(If pictures are too small, just click to enlarge)
Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!
dear monday,
Today I hit the PT gym and it was surprisingly busy. Not the cardiac rehab, but the PT section. After seeing this sign below, I didn't think it would be.
I had a Women's Forum meeting in the same place but Amy text me while I was on the elliptical informing me it was cancelled due to the corona virus. No surprise there! This just escalates by the day. Sometimes by the hour. It is starting to get scary a bit now due to the seriousness if you have any underlying illness or are immune compromised. I am still immune compromised but I feel healthy. They announced that now social gatherings went from 100 then to 50 and now to 10. It's a good idea.
Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!

Boy! I'll say!

I had a Women's Forum meeting in the same place but Amy text me while I was on the elliptical informing me it was cancelled due to the corona virus. No surprise there! This just escalates by the day. Sometimes by the hour. It is starting to get scary a bit now due to the seriousness if you have any underlying illness or are immune compromised. I am still immune compromised but I feel healthy. They announced that now social gatherings went from 100 then to 50 and now to 10. It's a good idea.

I came home and got busy trying to finish McKay's Mission Blog Book for his birthday. I know it won't get here in time, but it will be nice to have it done anyway! They take so freaking long to make! The news is nothing but Corona Covid 19. That is all anyone talks about right now. Well, that and the shortage of TP. hah You cannot find it anywhere. Here is a shot of NYC. Pretty dead.
Dave is on call this week. During his lunch he went to Logan with McKay to finally get our couch!!! It's about time! We need to figure out what to do with our old one. It is beat up pretty bad, but if someone covered it, it would be nice. I tried to figure out what to make for dinner and just couldn't think of anything we had that McKay could eat, so I settled on grilled cheese sandwiches since he still has some Keto bread left. I would not want to do Keto because I can't think of what to cook! LOL
dear tuesday, today started out with not knowing if I was going to go to the Sista luncheon or not. I didn't want to go inside to a restaurant and we were going to meet at Rainbow Gardens at the Greenery. I didn't want to sway anyone's decision and so I didn't say anything but did suggest we meet at a park and eat outside to keep our social distance. LOL Everyone wanted to go to the restaurant. I text Dawn and told her I wouldn't be coming and why. I told her I had to put my family first and I just didn't feel good about taking the risk since I am immune compromised as well as several of my family members. I am so glad I had the St. Pat's dinner on Sunday because I would not have wanted my parents around tonight since things are getting so much worse. Dawn told me I needed to be honest and let everyone know and maybe they would feel the same. I finally decided to tell them that I would not be coming because I didn't feel good about it due to what I said above. Several said they would come if it was at a park. But we lost a few in the change. I felt I had to do what I had to do. Kathy told me they wouldn't listen to her when she tried to change it but I have more pull. when she said that I started to worry that maybe a couple did not come because they wanted to go to the restaurant and then I felt bad. Sometimes you just can't win. I grabbed a gyro from Arbies and then went to the park and Kathy, Dawn and Patti were already there. We stayed our six feet apart and it was actually a lot of fun, only the wind made it really cold. We got some fun photos. We mostly talked about Corona. What else does anyone talk about these days? Hah It was fun. I needed it. Especially since it won't be happening again for a very long time.
MY FB post:
🌈Had to improvise for our annual Sista's St. Patrick's Day luncheon. Moved it from the Rainbow Garden's Greenery to the not so green park while keeping our social distancing of six feet apart. 🍀Lucky to have such great friends!🍀 Missed those who couldn't make it.🌈
#corona #lotsofhandsanitizer #sixfeetapart #StPatricksDay #Lucky #historical #outsmartingCorona #covid19 #lastlunchforawhile #socialdistancing
I was going to stop and see my parents but got a phone call from Dave informing me that the health department called him and told him that a patient he saw on Thursday was just diagnosed with Covid 19!!!! Oh my gosh. Yep. It was only a matter of time. But my timing! I should have stayed home! Dave agreed. He is going to be self quarantined for two weeks. I guess that means I am as well as the boys. Skyler hasn't been over since Sunday because we are playing it safe. This is crazy! I asked Dave how this will ever end unless he actually gets the virus because after two weeks when he goes back, the odds are someone else will come in and then he will be out for another two weeks and on and on. It would be a blessing in some ways to get it as long as it's a mild case but you just never know with this thing. He left the clinic immediately after doing a bit of paper work. It's a bit of a miracle he hasn't been in physical contact with his dad after he saw that patient. He had a bit of a cold and tried to avoid going over. The day he did they were gone and they are never gone. So they were being watched out for. Dave has ZERO symptoms and feels fine now. It is going to be an interesting couple of weeks and months. I just am amazed at what is happening. I never thought I would experience empty shelves in the grocery stores or church cancelled or being quarantined! It's all NUTS!!! NUTS!!!
