a lack of qualities we desire to acquire, or stuff to obtain, or admirable things to do. But we can't be, have, or do everything! When we quit longing for more, and be truly satisfied with the realisn we are enough, have enough, and definitely do enough, then we can release those frustrating feelings that hold us back and watch great things happen.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
Accept the fact that you can be content and satisfied you really do have enough by a simple attitude adjustment. When you begin to feel you are lacking in some area, stop and refocus your thoughts and remind yourself that you have the choice to decide at each given moment you already have all you need. Focus on all you do have and release the longing for more.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
Say a prayer of thanksgiving for your abundance (not just material possessions) and ask how you may share it with others.
Make it great!!!
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
It Takes CourageAuthor Unknown
It takes strength to be firm,
It takes courage to be gentle.
It takes courage to be gentle.
It takes strength to conquer,
It takes courage to surrender.
It takes courage to surrender.
It takes strength to be certain,
It takes courage to have doubt.
It takes courage to have doubt.
It takes strength to fit in,
It takes courage to stand out.
It takes courage to stand out.
It takes strength to feel a friend's pain,
It takes courage to feel your own pain.
It takes courage to feel your own pain.
It takes strength to endure abuse,
It takes courage to stop it.
It takes courage to stop it.
It takes strength to stand alone,
It takes courage to lean on another.
It takes courage to lean on another.
It takes strength to love,
It takes courage to be loved.
It takes courage to be loved.
It takes strength to survive,
It takes courage to live.
It takes courage to live.
"Courage is fear that said it's prayers."
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~
Sometimes it's easier to be strong than it is to be courageous. That is not saying that being strong isn't a difficult thing, but having courage is upping that a notch and going the second mile. It's having the ability to reach deep down inside ourselves and pulling out all the stops in order to do what may seem very frightening to us. I was thinking the other day, if God wanted us to be brave then why did he give us legs? 
Then the thought occurred to me...... not running or walking away from our fears when every fiber of our being is urging us to do so, is the mark of true courage. Courage isn't the absence of fear. It's doing what we are afraid to do. It wouldn't be courage unless we were scared. It's facing our fears head on even though we would prefer to find another way out. But the best way out is always through. And it's not just the big things in our lives that take courage. Often those so-called "little" things are harder to overcome than the huge ones. Sometimes it's simply trying to find that little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
Is something holding you back from moving forward because of fear? Take that fear and look it squarely in the face and determine today that you will take whatever steps are necessary to overcome it so you can progress. Come up with a plan of how you will overcome it and then write it down and read it daily. Envision what it will feel like once you have conquered it completely.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
Pray for the courage you need to overcome and conquer your fears. Ask for help in knowing the best way to do that. Then DO IT!
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~
Are you ever afraid to take a risk? Afraid to commit because of an uncertain future? Afraid of failing? Do you tend to wait until all possible risks are minimized before setting out in a new direction? Remember only those who risk going to far can possibly find out how far they can go. 20 years from now you will be more disappointed in what you didn't do than in what you did. Think about that. Though caution and common sense are certainly important, sometimes a risk is necessary. Is fear preventing you from taking a necessary risk today? Annie Dillard said:
"If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have love. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be too cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down."
Building our wings on the way down may seem frightening, but how else will we know we can fly if we don't trust the wings will be there?
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
Is there something you have wanted to do but the risk involved is holding you back? If that risk is a fear of failure, remember this thought by Lloyd Jones:"Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed."
Even if you do fail, twenty years from now you will be grateful you at least attempted it. But if you don't even try, you will always have to live with the wonder of "what if?" That will be much worse than living with knowing that even though you failed you at least tried!
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~
Pray for the courage to take the necessary risks in your life that are keeping you from becoming all you are meant to be.
Make it great!!!

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