Food 4 Thought Friday
Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night for those that are on a different time zone. JOIN IN!!!
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
When was the last time you really laughed out loud and what about?
How much time do you spend exercising in a week?
Do you look forward to fall or dread summer coming to a close?
Midnight Snack
What is something(s) you tell yourself on a daily basis?
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?)
When was the last time you really laughed out loud and what about?
The other day while talking to a friend. I can't even remember what it was about now! But I could barely stop laughing long enough to breath! ;o)
How much time do you spend exercising in a week?
Well my "normal" schedule would be about 8-9 hours. I usually attend a strength training class 3 x a week and then sometimes a cardio class 1 or 2 x a week and I run at least an hour a day. Summer has not been normal and so it's about half that right now.
Do you look forward to fall or dread summer coming to a close?
I don't look forward to summer EVER ending! I LOVE summer! It never lasts long enough for me and so I am never ready and willing for fall to arrive. Once it does get here, I appreciate it, but to me fall is just one step closer to winter and I am NOT a fan of winter!
Midnight Snack
What is something(s) you tell yourself on a daily basis?
Don't dwell on things you cannot change. Look for the blessings in every situation. Remember to be grateful is to be happy. Cherish the moments!!! You really shouldn't eat that. It will all work out somehow. Why didn't I think of that? I will get to that first thing tomorrow. Why am I so blessed?
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?) Life is full of surprises. Don't try and prepare yourself for all of them because you can't, just take the reins and enjoy the ride!
1. When will I learn?
2. Eclipse was the last good book I read or movie (The Proposal) I saw or tv show (a documentary on the disappearance of Amelia Earhart) I watched.
3. Everything has its beauty but even a diamond starts out in the rough.
4. Meatloaf & fresh from the garden corn on the cob and green beans is what I had for dinner.
5. I'd like your understanding in my lack of blogging lately...summer's been insane.
6. In my warm and cozy bed is where I want to be right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to attending Taylor's first football game, maybe go out to dinner after, tomorrow my plans include my long run, prepare my lesson for Sunday, taking Bryce to his new college apartment and checking it out, and catching up around the house and maybe even catching up on my blog!... and then attending our stake wide party at Pioneer Park and the pool! and Sunday, I want to be prepared for my Young Women's board meeting, attend church, teach Young Womens, make a yummy dessert, and chill!

I want to be back in my bed as well! My Food 4 Thought will be posted in a little while!
My answers are up to the Food 4 Thought questions.
Here is mine!
I'm late! Here's mine!
Happy weekend everyone!
Thanks for the food for thought! I miss them when your not up!! I know what you mean about summer blogging!! I have hardly had time to even look at my computer except for work!! I seem to play your videos and play list just fine I usually have to scroll down to play mine.
If you don't mind, would you check out my newest blog post?
I'd appreciate it.
I did mine a week "late". But I would guess that since a new one isn't up for this week, it's not so bad...
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