I did go pick up my home video tapes and the new DVD's though! YAY! I finally have them! It only took them two months! hah I'm so excited I have them.
From THIS ↓
I got a phone call tonight from Betsy asking me if Dr. Dave had the virus. I told her no and she told me that it was all over Facebook saying he did! WHAT???!!! Serious??!! She was right. Her grandughter told me who posted it and so I did a search and found the post. Sure enough. Here is what I found:
I corrected her but it had been shared over 10 times before she even saw it. Maybe more. NUTS! Just great! The joys of living in a small town! Now everyone thinks Dave does have it! So the clinic will probably have to shut down! At least for a while. We will ride it out and see what happens, but sheesh! Some people!
Here is the article and she basically wrote that it is Dave they are talking about in it.
Article HERE about the first case in Box Elder County with Corona Virus...you can read it form this link.
The local turkeys and deer are not obeying the social distancing rules!
However, Mr. Cat IS! Good boy Chilly!
Haylie sent me these cute pix! Bryce bought a new mini bike. His little buddy is helping him out. So cute!
dear wednesday,
Today at 7:10 a.m. we had an earthquake! Things just keep getting better! NOT! We felt it very strong. Dave and I were in our room just getting out of bed and things started to sway. Taylor felt it but McKay did not. He was standing up so maybe that's why. It was crazy! The news went nuts. Social media went nuts. It was a fairly big one!! 5.7 on the Richter scale! Geeze! I didn't feel any after shocks though they said there were 100's of them.
Holy cow! This is all we need! But maybe it will take everyone's mind off of Corona for a bit! It did some damage in SLC and Magna. Not much here.
I practiced my harp and then Nanette called me and we did it online. I only played my recital piece once. We chatted for quite a while before. Hopefully I can work on what she told me to. I hope I can find some time to practice but honestly I feel more busy now than before the quarantine! I decided to update all our 72 hour kits. And it has been a while. LOL Here is what I posted on Facebook. People were loving it. Probably because most of them need to update theirs as well. Kinda funny though.
"At least this morning's earthquake was motivation to get the 72 hour kits up to date! I'm pretty sure my youngest (age 22) will not be able to wear 4T clothes any longer or have much desire to color. #wayoverdue #bouttime
I really should have posted all the comments because they were a hoot. Maybe I will later if I have time.
Okay, I made time.
The airport was closed due to a water break. No one was there anyway! Airports are like ghost towns right now.
Holy cow! This is all we need! But maybe it will take everyone's mind off of Corona for a bit! It did some damage in SLC and Magna. Not much here.
I posted this on FB...
I practiced my harp and then Nanette called me and we did it online. I only played my recital piece once. We chatted for quite a while before. Hopefully I can work on what she told me to. I hope I can find some time to practice but honestly I feel more busy now than before the quarantine! I decided to update all our 72 hour kits. And it has been a while. LOL Here is what I posted on Facebook. People were loving it. Probably because most of them need to update theirs as well. Kinda funny though.
"At least this morning's earthquake was motivation to get the 72 hour kits up to date! I'm pretty sure my youngest (age 22) will not be able to wear 4T clothes any longer or have much desire to color. #wayoverdue #bouttime
I really should have posted all the comments because they were a hoot. Maybe I will later if I have time.
Okay, I made time.
I also posted this. Yes, I totally over posted today big time!
The airport was closed due to a water break. No one was there anyway! Airports are like ghost towns right now.


Brian dropped Idle Isle chocolate on our porch for us. How nice is that??? The word got out in Dave's fam that we were quarantined. I talked to all of them except Kevin today.
Dave made dinner for us. I was so happy he did. I worked on the blog books and sent in my order for half of them!!! YAY! I also got McKay's finished as well. They are far from perfect, but DONE is WAY BETTER than perfect!!! What a relief! Now to get the other six years done! My goal is to have them done by Friday. Not sure it will happen. They always take so much longer than I think! And 2013 has zero photos and so that one is going to take me a full day in itself. Maybe even more!

