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Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!
dear boutique, Monday afternoon was the very last Secret Haven Christmas boutique in Fruit Heights. Tracy asked if I would drive this time and as I was picking up the group, I saw Dave at the Bott's home. Sadly, Brother Bott passed away. I am so grateful we were able to visit with him the night before. Who knew he would be on the other side less than 24 hours after we saw him? Life is fragile.
dear long bike ride, on Friday morning I did my "long ride". I ended up getting in 21.5 miles! That may not sound like much on a bike, but holy cow my hiney was sooooooo sore! I was pretty much done by mile 16! Ouch! Somehow I made it home. I misplaced my helmet and had to wear Bryce's longboard one. How embarrassing! But better than no helmet! At least I had it on the right way. I discovered I have been wearing my helmet backwards! What a rookie!!! And yes, I even posted pictures on here of me wearing it backwards. Oh well, good for a laugh if nothing else. Bwhahahaha! My bike ride was pretty uneventful other than when I was way out west towards the bird refuge, I got a phone call from our new AMI State Pres and we had about a 40 minute (or longer) conversation! I wasn't able to go as fast riding one handed! I was so happy to hang up and get my two hands back! I was so sore when I got home all I wanted to do was rest but I had to get my strengthen exercises in. I did those for another 45 minutes.
dear sunday, today was the Primary Program! It is my favorite meeting of the year! I was laughing so hard at one little boy who was in the battle zone of his imagination the entire program. He would pretend he was drawing his bow and arrow and then shoot it to the audience and then make all these crazy hilarious faces. Oh my, it was entertaining! Little children just melt my heart. I then taught Sunday School and I really enjoyed it. We played a game about questions and we all got laughing so hard. I just love the youth! They are so fun! I had to play the piano in RS as well and so I hurried and did that and then had to go to the teacher prep class. It was really good. I enjoy it, but I had to leave it early to get back to RS to play the closing song. I made it in plenty of time because the teacher wasn't even close to being done. She went over but we still sang three verses of the closing song. I had a few peeps come up and tell me I do a good job at the piano. I just laugh because I still feel like I make a lot of mistakes. I would love to be one of those people that can just sit down at the piano and play like it was second nature. But I really do love the calling because it forces me to play the piano because I am not one of those people and I DO have to practice. It has been good for me! As I was getting in my car, one of the Sunday School presidency members stopped me and totally made my day! He stopped me and told me how much he enjoyed coming in my class and he said some very nice things to me. He was so sweet and told me that I am known as the master teacher and that everyone loves my class. Hmm... I just laughed and told him that is sweet but I am anything but a master! hah And I am not a perfect teacher like he kept saying I was. He said that he loved my responses whenever the kids made comments and oh my, he just kept going on and on. I was rather embarrassed because I am just an average teacher but he made me feel so good. He was so nice. His son, who is in my class, was with him and he told me that it was all true and that the kids really love my class. Ah.... I truly felt loved! I think secretly they are just trying to be nice because maybe they are trying to get rid of me and release me and want to soften the blow! Haha Oh, I hope not! I've been teaching about five years, I think.
Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!
dear bike ride, I managed to get in 13 miles on Monday morning. I have been doing strength exercises to get my piriformas back in gear as well. They are pretty intense but happily they are getting a bit easier. That is until Carol gave me a few more to do. Now I have to do a side plank with some of them and Owwwwww!
But the ride was worth it because I found some more chocolate! I found the Reeses last week and today TWO KitKats! Yes, TWO! Woo-Hoo!!! Some poor little Trick or Treater lost their loot! But I will put it to good use! Yum!
dear boutique, Monday afternoon was the very last Secret Haven Christmas boutique in Fruit Heights. Tracy asked if I would drive this time and as I was picking up the group, I saw Dave at the Bott's home. Sadly, Brother Bott passed away. I am so grateful we were able to visit with him the night before. Who knew he would be on the other side less than 24 hours after we saw him? Life is fragile.
