A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty
my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup.~Sam Lefkowitz
In our daily lives, we must see that it
is not happiness that makes us grateful,
but the gratefulness that makes us happy.~Albert Clarke
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~Want to feel good fast? Then find a way to be grateful in all things. Can something as simple as being grateful really have the power to make us feel better? Well, I for one believe it can. When I am feeling down, if I stop and think about how much I have to be grateful for, that simple little thought process always transforms the gloom into joy. Even in bad situations, there is always something to be grateful for. It's amazing how just thinking about the good in any situation can change how we feel so quickly. It is almost a magical process. It's even been proven scientifically that thoughts of gratitude flood our body with immune-boosting endorphins. Studies also provide evidence that a positive, appreciative attitude enhances the body’s healing system and general health. When you hold feelings of thankfulness for at least 15 to 20 seconds, beneficial physiological changes take place in your body. Levels of the stress hormones cortisol and norepinephrine decrease, producing a cascade of beneficial metabolic changes. Coronary arteries relax, thus increasing the blood supply to your heart. And your breathing becomes deeper, raising the oxygen level of your tissues. More info than you wanted to know I'm sure, but it's enough evidence for me to want to make gratitude a daily habit!
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~Don't wait until you "feel" happy to be grateful. Be grateful now, and the happiness will come. Next time you feel like complaining about a situation, take the time to stop and think about what you can find in it to be grateful for instead. If you are frustrated that you have to wait in a long line at the grocery store, stop and think about about all the people in third world countries who have to go out and find their own food and can't even imagine being able to just walk in a store and buy it already to take home. If your long list of things to do begins to overwhelm you, stop and think how grateful you are that you have a healthy enough body that enables you to be able to do those things, no matter how unpleasant they may be. If getting together with certain relatives over the holidays seems like a training ground for one of those survival shows, stop and think about the many people all over the world that will spend the holidays by themselves and very lonely. You may not always see eye to eye with each family member, but at least you have a family. Whatever the situation, there is ALWAYS something to be found in it that you can be grateful for. It usually just comes down to whether you want to look for it or not.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~Pray for the awareness to be able to see the good in all things. And most importantly, when you see the abundant blessings in your life, don't forget to say a prayer of thanksgiving.
“Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things.”
D&C 59 5-7
“And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall
be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be
added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.”
D&C 78:19
Make it "grate"-ful!!
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
"God has a vantage point we can never perceive. He sees into our eternal pasts and futures and knows our eternal needs. In his great love he answers prayers according to this eternal and omniscient perspective. He answers all prayers perfectly."
"Perhaps it would be good for our souls to build the relationship and understanding that He is there, our loving and eternal Father, and that oftentimes delays to our urgent pleas can be best for us. Who is to say it isn’t more important to know He is there than to receive immediate answers? Often I think of the conditions under which Joseph Smith pleaded within the confines of horrible prison conditions. It appeared that his needs and pleas were justified as he was confined away from his family, church, and friends. He undoubtedly suffered intense mental as well as physical anguish. Answers appeared to be not the Lord’s way at that time. Nevertheless, he seemed to be sustained by the overruling knowledge that God was there, knew him and loved him. While answers to his pleadings and prayers were delayed, God was building a stronger prophet."
~ Marvin J. Ashton
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~I was watching cartoons yesterday with my youngest son who stayed home from school sick. We were watching a show about a generous fairy granting wishes to children. They could ask for whatever they wanted and it was immediately bestowed upon them. I said to my son, "Wow, wouldn't that be great to have someone grant us anything we wished for?" He wholeheartedly agreed with me. As I pondered on that very indulgent thought, it hit me...we DO have that. We have a Father in Heaven who has told us that whatsoever we ask for we will receive. It's even better than having a fairy because not only can we ask Him for what we want, but we have the assurance that He will grant us according to our needs and what He sees is in our best interest. It's actually comforting to think we might not get everything we wish for since we are asking for things with limited experience and knowledge, whereas He is all knowing and no matter what He grants (or doesn't grant), He does it according to what will ultimately work out for our best good. That is quite an amazing gift! If we had a generous fairy and got everything we blindly asked for, our lives would most likely turn out to be a real mess. There would be no foresight into how those granted wishes might play havoc with our lives. This way we can just sit back and relax knowing our wishes are in good hands!