dear thursday,
My FB post:
On this first day of spring, with all the anxiety and uncertainty swirling around today, as I read this quote this morning, my mind immediately thought of what is going on in the world today as “winter”. Most mornings this past week the first thing that has popped in my head has been, “Okay, what disaster is going to show up today? or "When will all this stop?”, as I anticipate yet another “blizzard”.
On this first day of spring, with all the anxiety and uncertainty swirling around today, as I read this quote this morning, my mind immediately thought of what is going on in the world today as “winter”. Most mornings this past week the first thing that has popped in my head has been, “Okay, what disaster is going to show up today? or "When will all this stop?”, as I anticipate yet another “blizzard”.
What I've not been as quick to notice as I should, is that amidst all that is happening right now, there is so much “spring”🥀 around us. So much good is going on right before our eyes, yet it’s easy to be blinded to it all because “winter” seems to be the centered focus. And even though I am not a fan of "winter"🌫, I also know I have zero control over how long it decides to last or how hard it will be. But I do know one thing for certain... "spring"🌷 is SURE to come! It ALWAYS does!
I overhead someone say that it is a terrible time to be alive right now, but I disagree wholeheartedly! I believe it is it an awesome time to be alive! I guess we all get to choose for ourselves. So today I am asking myself if it is it going to be "winter"❄️or "spring"💐 in my world? I don’t know about you, but I’m getting cabin fever and choosing an early "spring"! 🌈
My first daffodils popped up this morning! 🎋
My first daffodils popped up this morning! 🎋
For the past few months, each night when I go to bed, I put in my headphones and listen to a book or a podcast on the life of the prophet Joseph Smith. I have loved learning about so many things I did not know and being reminded of the things I do. My testimony has grown leaps and bounds of this amazing and humble man. Just when I thought I could not be more impressed with his life, I will learn something else and my respect grows even more from a place that I didn't think it was possible to have even MORE respect for him as I thought I had reached a full capacity. I am so excited to go to bed each night because the spirit I feel and the incredible gratitude for this prophet is so great. Right now I am listening to the book titled Joseph Smith the Prophet by Truman G. Madsen. It is a series of eight lectures on the prophet's life.
This is an excerpt from the book. Truman Madsen is quoting the prophet (the prophets words are italicised.)
"If you will thank the Lord with all your heart every night for all the blessings of that day, you will eventually find yourself exalted in the Kingdom of God."
Powerful statement on the necessity spiritually of GRATITUDE!
Paraphrase of something he says in the scriptures:
"He that receiveth all things with thankfulness (notice the all in that....difficulties, strains, disaster, setbacks) he that receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious and the things of this earth shall be added unto him 100 fold, yea, more."
Joseph was one of the most grateful men who ever lived.
(From Lecture 6 Doctrinal Development and the Nauvoo Era, Truman Madsen)
Of course, Joseph Smith, one of the greatest men who ever lived, knew about the power of gratitude! It was a little gem or nugget for me today. As anyone knows who reads this blog, I believe that gratitude is one of thee most powerful principles we have been given and it unlocks blessings and riches into our lives that nothing else can. This just confirms that even more.
MORE changes:
Today I spent most of the day working furiously on my blog books. I got 7, or was it 8 done. Not years, books. Some years have more than one (some four volumes). It is very time consuming. I have to add our vacays to the rest before I can finish them. That is going to take SO long! I wish I had done that THEN! Would have been so much easier! But nooooooo.......
A "present" from Carson. Taylor stopped by to deliver something and he brought this back for me.
Helping McKay fix his own haircut! That line is not a mess up, but a scar! He fell off his bike riding to piano lessons when he was 8 or 9 and crashed and really cut open his head. He blamed it on piano lessons and begged me to quit!
This is the line at Sam's Club. Karen took it early this morning. She finally left.
What great timing! Today is 😁 INTERNATIONAL DAY of HAPPINESS! 😁
Even in all the craziness there is so much to be happy about! Share in the comments something that made you happy. Stretch if you have to, but share something! Let's get our minds on the good that is coming from all this!