The boutique was wonderful as always! The best part is usually the delicious treats they have, and this year was no exception. They had sugar cookies made by Cutler's Bakery. But, this time I must say the best part had to be the harpist they had playing! I was so excited when I saw a young teen girl setting up her harp! I went over and talked to her mom and found out her teacher is my teacher! And then she even played my recital piece! Of course, she embellished it quite a bit and it sounded amazing! She has taken lessons for eight years. It was beautiful! It made me so excited! I had to just stand and watch her and I even videoed her several times for inspiration! I was truly inspired! And excited! And so happy I am learning the harp! If I wasn't taking lessons right now, I would have been feeling very sad that I wasn't.
I had a hard time finding anything I wanted to buy for Christmas, but I did find some cute Thanksgiving stuff and it was 40% off so even better! But we all had a great time and it was fun visiting with the group.
dear election, what a day! The lines at the polls were HUGE! I am SO glad I voted early! Dave was gone to meetings until around 10 and I had gone upstairs and turned on the TV about 9:30 and the first thing I saw was "Hilary Predicted Winner". I was not one bit surprised. I really figured that she would win NO MATTER WHAT. All the polls for months have predicted her the winner hands down. But.....I soon learned that Trump was winning several of the states he wasn't predicted to win. The thing that flashed about Hilary when I first got on was only for one of the states she won. Things were not going how I thought they would. Trump was in the lead. The media was in shock as was I. I really was in shock! I would have never though Trump could win this, especially after Obama beat Romney. But WIN HE DID! I tried to stay awake and watch the final results, but I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I was feeling such a huge relief. This election has been weighing heavy on me as it has the rest of the country. I was so glad it was finally over! And I was now feeling so much hope for the future of the Supreme Court. I am not one to get into politics especially over social media, but I did write a post HERE about how I feel about it all. Since this is a historical election, I wanted to weigh in with my feelings so I can go back and read them down the road. I must say I am so disappointed in some of those in our country who have chosen to protest and even go as far as burning the flag. To me, that is going too far and those people don't understand the true meaning of freedom and the blessing it is to be an American citizen where so many fought and died for what that flag represents! It truly appalls me. But enough of that. My feelings of relief have turned into concern and great worry again for the future due to the way those who were unhappy with the results are choosing to behave.
When the election didn't go my way four years ago, this is what I posted:
When I woke up, I was feeling such a huge relief. This election has been weighing heavy on me as it has the rest of the country. I was so glad it was finally over! And I was now feeling so much hope for the future of the Supreme Court. I am not one to get into politics especially over social media, but I did write a post HERE about how I feel about it all. Since this is a historical election, I wanted to weigh in with my feelings so I can go back and read them down the road. I must say I am so disappointed in some of those in our country who have chosen to protest and even go as far as burning the flag. To me, that is going too far and those people don't understand the true meaning of freedom and the blessing it is to be an American citizen where so many fought and died for what that flag represents! It truly appalls me. But enough of that. My feelings of relief have turned into concern and great worry again for the future due to the way those who were unhappy with the results are choosing to behave.
When the election didn't go my way four years ago, this is what I posted:
That ↑ is NOT the kind of thing the people that are unhappy with the results are posting this go round. Most (not all) are not very gracious in their loss, but acting more like spoiled children who didn't get their way. It's really rather embarrassing to see so many of the citizens of this great country behaving so badly.
dear harp lesson and city creek crew, I had a pretty good lesson even though I didn't practice last week as much as I usually do. I showed her the video of the girl playing at the boutique and she told me I could learn how to do what she was doing with her left hand. It's called Fake Left Hand and it's where you play a triad chord in the left hand based on the key. She taught me how. It was awesome.
Right after my lesson, I met Dawn and Kathy in Kaysville and we headed to City Creek. We went to Deseret Book and waited for Pam and Lisa.
