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Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!
Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!
dear blog, when I realize how much the way I blog has changed, I sometimes think I should go private. I am still tossing the idea around. My blog has basically turned into my journal and I usually write it at record speed due to time constraints and so I don't put much effort into making it entertaining like I used to years ago when I blogged about other things. Sometimes I feel like I share way too much and so I go to make it private (for ONLY me) and then I feel compelled I'm not supposed to do that. At least yet. I am not sure why, just a strong feeling. There are many days I say I am going to start blogging how I used to, but honestly, WHO HAS THE TIME? I feel like I should have the time, but I barely keep up with doing it this way. Sigh... I am not sure what the answer is, but for those of you that actually read this, (all two of you) ☺ I'm not sure if I should give you an award or apologize or thank you. Maybe all of the above. But for now, it looks like things will probably stay the same. Gosh, why is it I keep waiting for life to slow down and it only speeds up?
dear monday, I got out on my run late. I love fall when the leaves are slowly 'fall'ing from the trees. It's like it's snowing leaves. So peaceful. I remember a story I heard long ago called The Last Leaf. Sometimes I feel like the last leaf. I am pretty sure I am going to be the last of my friends to be a grandma. Sigh... At least I have cute Carson!
I baked banana bread this morning. Taylor was still here and he teases me about practicing the harp and so I got up really early and serenaded him. I practiced three different times today. I am going to learn that recital piece until I can play it blindfolded! I spent a good chunk of time cleaning our shower today. I need a new one. It looks much better, but I still need a new one. My entire bathroom needs an overhaul. Big time. Dave is so busy that he doens't have time for a huge remodel. I wish I could get motivated to just jump in and do it. Though not looking forward to having it out of commission while it gets done.
dear tuesday, I got up at 6 and practiced the harp and then ran 7 miles. Felt good. Some days feel better than others and today was a great run. I ran past my Llama friend today. "Is your Mama a Llama?" "Is your Dadda an Alpaca?" I always ask him that. For some reason he never responds. Unless you call running off in fear responding.
Dave was off. He did a bunch of grapes. I went to my hair appt. It was time for a color. Dave headed to an appt. and I practiced my harp again. I spent a lot of time cleaning. How boring is that? Then I delivered cupcakes to Kim and bread to Linda. I was beat for some reason today. When Dave went to his meetings, I actually went to my room and sat in my chair and watched TV. It was nice to relax. I think I must be getting old because I'm noticing how tired I get in the evenings now. Lovely.... I used to could go and go until 11:30 or midnight. Not now.
dear wednesday, I got up at 6 and practiced the harp. On the way to my lesson I stopped at Smiths because I had to kill about 15 minutes before my lesson. It's a fun store. Much better than ours. My lesson went great. I ran to Dilly Dally's and got some Halloween stuff for Carson and and some stuff for the Gratitude Tea. I then hit TJ Maxx.....the DI.... and the new Ross. When I came out of the DI I saw my car key on the lanyard sitting in front of my door! YIKES! Holy crap! If someone had seen it, they could have drove right off with my car! I had no idea I had dropped it! Sheesh! I was saying a lot of prayers of gratitude!
I called Mom on my way home. She said Britt got them tickets to fly out to her house for Thanksgiving. I am excited for them. I made some really yummy soup. I think it's my new fave and better than my regular potato cheese soup. I will post the recipe.
A wonderful fall soup!!!
Serves: 8-10
2 - 14.5 oz. cans chicken broth (I used 8 cups of water and 8 tsp chicken bouillon)
2-3 large carrots, peeled and diced
4 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed into small pieces
1 tsp. onion powder (I used about 1-2 Tbl minced onion)
2 small heads broccoli (washed and diced small)
4 Tbl butter
⅓ cup plus 1 Tbl flour
3½ - 4 cups milk
2 ½ to 3 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. garlic powder
6 slices bacon, cooked and chopped
1. In a large pot combine chicken broth, carrots potatoes and onion powder.
2. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for about 10 minutes.