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~Remember that God is always there and does hear each and every prayer you utter. When your prayers aren't answered as quickly as you wish or in the way you had hoped, remember that God has an eternal perspective and timetable. Don't forget that often instead of the answers we desire there are sometimes delays, tests, and trying by fire. Have the faith to allow God to give you what He knows is best even though it may not be according to your wishes.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~Follow Elder Ashton's counsel: "What a great strength it would be to all of us in times of desperation and wonderment to humbly approach His throne with, “Please hear my prayers. Answer them in thy great wisdom for my best good. But please give me the constant reassurance that thou art there and that peace, contentment, and the courage to continue are mine because I have faith and can come to thee who has promised not to forsake us.”
God has editing rights over our prayers. He will... edit them,
correct them, bring them in line with His will and then
hand them back to us to be resubmitted.
~Stephen Crotts
"God has a vantage point we can never perceive. He sees into our eternal pasts and futures and knows our eternal needs. In his great love he answers prayers according to this eternal and omniscient perspective. He answers all prayers perfectly."
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~It is so easy to become burdened with the daily rush of life that we forget to "stop and see the rainbow". I know I tend to get so focused on accomplishing my list of things to do that sometimes I am not even interested in the beauties that surround me. There have been countless times that my husband has called to me to come and see a sunset and even though I know it will be spectacular, I don't want to be bothered with what I am already involved in doing. But when I do take the time to "stop", and take a minute or two to just soak in the beauty, I find myself refreshed and once again in awe of God's incredible creations. Just a glimpse at the sunset, or a gaze at the brilliant stars reminds me how close and how real God truly is.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~Take a few minutes TODAY to stop and notice the things that surround you each day, but that you don't allow yourself time to really enjoy. The purr of a cat, the birds singing, the warm sun on your back, the blue sky, the shape of the clouds. The list goes on and on. There are so many things to take in and enjoy, if you just take the time. When you begin to feel rushed and harried (which will definitely increase this time of year!
), force yourself to stop and find something around you to just enjoy. It may be to just simply listen to the Christmas music that is playing in the stores while you shop instead of focusing on how much you still have to accomplish.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~Remember to thank God for all the amazing and wonderful creations he has blessed your world with purely for your enjoyment. And then ENJOY them!!!
"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time."
~Sir John Lubock
Make it great!!!
Make it great!!!
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
"Never bear more than
one trouble at a time.
Some people bear three kinds —
all they have had,
all they have now,
and all they expect to have."
~Edward Everett Hale
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~Most of us waste so much time and energy worrying about things we simply cannot control. When we allow ourselves to do that we are depleting ourselves of the energy we need to take care of the things which we DO have control over. Focusing on the past is usually a practice in total futility. There is absolutely nothing we can do about the past...with the exception of learning from it. When we focus on the future and anticipate what "could" happen, we are also draining ourselves of precious time and energy, since most of what we worry about will never happen anyway! Sir Winston Churchill once said, "When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened." Instead of wasting our moments on things we can't control, why not simply re-focus and live in the present? When we worry about the past AND the future we have nothing left to tackle our present troubles.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~Remember the song, "Don't worry, be happy"? It may seem like a simple thing, but it is good advice! To lessen your worry load, try and think of your past troubles as stepping stones to help you overcome the obstacles in your path now. Today's troubles can be minimized or eliminated by finding solutions and concentrating your energy on implementing those solutions. As for the troubles of tomorrow, either completely block them out of your mind (permanently) or make a plan and then take whatever action is necessary to avoid them or minimize them. Then when trouble comes your way, remember the quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes, "Trouble creates a capacity to handle it."
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~Ask for the strength to eliminate worrying about the past and future. Pray for help in finding the solutions to your present problems and for seeing the growth you have gained from your past troubles.
But somehow, as day always follows the night,
Most of our troubles work out all right.
Edgar A. Guest
one trouble at a time.
Some people bear three kinds —
all they have had,
all they have now,
and all they expect to have."
~Edward Everett Hale
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~Remember the song, "Don't worry, be happy"? It may seem like a simple thing, but it is good advice! To lessen your worry load, try and think of your past troubles as stepping stones to help you overcome the obstacles in your path now. Today's troubles can be minimized or eliminated by finding solutions and concentrating your energy on implementing those solutions. As for the troubles of tomorrow, either completely block them out of your mind (permanently) or make a plan and then take whatever action is necessary to avoid them or minimize them. Then when trouble comes your way, remember the quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes, "Trouble creates a capacity to handle it."