I saw a couple Nativities that would be so awesome to represent Russia, but I really want McKay to bring one home. When Pam and Lisa arrived we headed to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. We caught up with each other and enjoyed some great food (though no one ordered any cheesecake!) and then we passed out some cute gratitude bags Dawn made. We each had two or three to give to random strangers. It's always fun to do and see the reaction some people have. Some are just "meh" and others get so excited. We told Lisa and Pam goodbye and then headed back to Deseret Book and I got a crystal lighted palm tree that I am so excited about because it will always remind me of Tyson. I wouldn't have bought it if I hadn't had a 25% off coupon. I'm cheap that way. Well, maybe I would have because it really is something special. I will most likely leave it up year round. I miss that boy a lot this week. Some times are worse than others. Sometimes I feel him so near. This week has been that way. I also bought a small nativity that nests like the nesting dolls from Russia in case McKay can't find me one there. It's not the one I really want, but hopefully if McKay can't find one in Russia, I can get the other one after Christmas on sale. Crossing my fingers.
I saw a couple Nativities that would be so awesome to represent Russia, but I really want McKay to bring one home. When Pam and Lisa arrived we headed to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch. We caught up with each other and enjoyed some great food (though no one ordered any cheesecake!) and then we passed out some cute gratitude bags Dawn made. We each had two or three to give to random strangers. It's always fun to do and see the reaction some people have. Some are just "meh" and others get so excited. We told Lisa and Pam goodbye and then headed back to Deseret Book and I got a crystal lighted palm tree that I am so excited about because it will always remind me of Tyson. I wouldn't have bought it if I hadn't had a 25% off coupon. I'm cheap that way. Well, maybe I would have because it really is something special. I will most likely leave it up year round. I miss that boy a lot this week. Some times are worse than others. Sometimes I feel him so near. This week has been that way. I also bought a small nativity that nests like the nesting dolls from Russia in case McKay can't find me one there. It's not the one I really want, but hopefully if McKay can't find one in Russia, I can get the other one after Christmas on sale. Crossing my fingers.
We had a good time! I am so glad I can get together with such amazing women! They always strengthen me just being around them!
I then ran some errands in Ogden. I even got some Christmas shopping done! It's coming fast! I was supposed to go to a RS board meeting tonight but it got cancelled. Can I say I was so happy?! Well, whether I can or not, I was! I felt like I had been gifted an extra hour or two! I love getting extra hours!
dear bike rides, this week I have been trying to get in more miles because the weather has been SO GORGEOUS! It has been around 35 first thing in the mornings and then by 10 or so it's up to about 45 and 50 by the time I get home. I can't complain!
dear ladies night out,
Our local Ace Hardware sponsors a Ladies Night Out each year. This was the first year I attended. I was going to go with Robin but she ended up working later and so I went alone and did some classes while I waited for her to arrive. It was PACKED! By packed, I mean like 600 women! Crazy!
Our local Ace Hardware sponsors a Ladies Night Out each year. This was the first year I attended. I was going to go with Robin but she ended up working later and so I went alone and did some classes while I waited for her to arrive. It was PACKED! By packed, I mean like 600 women! Crazy!
The line was insane! I arrived about 15 minutes early (thankfully) because I only had to wait in line for about 40 minutes to get the food. 15 minutes later the line was clear out in the parking lot and the wait was around 90 minutes to get food! I don't think I would have stayed if I had had to wait that long. What people won't do for free food! It was really good, but not sure it was THAT good! After I got my food, I saw Sam (Tyson's friend) and she waved me over to sit with her and her mom. We watched a cooking class on pressure cookers while we ate. There were so many people there I knew. I think the entire city was there! I went and did one of the free crafts since Robin still hadn't arrived. I sat by Cheryl and her mom. It was fun. Robin then arrived and we headed to the Chalk Paint class. I learned a lot. We went to the floral class but it wasn't what we wanted and so we mostly just chatted with people. I even ran into a friend from Jr. High (Diana Van Leeuwen) and we caught up a bit. Once the line went down, Robin got some food. It was one crazy place! I talked to Sherrie about Boston for quite a while and by then it was after 10:00! Robin and I chatted in the parking lot for another 30 minutes or so after that. It was a long night but fun!
dear set up for women's forum, I headed to the USU campus to help set up for tomorrow's Women's Forum. It didn't take too long. On my way home, I went to Hallmark to get Mickey's Christmas present and found out it was their open house. They were giving away prizes (didn't win any) and had treats and it was fun.
This was the gift basket I received for being on the Women's Forum committee! Yum!