3. Add broccoli, cover and simmer for an additional 10 minutes.
4. While simmering, melt butter in a large sauce pan.
5. Whisk in the flour and cook for another minute (or until golden brown).
6. Whisk in milk and cook for an additional 5 minutes until the sauce thickens.
7. Add cheese and stir until it is all melted.
8. Add salt and garlic powder.
9. Pour cheese sauce into the large pot and stir until well combined.
10. Add more milk for a thinner consistency if you like a thinner soup and add any additional salt and pepper needed.
11. Top with bacon pieces and serve warm!!!
dear thursday, I was not excited to go out in the cold. I ended up doing hill repeats. Got in 8. Still not feeling back. I am loving the trees right now. So beautiful!
After cleaning all morning, I worked on the Christmas list. Not sure why I volunteered to do it. But I got it done. I then worked on the computer and on this blog. I really needed to get my closet done today, but didn't and didn't practice harp either. Time seemed to vanish today. I got the mail and look what was in it:A package from Carson! So stinkin' cute! They will be here in less than two weeks. To stay. They are moving here somewhere in Layton. I love the purple pumpkin and purple necklace and purple snowmen and purple duck and purple paw patrol. Hehe He knows me well. I treasure it all!
Tonight was our last Vball game for YW. It was a lot of fun. The other Stake leaders are a blast and they brought pom poms and cheered. I have loved this calling!
We got donuts too. Ugh! I am trying to be good, but not happening. I ate one! I'm never going to lose these 3-5 lbs. Doesn't sound like much, but trust me, it is. Driving me cray-cray! It's so much harder to lose now than when I was younger. I practically have to eat nothing for a week to lose anything! So frustrating. People think because I run, I don't have to worry about it, so not true. This thing called menopause has ruined all that. Ahh.....the joys of womanhood! Taylor came home and so, of course, I fed him. He's not feeling well. He goes back in the morning. I love having them go to school so close. It's so nice to be able to see them at least once a week! I don't see Sky that often.
How do you like my do? Or should I say my do-do? My poo-do? Bwahahaha! This gives the term "poophead" a new meaning! Oh wait, what am I saying? That's a actually a chocolate kiss! ;) |
dear friday, I got up early and practiced the harp. I think I have said that every day this week. Go me!!! I am working hard on my recital piece. I'm playing a duet with my cute niece Mackenzie. We are playing What Child is This? It's really pretty but I really need to master the speed. I am practicing with a metronome and it's tough! While I was practicing I heard, "Hi Jodi" It was Taylor's roomie CJ. He had spent the night here unbeknownst to me. I felt bad that I probably woke him up with my serenade! At least I was playing a calm slow song. haha I think Taylor slept through it all! He headed to back Logan and took off on a four miler. It was chilly!
I went to O town to run some errands before my lunch in Farmington. I hit Costco and the mall to pick up an order. I met Bonzo at Farmington Station and we gathered with the others at Twigs. This was a unique group. We all graduated from Bonneville in 1979 but there must have been four or five different friend groups there. It was more like a class reunion. But it was fun. After being out of high school this long, it doesn't matter what group you were in, we are all just one big happy family. It's really kind of neat. I don't think many classes are like ours. We are unique in that way. Facebook has brought us all together. Valerie came all the way from Arizona just for this lunch get together. We had 15 show up!
There were a few that I haven't seen since high school! But it was like no time had passed and we all just jumped in where we left off. I think it will be just like that in heaven when we reunite with loved ones we haven't seen in many years.
Diane and Denise crack me up. They are so much fun to be around. Diane is responsible for getting everyone together.
I then ran to pick up my new phone. I hope it works well! The one I have now does not! Ran to Hobby Lobby and got some fun things. Stuff for the bath bombs, the macarons, and the Gratitude Tea. Traffic was a beast. Dave and I stayed home tonight because I was still full from lunch and he had food he brought home from the clinic. He watched the World Series and I watched a scary movie. I am into those during Halloween! I had on Hocus Pocus but then switched to New Moon and then to The Shallows. Bad idea because I couldn't sleep worth a darn after watching The Shallows. Great. I'm not sure why I love scary movies so much, but I do! Dave is the total opposite. But it's less torture for me than watching a baseball game! ;)
dear saturday, I got out a bit later on my run. It was chilly! Oh man, I love running in cooler temps, but not too cool! I am so not looking forward to running in the winter. Mainly because I hate having to run all bundled up. It feels so confining! I hit the hs pkg lot and didn't find as much as usual, but still a motherload for one run.