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~Ask for the strength to eliminate worrying about the past and future. Pray for help in finding the solutions to your present problems and for seeing the growth you have gained from your past troubles.
Most of our troubles work out all right.
Edgar A. Guest
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
"A cyclone drives its powers from a calm center. So does a person."Norman Vincent Peale
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~In the rush-rush world we live in these days, it's fairly easy to get knocked off center and off course. The busyness of the holidays only exacerbate the problem. Life's daily demands are taxing enough, but with the added pressure of trying to cram even more into our already overloaded schedules, we can begin to feel S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D right to our breaking point; sometimes beyond. No doubt about it, keeping our balance and maintaining our focus is no easy task. We tend to think we must go faster and faster to handle it all. We tell ourselves that if we figure out how to do more in less time we will somehow get it all done. In order to keep some semblance of sanity amidst the hustle and bustle that surrounds us, we need to remain focused on the task at hand and stop focusing on our huge "to-do" list. Honestly, is there really ever an end to the "to-do" list anyway?
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~Instead of worrying and stressing about all you have to do, try and focus on what you are doing while doing it. Don't allow your mind to wander about all the other things next on your list. When you focus on what you are doing while doing it, you will find greater satisfaction and enjoyment in it. You will begin to feel more calm and less stressed. Make it your goal during the rest of the holiday season to take it one task at a time. Don't allow your to-do list to overwhelm you any longer. Find the joy in the moment.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~Say a prayer of sincere gratitude for all you have to do. Thank your Father in Heaven for the many things you are able to do that many less fortunate than yourself can't because of poor health and other physical limitations. Ask for the blessing of being calm and the feeling of peace.
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
New Year’s PrayerMay God make your year a happy one!
Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain,
But by strengthening you to bear it, as it comes;
Not by making your path easy,
But by making you sturdy to travel any path;
Not by taking hardships from you,
But by taking fear from your heart;
Not by granting you unbroken sunshine,
But by keeping your face bright, even in the shadows;
Not by making your life always pleasant,
But by showing you when people and their causes need you most,
and by making you anxious to be there to help.
God’s love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year ahead.
Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain,
But by strengthening you to bear it, as it comes;
Not by making your path easy,
But by making you sturdy to travel any path;
Not by taking hardships from you,
But by taking fear from your heart;
Not by granting you unbroken sunshine,
But by keeping your face bright, even in the shadows;
Not by making your life always pleasant,
But by showing you when people and their causes need you most,
and by making you anxious to be there to help.
God’s love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year ahead.
"A New Year's resolution is something
that goes in one year and out the other.”
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~Each new year, most of us make resolutions for change, and each year, most of those resolutions go by the wayside. This isn’t due to our lack of desire to improve our life; it’s just a byproduct of the reality that change is difficult. Our habits become so ingrained and automatic that changing them requires constant effort until a new habit is formed. Maybe a solution to this is to think in terms of “Goals”, rather than “Resolutions”. What’s the difference, you ask? With traditional resolutions, we generally approach change with the attitude, “From now on, I will no longer [name a given behavior you’d like to change]”. The problem with this is, after one or two slip-ups, we feel like failures and tend to drop the whole effort, totally giving up and falling easily back into old habits. By setting goals, one instead aims to work toward a desired behavior at a slower and more controlled pace. The key difference is that when we are working toward goals, we expect that we won’t be perfect at first, and are pleased with any progress we make... thus keeping us from getting discouraged as easily. Rather than letting the thought of perfectionism work against us, we can allow the success and motivation of accomplishing a goal bit by bit work it's magic.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~
***Remember That It’s A Process ~ Expect to work your way up slowly, rather than maintaining perfection and feeling let-down if you don’t achieve it immediately.
***Work Your Way Up ~ In setting goals for new behavior, aim for once or twice a week, rather than everyday. For example, instead of saying, “I’ll go to the gym everyday”, plan for “every Tuesday” or instead sign up for a fun exercise class and work your way up to it more often.
***Set Yourself Up To Succeed ~ Set small, attainable goals, and add more steps as you complete each one. This way you gradually work your way toward the life you want and the necessary changes, but you experience much more ‘success’ along the way, rather than feeling like a failure if you don’t experience ultimate change overnight.
***Reward Yourself ~ This is the best part! We all love rewards and they are a great way to keep us motivated! Think of something that is in line with your achievements, such as a beautiful new pen for writing in your journal for two weeks, or a Hot Fudge Sundae for every 10 visits to the gym (okay, maybe new workout clothes would be a better idea!