This ↓ was in Hallmark. I LOVE IT!
dear viewing, Dave worked late on Friday and said when he drove past the mortuary, it was extremely packed. We decided to wait until it was almost over to go. We watched a bit of a Hallmark Christmas movie together (proof there's a first time for everything!) until it was time to go. We still ended up waiting in a long line and were there for over an hour. I was amazed at how well Pat is doing. That was basically our date night. We were both too tired to do much else. Yikes! We must be getting old! hah Well, we did make a salad for the funeral tomorrow, but that was the extent of our date night.
dear women's forum,
I had to be there early to help with registration and setting up. There really wasn't much to do. My mom arrived and we headed to get a seat for the keynote speaker. Robin arrived a bit later. The keynote was Robbie Parker - the father of Emile Parker who was killed in the Sandy Hook massacre. He did a great job, and was very open about his feelings. He had me and many others in tears. It was touching but hit home when he was talking about having to bury his child and the aftermath of it all. He said it really shook him to his core and he struggled with everything in his life after that. He said he felt completely disconnected from everything. He talked about how hard it was to get back to feeling like himself but after much counseling and really working hard at it he feels like his heart is being healed bit by bit. My sweet friend Jaylynn came up to me after and asked how I was doing. I kind of gave her that look when you're not sure how to answer because it is hard to say it without losing it and she said she could tell because she was watching me while he was talking. She is so sweet and so in tune. It's very hard to hear another parent describe their feelings about the death of their child. That is one that thing that never gets easier. It brings all the emotions to the surface and they are raw again. I talked to him privately for a few minutes afterwards and shared some of what I have experienced. He was so kind and understanding. When you meet a parent who has also lost a child there is an instant bond there than no one can understand except you. You feel connected to complete strangers just because of that bond. He did an exceptional job.
I had to be there early to help with registration and setting up. There really wasn't much to do. My mom arrived and we headed to get a seat for the keynote speaker. Robin arrived a bit later. The keynote was Robbie Parker - the father of Emile Parker who was killed in the Sandy Hook massacre. He did a great job, and was very open about his feelings. He had me and many others in tears. It was touching but hit home when he was talking about having to bury his child and the aftermath of it all. He said it really shook him to his core and he struggled with everything in his life after that. He said he felt completely disconnected from everything. He talked about how hard it was to get back to feeling like himself but after much counseling and really working hard at it he feels like his heart is being healed bit by bit. My sweet friend Jaylynn came up to me after and asked how I was doing. I kind of gave her that look when you're not sure how to answer because it is hard to say it without losing it and she said she could tell because she was watching me while he was talking. She is so sweet and so in tune. It's very hard to hear another parent describe their feelings about the death of their child. That is one that thing that never gets easier. It brings all the emotions to the surface and they are raw again. I talked to him privately for a few minutes afterwards and shared some of what I have experienced. He was so kind and understanding. When you meet a parent who has also lost a child there is an instant bond there than no one can understand except you. You feel connected to complete strangers just because of that bond. He did an exceptional job.
We went to a class on parties and then one about a women who had cancer, but my mom wanted to leave that one and so we went to one on communicating with your adult children. I really enjoyed that one but I could tell my mom was rather bored.
After that we had a delicious lunch catered by the Iron Gate Grill.
Becky found me during lunch and I escorted her to her classroom. I felt so bad because she had gone to the hospital instead of the campus! Not sure how that lack of communication happened but it did! She later told me I had told her but she missed it in the email. I introduced her and she taught her first class on organization and de-cluttering. I've known her for over 20 years and I remember touring her home for a class she taught on organization. She was a minimalist back them before it was even a term. She is very organized mainly because she doesn't have hardly any stuff! I remember she only had two dresses in her closet and half the closet was empty. Oh my, if she could see mine she would faint over dead! She did a great job and motivated me to get moving on my PURGE goals again for the year! I might have to have that word be this next year's word again because I haven't made as much progress as I was hoping by this time.