Dave and I dressed up in our deer and hunter costumes. I was hoping we hadn't worn this to the ward party before, but oh well, if we had. At least we dressed up! Check out this picture very carefully! ↓
dear sunday, oh my gosh you guys! I actually slept in until 8:10! I was so excited! I was woken up at 1:45 a.m. (I forgot to turn my sound off on my phone and I got a message notification - ugh! - from some psycho who keeps sending me things and I keep deleting without opening...time to block them!) and struggled to get back to sleep for an hour or so, but still! That hasn't happened in a very long time! It feels so good to feel well rested! Today was the Primary Program. It is always my fave of the year! We have a lot more Primary kids now and so it was even better. The Sunbeam teacher was whispering the parts to the kids and they all had to say their name first. She whispered to one little boy his part and must have said, "My name is John" because he said (in the mic), "I know that's my name!". It was hilarious! ☺ My lesson went well. It was on teaching with object lessons and comparisons (parables). I told them how life is like a marathon for my parable. I wrote it about 7 years ago when I was YW President and had to speak at YW in Excellence. I have decided I am going to turn that talk into a book of some sort. I'm throwing around ideas right now, but I think that is what I am supposed to do. We will see where it goes from here. I am going to go to the temple this week and see if I get anymore inspiration. I played the piano in RS and then we had the Bishop teach the 5th Sunday lesson. We watched Elder Holland's last conference talk titled Be Ye Therefore Perfect - Eventually. It was then, and still is one of my faves. Go here to watch it. It is one of the most comforting talks I have heard.
He basically tells us to quit putting so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect because it's not going to happen in this lifetime. He encourages us to keep trying to get better but to not expect to reach perfection.
Then Johnny - I mean Bishop - (that's been a hard transition for me!) did a great job summing things up. He actually talked a lot about running and asked me the distance for Peach Days and then talked about comparing ourselves to others and asked me if when I am running a race if my goal is to beat everyone or to better my last time. It's interesting that I told my SS class that very thing just an hour before. I know I should have said more, but ever since Dave was made Bishop and then SP, I have kinda clammed up about sharing a lot. I still do, but not often. It's easier for me to do that on here. I guess I worry I will say something and then someone will say, "The Bishop's wife said, or the SP wife said..." thinking it's doctrine or whatever. And yes....I've seen it happen.... way too much. And no, I don't need that kind of pressure. Hah Dave then commented how when he watches a marathon how there are some runners that just can't quite get to the finish line and how the other runners sacrifice their own time goals to stop and help them. He got a little chocked up telling it and it brought tears to my eyes as well. Partly because that was after Johnny said something that really touched my heart. He said how Elder Holland said that we need to not only apply this to our lives but to our children's lives as well and if we have children that have strayed then we need to love them and not judge and be grateful if they are still on the path even if they are staggering right now. I was trying to hold back the tears but if anyone was looking my way they could see them pooling up in my eyes. It brought me such comfort to know that someday all will be well.
I like this photo ↓ because who would ever run a hard fought race and stop right before the finish line? That would be craziness. Giving up on ourselves as long as we are in this race is just as crazy. We must keep going no matter how long and hard the road. I ran across this blog here and I loved this photo and what he said:
"Essentially, the only way we can break this commandment is by giving up. As long as we keep going, as long as we don't rebel against the master artist and refuse to be completed, then we will be perfected. It may take a long time, but it will happen, so long as we keep trying."
When I got home McKay was here. Yay! So we had dinner with Sky and McKay. I was hoping Taylor would show up but he text and said he couldn't today. I really wish Bryce would make it back for a bit. Whoever said kids could grow up and leave? I know, I know, that's the plan, but I still am not a fan!
I made Amish Bread (per Taylor's request) and we had a relaxing evening.
dear throwback, my friend Lori posted these on Facebook. She found them in one of my FB albums and posted them. Good memories! This was our Spring Break trip to St. George while attending Weber State.
Saw my baby cowie friends! Love them!