) Whatever reward you decide on, make sure it is something that will keep you motivated to keep on trying!
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~Each time you pray ask for help with the goals you are currently working on. When asking for help, be very specific with what you need. Remember to express gratitude for each success as well.
Fast Facts About New Year's Resolutions
- 63% of people say they are keeping their resolutions after two months
- 67% of people make three or more resolutions
- Top four resolutions:
- Increase exercise
- Be more conscientious about work or school
- Develop better eating habits
- Stop smoking, drinking, or using drugs (including caffeine)
- People make more resolutions to start a new habit than to break an old one.
MAKE it great!!!
A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache”
~ Marjorie Pay Hinckley
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~A recent study showed that pre-school-aged children laugh up to 400 times a day, but by the time we reach adulthood, we laugh a mere 17 times per day on average! That is a real shame because there are so many benefits of laughter. Just as we have always suspected, medical researchers have now found that laughter boosts the immune system. It also reduces pain by releasing endorphins that are more potent than equivalent amounts of morphine. Laughter also dissolves tension, stress, anxiety, irritation, anger, grief, and depression. Like crying, laughter lowers inhibitions, allowing the release of pent-up emotions. After a hearty laugh, you will experience a sense of well-being. It will elevate your mood, improve your brain function, protect your heart, connect you to others, foster instant relaxation, and just plain make you feel good! With a list like that, what are we waiting for??? Let's GET LAUGHING!!! Simply put, he who laughs, lasts! After all, if you can laugh at it, you can live with it!
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~Instead of complaining about life's frustrations, try to laugh about them. If something is so frustrating or depressing it's ridiculous, realize that you could 'look back on it and laugh.' So why not laugh about it now ?!! Many of us put off laughing until something "makes" us laugh. But we may need to seek out and find those things that make us laugh. As the quote says, "We don't laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh." To increase your laughter factor, first give yourself permission to laugh more. Recognize that it is healthy for you and your loved ones and so find ways to increase it on a daily basis. Unintentional humor is terrific when it happens, but humor has too many benefits to let it just happen by chance. Buy yourself some fun toys (yes toys!) that make you laugh. Hang around people that laugh a lot...(laughing is VERY contagious!) Start keeping a humor journal of things that make you laugh, whether they are Internet jokes, signs, bumper stickers, or cartoons. Start your own collection of humorous videos or books. Fake it till you make it if you have to. Just as studies show the positive effects of smiling occur whether the smile is fake or real, faked laughter also provides the benefits mentioned above! Remember, a person without a sense of humor is a like a car without shock absorbers! Not a smooth way to go through life! And most importantly of all, if you want or need to laugh and you don’t—if you suppress laughter—it goes to your hips and spreads out!
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~Don't forget that God has a sense of humor too! Ask Him to help you see the humor in life and not take it so seriously all the time. You will be surprised at what He will send your way!
Elbert Hubbard
He who has achieved success has worked well, laughed often and loved much.
He who has achieved success has worked well, laughed often and loved much.
Dr. Wayne Dyer
"It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either."
Milton BerleLaughter is an instant vacation!
Mark TwainLaughter is the greatest weapon we have and we, as humans, use it the least.
Og MandinoLaugh and your life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life.
Arnold GlasowLaughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
Victor HugoLaughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
Norman CousinsLaughter is inner jogging.
I am a woman of many moods and they all require chocolate.

A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not;
remember that what you now have was once among
the things you only hoped for."
