Monday, October 26, 2015

*Monday Memos*


 (If pictures are too small, just click to enlarge) 

dear things that I missed this week:
  • A farewell I really wanted to attend
  • Witches Night Out with my friends at Gardner Village
  • Witches Ball in my community
  • RS Super Tuesday
  • SLC Haunted Half Marathon
  • Two Women Conferences
  • Choosing my outfit for a Fashion Show I've been asked to model in
  • 5K Halloween Run for my cousin's daughter I've planning on for several months
  • A temple sealing for a special friend
  • Primary Program for sacrament meeting.  My favorite of the entire year!
  • Jesus the Christ Study Group
  • My Mom's tap dancing performance 
  • A few other things I can not remember at the moment
*Not sure why so much always happens when I am going to be gone, but it seems to be that way.  Actually, I am kind of glad because I have no idea how I could have squeezed everything in anyway! 

And WHY did I miss all those things?
One word:
Okay, that's three words...but who's counting? 
What a great time it was too!

I will try and get my posts up for our trip up soon....but I am never quick in doing that!  I take WAY too many pictures and it always takes me a while!

dear back at the ranch, Bryce stayed home because he had to work.  Well, he didn't stay home as he was in Idaho most of the time working...  doing this:
He set up the light park in Idaho Falls.
He set it up at this zoo for the Halloween one.  The Christmas one will be in a different spot.
He posted this on Snapchat.  It was a video and I took some still shots from it.  It made me laugh.  He captured deer, wild turkey and Mr.Cat all in our backyard at once.  
Mr. Cat also stayed behind.  He seemed to be just fine about that.  However he gave me the cold shoulder when I got home.

dear awesome article, I ran across this article about this amazing couple.  I just love this picture of Lesa!
And I loved this article about the two of them.  I was excited to see Lesa quoted in it.  What a great couple they are and they are going to do so much good! You can read it HERE.

dear mckay, You got to attend a Russian Ballet!  I am jealous.  I could tell you weren't sure what to day about it, but it's still cool!

 English class sign

Starting to look cold!

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