I went to O town to run some errands before my lunch in Farmington. I hit Costco and the mall to pick up an order. I met Bonzo at Farmington Station and we gathered with the others at Twigs. This was a unique group. We all graduated from Bonneville in 1979 but there must have been four or five different friend groups there. It was more like a class reunion. But it was fun. After being out of high school this long, it doesn't matter what group you were in, we are all just one big happy family. It's really kind of neat. I don't think many classes are like ours. We are unique in that way. Facebook has brought us all together. Valerie came all the way from Arizona just for this lunch get together. We had 15 show up!
There were a few that I haven't seen since high school! But it was like no time had passed and we all just jumped in where we left off. I think it will be just like that in heaven when we reunite with loved ones we haven't seen in many years.
Diane and Denise crack me up. They are so much fun to be around. Diane is responsible for getting everyone together.
This was the only good photo out of about 60 where someone didn't have their eyes closed or their head turned.
(Left to right maiden names: Michele Lythgoe, Calene Lucero, Bonzo, Valerie Lott, Lori Orem, Annette Burrows, Kathy Fluckiger, Denise Mifflin, Diane Doerr, Me, Jodi Noall, Sonia Christiansen, Shelley Bowden, Candy Stephens)
The rest are mostly silly ones. I apologize for the overload but one was funny of one person and another was funny of another and so I included them all. Actually, the waitress ended up taking 60 photos! So in reality, I really cut it down to just these few. You're welcome. Hah
It was a fun gathering. We are going to meet quarterly. We planned the next one for February at Maddox. So fun to be with great friends. You never outgrow your need for good women in your life.I then ran to pick up my new phone. I hope it works well! The one I have now does not! Ran to Hobby Lobby and got some fun things. Stuff for the bath bombs, the macarons, and the Gratitude Tea. Traffic was a beast. Dave and I stayed home tonight because I was still full from lunch and he had food he brought home from the clinic. He watched the World Series and I watched a scary movie. I am into those during Halloween! I had on Hocus Pocus but then switched to New Moon and then to The Shallows. Bad idea because I couldn't sleep worth a darn after watching The Shallows. Great. I'm not sure why I love scary movies so much, but I do! Dave is the total opposite. But it's less torture for me than watching a baseball game! ;)
My Total Solar Eclipse medal arrived! It's one of my faves! |
dear saturday, I got out a bit later on my run. It was chilly! Oh man, I love running in cooler temps, but not too cool! I am so not looking forward to running in the winter. Mainly because I hate having to run all bundled up. It feels so confining! I hit the hs pkg lot and didn't find as much as usual, but still a motherload for one run.
I wanted to just jump in these leaves!
Dave was at the PB courts, but I just missed him. When I got home he was back at the grape juice. That man can't stand to see anything go to waste. More power to him. Sky was also here! I haven't seen him for a while and so it was good to see him. We had quite the long and intense talk and Dave joined in for a bit. We don't exactly see eye to eye on some things, but that's okay. We can talk about anything and I must say that kid amazes me at his level of intelligence. He impresses me more and more every time we talk. He is heading down this week to get Sarah and Carson. I worry their expectations will be too high of Utah, but hopefully things will work out. Uprooting Carson is a big deal. I'm really looking forward to seeing that cutie patootie! I made some meringue ghosts for the ward Halloween party tonight, but they ended up looking like Jabba the Hutt. Oh well. Pinterest fail but I still took them. Not sure why they shrunk. After I saw how short and squatty they turned out, I was going to put them on top of cupcakes but didn't have time to make any.Dave and I dressed up in our deer and hunter costumes. I was hoping we hadn't worn this to the ward party before, but oh well, if we had. At least we dressed up! Check out this picture very carefully! ↓
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Deer, oh deer! Best photo bomb ever! Zoom in. |
Sky gets credit for the photo. His timing was perfect!!!
At the ward party ↓
Today happened to be National Chocolate Day as well! Here's my FB post:
It's the most wonderful day of the year! HAPPY NATIONAL CHOCOLATE DAY!!!!
It's all about the chocolate! It's always been about the chocolate. It will ALWAYS be about the chocolate. Any questions? Now go and celebrate!
PS Scientists have now proven it's even good for your heart! But, of course, we women always knew that! 