Even in all the craziness there is so much to be happy about! Share in the comments something that made you happy. Stretch if you have to, but share something! Let's get our minds on the good that is coming from all this!
***I am happy that I have adequate chocolate, TP, and love!🍫🧻💜 (And happy there is a 🧻TP🧻emoji! 😂 Who knew!?)
#happinessisachoice #internationaldayofhappiness
#happinessisachoice #internationaldayofhappiness
Today I went on a walk around the high school.
The ducks are practicing social distancing. Good job guys!
This made me laugh. A lone car parked in a parking lot. That is how it felt out walking today. So eery to have NO ONE out!
This is by where I always run. An explosion occurred last week and it killed a man.
This is by where I always run. An explosion occurred last week and it killed a man.
THIS ↓ really made me laugh!
Cases of TP in an open storage shed at the high school and NO ONE around. Was I tempted?
Nah.... LOL
I was going to go to the store but Taylor didn't want to go with and I really didn't want (or dare) to go alone with all that is going on. #smalltown So I came home and ordered it online. But, they couldn't get it until Monday and so Dave told me it was fine if I went. So I did. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and wore a hat and hoped to be incognito. LOL My fear is that due to the FB post a lot of peeps in this city actually think Dave has the virus and I might be shot if seen. LOL I was actually going to go to Smiths but found my car driving itself to Walmart without me even realizing it. #mindonotherthings LOL It was good though because they had a shipment of TP come in right while I was by the cheese. I just saw people standing around waiting and then after I came down another aisle, they were in a line. I had no idea what for, but when you see a line, you get in it. Cases of TP in an open storage shed at the high school and NO ONE around. Was I tempted?
Nah.... LOL
I thought maybe for eggs, but it was for TP! I scored!!! You were only allowed ONE pack per person.
I got a pack of TP, one of PT's and one of Kleenex. If I had gone to Smith's I would not have gotten any. Pretty sweet! The Easter candy isle was almost empty and the shelves were FULL!
I feel like I won the lottery!
I made it home and put my load away. McKay's keto thing is making it more expensive for sure. I made banana but bread and took some to Miriam. I just left it on her porch and called her. Johnny (Bishop) stopped by and brought over chocolate! Some for me (Dove) and some for Dave (Heath) and some lemonade. I told him that was both of our favorite and he said he knew. I asked how and he said he has known us both for a very long time. True! But amazing! He is so kind.
It's been fun to just hang out with the boys. A lady and her kids stopped by to look at our couch. After a very long time trying to decide, she decided to take it. Her little boy really wanted it. He was cute. She asked what smelled so good and I told her banana nut bread and shared with them. We were asking $150 for it (a killer deal because the recliners are brand new even though it does have some tears in it) but I went down to $100. They hauled it off. Bye-bye faithful couch! Lots of good memories were made sitting on you.
We set up the new one! So glad the boys were here. It took a while. I am not sure I love it. It's much bigger and different. I had to get rid of the end table and not sure how our Christmas tree will fit now. But we will make it work. I didn't work on the books much at all today because there was so much other stuff going on. It was a nice break! But I did get one done! Yay! I will be so happy when they are done. This is not the way to do it! My coupon expires on Saturday or Sunday and so I am on a deadline. Dave went to Tremonton to get tested for Covid 19 but they wouldn't test him because he has no symptoms. Hmm... he's a doc! He should be tested! Nope!

dear saturday, today I got out a bit later than I wanted to, but at least it was a little warmer. I dropped some Easter eggs off at Bryce's so they can do a hunt. I was just going to drop and run but they were in the backyard and invited me back. I tried to do my social distancing but little Brinlee kept hugging me. Haylie said it was okay, but I was still a bit unsure. We chatted for awhile and Liam entertained me as rode around on his little four wheeler. Then Bryce took him for a ride on his new little dirt bike. It's pretty cute. Haylie is feeling better thank goodness. She had me worried.
So cute!
Little Brinlee doing tricks for me.