| |
"I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." (Philippians 4:12 )
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~ In today's world we have more, but enjoy less. It seems that no matter how hard we work, how much money we earn, or how much stuff we accumulate, on the whole we are not happier. Why is that? Is it because maybe somewhere along the line we have entertained the notion that we are entitled to more? Thoughts like this make us discontent. We live in a consumer society that urges us to chase happiness. We are told that if we buy the right stuff then we will be fulfilled. But then we need other stuff, and bigger and better stuff that is more expensive than the stuff that was promised to make us happy originally. When we seek happiness this way, it is never quite within reach. There is always more we still "need". We do feel contentment sometimes -- that satiated feeling after a great meal, or the calm relaxation of soaking in a hot bath, or the momentary pride in a job well done. But for the most part the feeling is fleeting. Soon we are unsatisfied again and are off seeking and chasing for more. When we feel a lack of something in our lives we have a hard time focusing on how much good we really have. When we crave for things to be different than they are, we experience discontent. Some of us can't see what is good in our lives because we are so focused on how it could be better. Another trap that breeds discontent is comparisons. If we compare our lives with others, we tend to only see what we don't have instead of what we do. Contentment is a choice. We can choose what we focus on. If we aren't feeling content in our lives then maybe it's time to do an evaluation of what we are choosing to put our focus on.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~ First we need to remember that we experience contentment by being completely present in the present. By living in the here and now. Discontent comes when we focus on what might have been or on what could be. Contentment comes when we look for that which is enjoyable in the present. It is easy to complain about what the day could have been, but when we enjoy it for what it is, then (and only then) we will feel content. Instead of complaining that you don't live in a bigger home, focus on the great things in your current home. Instead of moaning about how much you have to do, be grateful that you are physically able to do it. Instead of complaining about your children's messy rooms, enjoy having them near while they still live at home. Don't miss the joy of the present by whining about how you wish things were. Instead of dreaming about that new car, celebrate the fact that your current one is paid for. Stop looking beyond the moment and enjoy the moment! Learn to be content in whatsoever state you are in. Remind yourself that you don't have to have more or better or different to be happy. There is joy right now....right at this very moment in your life. Focus on that! Allow yourself to accept the reality of conditions as they are now and find the part of those conditions that is satisfying. Allow yourself to feel appreciation for the unique life you live and the many amazing miracles that occur each day in it.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~ Express your gratitude for all the great and wonderful things in your life at the present time. Ask for the Lord's help in seeing the good in your life that is sometimes overlooked because of getting so caught up in the trap of desiring more.
"He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have."
"Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content."
~Helen Keller

A Daily Beacon of Light and Hope...
May this shining beam of light and hope help brighten those stormy days of life...
"Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response."
~ Mildred Barthel
~ Mildred Barthel
It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis.Margaret Bonnano
~~~~~A Time to Think~~~~~An instructor of a class titled "Stress Busters" asked his students what kind of a week they'd had since they last met. Most replied with the common phrases such as, "Not bad", "Okay", "Not dead yet", "Surviving", etc. He then instructed them to share a piece of good news, anything happy, that had happened to them over the week with the rest of the class. The only rule was they had to come up with a different piece of good news for each person they met. While he was explaining this to the group he noticed the room filled with tension and nervous laughter. "What? You mean like 20 pieces of good news in the last week?" asked someone. The instructor replied, "Yes, 20 or more things that made you smile, lifted your spirits, helped you feel good, and that you were grateful for." Many complained that it wasn't possible to find that many good things. Someone asked if they could say 20 bad things that happened instead since that would be so much easier. By the end of the exercise, the energy of the group had transformed. Everyone looked like sunshine, radiating a spirit of warmth. Joy filled the room. One or two had found the exercise close to impossible, but were truly astonished to find how much good news was in their lives. The comments were, "All of the other's good news helped me remember the good things in my week that I had forgotten or overlooked.", "Ive had a far better week than I realized!", and "It occurs to me that maybe we're all a lot happier and more blessed than we realize." This story helps us see that happiness is a choice. It isn't something that we pursue, although that is what the world believes. Happiness is already within each of us. It is there in our lives each and every day, if we look for it.
~~~~~A Time to Act~~~~~It seems it is an easy thing to focus on our problems. Much easier than focusing on what is good in our lives. There is almost and unspoken rule of discussing problems when we are together with others. In a sort of sad, macabre way, it is as if we are competing to see who has suffered or endured the most. Or who has had the worst week. In our minds an unofficial point system may have developed---5 points for headaches, 10 points for migraines, 20 points for any household disaster, 30 points for the worst children's antics, etc. The more points the more bragging rights for what you have endured. Wouldn't it be great if we could turn it around and instead when we are asked how we are if we responded with statements like: "I couldn't be better if I was in heaven!", or "Life is good!", or "I am awesome!" It would surprise most people at first when they are expecting the traditional response of "Just fine and you?" This week when you are asked how you are doing, make it a point to respond with a positive statement that catches your friends off guard a bit. See if you can start a new trend in your circle of influence. When you focus on the good you already have in your life, it will be easier to find more.
~~~~~A Time to Pray~~~~~Pray for the ability to see the abundance of good things in your life. Ask for the strength to be able to focus on the positive things instead of the negative. Express your gratitude for all you have been blessed with.
"If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator. "W. Beran Wolfe
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
~Abraham Lincoln
MAKE it great!!!