dear sunday, oh my gosh you guys! I actually slept in until 8:10! I was so excited! I was woken up at 1:45 a.m. (I forgot to turn my sound off on my phone and I got a message notification - ugh! - from some psycho who keeps sending me things and I keep deleting without opening...time to block them!) and struggled to get back to sleep for an hour or so, but still! That hasn't happened in a very long time! It feels so good to feel well rested! Today was the Primary Program. It is always my fave of the year! We have a lot more Primary kids now and so it was even better. The Sunbeam teacher was whispering the parts to the kids and they all had to say their name first. She whispered to one little boy his part and must have said, "My name is John" because he said (in the mic), "I know that's my name!". It was hilarious! ☺ My lesson went well. It was on teaching with object lessons and comparisons (parables). I told them how life is like a marathon for my parable. I wrote it about 7 years ago when I was YW President and had to speak at YW in Excellence. I have decided I am going to turn that talk into a book of some sort. I'm throwing around ideas right now, but I think that is what I am supposed to do. We will see where it goes from here. I am going to go to the temple this week and see if I get anymore inspiration. I played the piano in RS and then we had the Bishop teach the 5th Sunday lesson. We watched Elder Holland's last conference talk titled Be Ye Therefore Perfect - Eventually. It was then, and still is one of my faves. Go here to watch it. It is one of the most comforting talks I have heard.
He basically tells us to quit putting so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect because it's not going to happen in this lifetime. He encourages us to keep trying to get better but to not expect to reach perfection.
Then Johnny - I mean Bishop - (that's been a hard transition for me!) did a great job summing things up. He actually talked a lot about running and asked me the distance for Peach Days and then talked about comparing ourselves to others and asked me if when I am running a race if my goal is to beat everyone or to better my last time. It's interesting that I told my SS class that very thing just an hour before. I know I should have said more, but ever since Dave was made Bishop and then SP, I have kinda clammed up about sharing a lot. I still do, but not often. It's easier for me to do that on here. I guess I worry I will say something and then someone will say, "The Bishop's wife said, or the SP wife said..." thinking it's doctrine or whatever. And yes....I've seen it happen.... way too much. And no, I don't need that kind of pressure. Hah Dave then commented how when he watches a marathon how there are some runners that just can't quite get to the finish line and how the other runners sacrifice their own time goals to stop and help them. He got a little chocked up telling it and it brought tears to my eyes as well. Partly because that was after Johnny said something that really touched my heart. He said how Elder Holland said that we need to not only apply this to our lives but to our children's lives as well and if we have children that have strayed then we need to love them and not judge and be grateful if they are still on the path even if they are staggering right now. I was trying to hold back the tears but if anyone was looking my way they could see them pooling up in my eyes. It brought me such comfort to know that someday all will be well.
I like this photo ↓ because who would ever run a hard fought race and stop right before the finish line? That would be craziness. Giving up on ourselves as long as we are in this race is just as crazy. We must keep going no matter how long and hard the road. I ran across this blog here and I loved this photo and what he said:
"Essentially, the only way we can break this commandment is by giving up. As long as we keep going, as long as we don't rebel against the master artist and refuse to be completed, then we will be perfected. It may take a long time, but it will happen, so long as we keep trying."
When I got home McKay was here. Yay! So we had dinner with Sky and McKay. I was hoping Taylor would show up but he text and said he couldn't today. I really wish Bryce would make it back for a bit. Whoever said kids could grow up and leave? I know, I know, that's the plan, but I still am not a fan!
I made Amish Bread (per Taylor's request) and we had a relaxing evening.
dear throwback, my friend Lori posted these on Facebook. She found them in one of my FB albums and posted them. Good memories! This was our Spring Break trip to St. George while attending Weber State.
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Kirk Bitton, Bonzo, Me, Lori Moore, (can't remember) Jody, Teri Taylor, Sherrie |
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Jody, Me, Teri, Lori, ?, Sherrie, Bonzo |
dear random, this is what I see every day when I look out in my backyard. They hang around a lot lately.
Beautiful reminder:
Song for a Fifth Child
Song for a Fifth Child
by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton
Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I’ve grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I’ve grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren’t her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).