I went to Pioneer Park to get in some miles. After the first mile, I decided to run. My ankle felt pretty painful so I stopped after about a quarter mile and walked some more. They have a sign showing a mile route called the "golden mile" and for some reason that inspired me to give it a shot. I am happy to report that miraculously, I was able to run a full mile without stopping! I think I could have even gone further but decided to be wise and not push it. It felt so good! So freeing! So painful! LOL But, I am so happy, grateful, and almost giddy I was able to do it! I have had so many moments when I honestly didn't think I would ever see this day! And for it to come at the end of one crazy and insane week no less. Pretty exciting though!Here is my Facebook post:
This week just continues to be mind-boggling! 😲
First the Corona quarantine 😷, then an earthquake 🌎,and today I actually ran my first FULL mile🏃♀️(without stopping) since my accident 15 months ago! That's even bigger for me than actually finding TP🧻 at the store! This week will definitely go down in history in my book!
The past few months have been very discouraging with very slow and minimal progress, and I have had my doubts wondering if I would ever be able to really get back to running at all, let alone a full mile! 1️⃣ I have been blessed with so much support and encouragement from so many of you! THANK YOU! I am beyond grateful.💜
I am slower than a three legged tortoise and if I had been any slower I would have been in reverse, but I was able to do it and it has given me so much hope! 🌈
First the Corona quarantine 😷, then an earthquake 🌎,and today I actually ran my first FULL mile🏃♀️(without stopping) since my accident 15 months ago! That's even bigger for me than actually finding TP🧻 at the store! This week will definitely go down in history in my book!
The past few months have been very discouraging with very slow and minimal progress, and I have had my doubts wondering if I would ever be able to really get back to running at all, let alone a full mile! 1️⃣ I have been blessed with so much support and encouragement from so many of you! THANK YOU! I am beyond grateful.💜
I am slower than a three legged tortoise and if I had been any slower I would have been in reverse, but I was able to do it and it has given me so much hope! 🌈
(That's supposed to be a #1 sign for ONE mile I'm doing, NOT a loser sign.🤔🥴 But if it were, I guess it would stand for LIBERATING because I feel liberated!)👆
In other news....I got another blog book done today. Not saying much since a couple of the last few I have done needed four books for the one year. This website isn't the best for that. Instead of squeezing it all in and making a thicker book, they like to limit the photos so they can charge you more for extra books instead of extra pages. They know how to make a profit. I am over halfway done, but I only have one week to get the rest done. On the ones I left, I have to go back and add all the pix from vacations that I never did. I have Alaska and then the Alaska cruise, as well as Boston 2018 and our Caribbean Cruise. That is going to take forever! If I had 24-7 to just work on them, no biggy, but I am in the middle of so many projects right now. I am still trying to get the Christmas newsletter done. Yeah, really. So embarrassing. But true. I am also trying to get my pantry re-organized. I am so excited for that because all my containers came. It's McKay's bday tomorrow and I am trying to make him some Keto food. I am trying to get the airline tickets taken care of and it's taking so much time because I got insurance on the going over flight and so I had to fill out a claim and it's a bunch of red tape. I am trying to decide what to do for Homemaker's and the home tour. I've thought of doing a Facebook live tour with just one or two peeps to film the homes. At least I don't have to practice the harp right now because one of m strings broke....my middle C! I HAVE to have that string. I still could practice but it's so much harder with a missing string. But I still should. I am three weeks behind on this blog as well. I have always wished for some free time and now I have it! It's actually kind of nice having this time to just settle in and get things done. I did clean the basement for an hour today and I need another 10 to finish it.
I was on the computer and I heard some noise in the kitchen and I KNEW it was Carson! He came running in and I can't even tell you how nice it was to see him. I have missed him so much. It made my heart leap when I saw him. I sure do love that little guy! I told him we couldn't hug but he just hugged me. Then we sat down and had a chat about how he has been. Taylor came in and visited too. We are breaking all the rules! This is so hard.
They were going fishing and so Sky came over to get some fishing gear. They took off and then Mary Kate came over. We have been doing so well until today! Yikes! And she is a nurse. I worry about the health of some of my family members! I told everyone to keep their distances but they didn't all listen. We ordered take out from Golden Spike Burgers for McKay's bday. He got his without the bun. Taylor and Mary Kate went and got it for us just as Sky was getting back. I made Carson stay outside. He yelled in to MK that he couldn't come in because she was a nurse! Leave it to him! LOL Sky and crew took their food home. Taylor and MK had a bonfire outside. McKay studied all day and night.