I also introduced her for her second class which was on anxiety and depression. My mom went to a holiday cooking class with Robin during that time. I felt I had to stay because she needed me to pass out papers etc. I did sneak out for a few to check out my friend Angie's class on family service. Everyone said the cooking class was terrible because all he did was advertise his business. When it was over we had my Dad take our photo.
I also got the boots I had my mom pick up for me at Bella Me. They are purple and so stinkin' cute!
I also got the boots I had my mom pick up for me at Bella Me. They are purple and so stinkin' cute!
I headed to the open houses on Main Street on my way home. I got a cute lighted snowman at Drewes and some LipSense at the little boutique store. I am in love with the LipSense!
dear taylor home, Taylor was here when I left early this morning. He came home to do laundry and try and get a new phone but the guy I referred him to is being a flake. When I got home, I took him shopping for the first time in months. He was happy because they were out of food. Travis' mom took them a couple weeks ago. Then we met Dave and Hua Guan for dinner. Yum!
dear sunday, today was the Primary Program! It is my favorite meeting of the year! I was laughing so hard at one little boy who was in the battle zone of his imagination the entire program. He would pretend he was drawing his bow and arrow and then shoot it to the audience and then make all these crazy hilarious faces. Oh my, it was entertaining! Little children just melt my heart. I then taught Sunday School and I really enjoyed it. We played a game about questions and we all got laughing so hard. I just love the youth! They are so fun! I had to play the piano in RS as well and so I hurried and did that and then had to go to the teacher prep class. It was really good. I enjoy it, but I had to leave it early to get back to RS to play the closing song. I made it in plenty of time because the teacher wasn't even close to being done. She went over but we still sang three verses of the closing song. I had a few peeps come up and tell me I do a good job at the piano. I just laugh because I still feel like I make a lot of mistakes. I would love to be one of those people that can just sit down at the piano and play like it was second nature. But I really do love the calling because it forces me to play the piano because I am not one of those people and I DO have to practice. It has been good for me! As I was getting in my car, one of the Sunday School presidency members stopped me and totally made my day! He stopped me and told me how much he enjoyed coming in my class and he said some very nice things to me. He was so sweet and told me that I am known as the master teacher and that everyone loves my class. Hmm... I just laughed and told him that is sweet but I am anything but a master! hah And I am not a perfect teacher like he kept saying I was. He said that he loved my responses whenever the kids made comments and oh my, he just kept going on and on. I was rather embarrassed because I am just an average teacher but he made me feel so good. He was so nice. His son, who is in my class, was with him and he told me that it was all true and that the kids really love my class. Ah.... I truly felt loved! I think secretly they are just trying to be nice because maybe they are trying to get rid of me and release me and want to soften the blow! Haha Oh, I hope not! I've been teaching about five years, I think.
dear mckay, yay
we got photos from his mission president's wife! I love it when she
sends us updates and photos! And check out that purple cake! WOW!
dear mr. cat, what a (cute) lazy beast!
dear random, oh my gosh, my friend Ayako brought these dilly-icious things over and I had to restrain myself from eating them all! TO. DIE. FOR! They are her roll recipe filled with chocolate mousse! Oh man! My new favorite treat! Yum!
Bryce has been working hard getting his Christmas Light Park in Idaho Falls ready to roll! He is ahead of schedule but it is looking so nice! Can't wait to see it!
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Lenin's eternal flame |
dear mr. cat, what a (cute) lazy beast!
dear random, oh my gosh, my friend Ayako brought these dilly-icious things over and I had to restrain myself from eating them all! TO. DIE. FOR! They are her roll recipe filled with chocolate mousse! Oh man! My new favorite treat! Yum!
I found this and a few more that I forgot was on my phone camera timer app. The others won't transfer to Picasa for some reason but I will post them when I can get it working. |
Bryce has been working hard getting his Christmas Light Park in Idaho Falls ready to roll! He is ahead of schedule but it is looking so nice! Can't wait to see it!
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He also posted this after the election. |
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Well, saying goodbye to McKay was definitely NOT my high point OR my most glamorous moment!! |
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Love this! Wish I knew who to credit it with. |
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Love it! |
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I loved this quote so much that I made this meme for it and it popped up on my FB memories so re-posting. |

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