Jen stopped by and brought me some homemade bread and a purple heart rock she found! She is the kindest person. She also gave me a bunch of Keto recipes I can make for McKay.
dear sunday, today is McKay's 23rd birthday!! Here is my FB post:In other news....I got another blog book done today. Not saying much since a couple of the last few I have done needed four books for the one year. This website isn't the best for that. Instead of squeezing it all in and making a thicker book, they like to limit the photos so they can charge you more for extra books instead of extra pages. They know how to make a profit. I am over halfway done, but I only have one week to get the rest done. On the ones I left, I have to go back and add all the pix from vacations that I never did. I have Alaska and then the Alaska cruise, as well as Boston 2018 and our Caribbean Cruise. That is going to take forever! If I had 24-7 to just work on them, no biggy, but I am in the middle of so many projects right now. I am still trying to get the Christmas newsletter done. Yeah, really. So embarrassing. But true. I am also trying to get my pantry re-organized. I am so excited for that because all my containers came. It's McKay's bday tomorrow and I am trying to make him some Keto food. I am trying to get the airline tickets taken care of and it's taking so much time because I got insurance on the going over flight and so I had to fill out a claim and it's a bunch of red tape. I am trying to decide what to do for Homemaker's and the home tour. I've thought of doing a Facebook live tour with just one or two peeps to film the homes. At least I don't have to practice the harp right now because one of m strings broke....my middle C! I HAVE to have that string. I still could practice but it's so much harder with a missing string. But I still should. I am three weeks behind on this blog as well. I have always wished for some free time and now I have it! It's actually kind of nice having this time to just settle in and get things done. I did clean the basement for an hour today and I need another 10 to finish it.
I was on the computer and I heard some noise in the kitchen and I KNEW it was Carson! He came running in and I can't even tell you how nice it was to see him. I have missed him so much. It made my heart leap when I saw him. I sure do love that little guy! I told him we couldn't hug but he just hugged me. Then we sat down and had a chat about how he has been. Taylor came in and visited too. We are breaking all the rules! This is so hard.
Then McKay
Teasing him about his outfit. LOL
Six feet apart????
Jen stopped by and brought me some homemade bread and a purple heart rock she found! She is the kindest person. She also gave me a bunch of Keto recipes I can make for McKay.
★ ★ ★ HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ★ ★ ★ to my 23 year old "baby" McKay today! Even though he has to spend it quarantined this year, he will make it fun because that's the kind of kid he is. He always has a smile on his face and is always laughing and has us laughing about something as well. I love his confidence, determination, upbeat attitude, common sense, hard work ethic and his grateful but tender heart. He sets his goals high and is very driven to accomplish them. He studies his brain out but also knows when and how to have fun! Happy Birthday bud! We are so grateful you completed our family! We love you and are very glad you are quarantined at home with us on this memorable day!
*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ BIRTHDAY☆ McKay!!!
╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ¥☆★☆★☆¥ ★☆★☆¥
It was really odd having Dave home this morning. He actually slept in until about 7:30 a.m. A first for him on a Sunday in a very long time! It was pretty quiet around here.
I made McKay Keto waffles. They were pretty good. Very light and airy but loaded with calories. He is doing amazing on this crazy Keto thing. I would hate it. I like carbs and sweets too much. I did make him a Keto chocolate cake as well. I thought it had a bad after taste. McKay liked it but that is because he hasn't had any sugar in over a month.
It was pretty sad to not have a party or have anyone over. I face-timed Sky and crew while we sang Happy Birthday to him. As soon as we finished Bryce showed up! So, we sang again! LOL
Bryce was dressed in a motorbike uniform thing. His friend gave it to him when he bought a dirt bike from him. It's a mini dirt bike.
He rode it up the hill and McKay and Taylor also rode it. I wanted to so bad! When Dave heard me say that, he yelled from inside, "Motorcycles are much more dangerous than snowmobiles!" Probably a good reminder or I would have been on it. I also had on a skirt and if I hadn't I am sure I would have already been on it as well. Bryce popped some wheelies and almost lost control once. He has such great coordination that he saved it. I doubt anyone else could have. He is just learning how to ride it. I have always hated motorcycles though. Still do.
We had cake and then McKay opened his card. I put a photo of the mission books I made him that weren't here yet and the shoes he wanted and some cash and of course, Panda Express gift cards that he will have to save until he is done with Keto.
It was a birthday that will be memorable that is for sure. No party, no sugar and quarantined!
We had a good dinner of an applewood bacon pork roast. McKay loves those. I worked on this for a bit. It was a nice day today. I sure do miss that little Carson!
I received this from our Bishop today....
Brothers and Sisters,
What a week! I just want to reach out and express my feelings and thoughts.
I have always tried to value that which is most dear to me - Family and Faith. The two will come together as Jenny and I travel to Tremonton this afternoon to give my newest grandson a name and a blessing. It will be a small, intimate group which is unusual but appropriate at this time. As I contemplate that opportunity, I have been praying to know what I should bless him with. My mind is flooded with thoughts. In a week that has been filled with uncertainty and worry, it is easy to be consumed with our challenges. My grandson will undoubtedly be faced with challenges that perhaps I can't foresee as I bless him. My desire is not to bless him to be free of challenges however. I will bless him as the Spirit directs. I am comforted to know that he will be able to see and, more importantly, participate in a work that will be everlasting. He will see and do things none of us could ever even imagine. With all that is going on we still live in the greatest of times.
These last few weeks, and especially this past week, have been trying in every way. If we didn't have enough to worry about already an earthquake comes our way. While we didn't experience it like those in Salt Lake City and Magna did, it still added to our thoughts and concerns. Because of this Governor Herbert sent out this message.
"I invite all to participate in a Weekend of Prayer and Service in Utah, March 20-22. We also encourage acts of service to happen in ways that will decrease risk of contagion. Whether or not you are religious, I hope you find peace or guidance this weekend."
I support Governor Herbert in this message and encourage you to make prayer a priority.
Next week is Fast Sunday. I suppose nobody will find it difficult to know what they can fast for. I would also encourage you to bear testimony to your family of the things you know to be true. Knowing all things is not necessary to bear testimony of some things. Cherish what you know and seek spiritual guidance to gain knowledge of things you don't.
Last, please be aware of our neighbors. Let's do what we can to be of help.
I love you and pray for you.
May God bless you.
Bishop Hepworth
My friend Becky Edwards posted this list of things we are currently dealing with that basically happened throughout this week. It's a bit overwhelming especially knowing more will continue to be added in the weeks ahead:
- Missionaries being sent home abruptly and early, then having to quarantine for 14 days.
- Many having little or no income for weeks. Some wondering if their businesses will survive.
- High school and college kids grieving that they likely won't have their dreamed-of graduation ceremony. Or prom. Or the opportunity to say goodbye and sign yearbooks.
- Engaged couples having to postpone weddings or receptions.
- Moms and kids getting used to homeschooling.
- Teachers and others getting used to working exclusively online.
- People who live alone feeling more alone than ever before as they aren't going to work, shopping, church, or events.
- People with a lot of fear about Covid-19. Some people contracting the disease and the risks associated with it.
- People stranded in foreign countries with borders shut down.
- People not able to stock up on a few weeks worth of food because of financial need or disability or other reasons and wondering if they'll have enough.
- Families canceling vacations they planned far in advance.
- Speaking opportunities, musical performances, sports being canceled.

In 4 short months, just like He did with the plagues of Egypt, God has taken away everything we worship. God said, "you want to worship athletes, I will shut down the stadiums. You want to worship musicians, I will shut down Civic Centers. You want to worship actors, I will shut down theaters. You want to worship money, I will shut down the economy and collapse the stock market. You don't want to go to church and worship Me, I will make it where you can't go to church"
"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Maybe we don't need a vaccine, Maybe we need to take this time of isolation from the distractions of the world and have a personal revival where we focus on the ONLY thing in the world that really matters. Jesus. (Copied)
Celeste Johansen"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Maybe we don't need a vaccine, Maybe we need to take this time of isolation from the distractions of the world and have a personal revival where we focus on the ONLY thing in the world that really matters. Jesus. (Copied)
dear quotes,
dear random,
My AMERICAN MOTHER'S Citation and Declaration from the Governor from my year serving as the Utah Young Mother of the Year in 1994.
I took these for a post I did for my blog books but already sent off to be published and I couldn't get a good clear shot. So I am adding these here for my book for this year.
1 comment:
I'm so glad that you are finally getting your books done. It has been a ton of work, but it will wonderful when you get them back. It is a feeling that I love each time I get one!
I didn't realize that Dave was self-quarantining. I guess that is what happens when I never leave my house! I lose track of all of the news. I'm really glad that you are staying safe.
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