Monday, December 2, 2013

8 Years Ago...

Time - it reminds us of things that we might otherwise not mark if we didn't have a set way to remind us of them.  
Eight years has come and gone since I last saw my Tyson.  If it wasn't for anniversaries on things like this, then the time would still come and go, but sometimes I think we would tend to forget a lot of things.  Anniversaries (or Angelversary in this case) force us to stop and really think back.  Even though this day eight years ago was a very, very painful one, it still is a day worth remembering.  The funny thing is, it has almost transformed into a day of my friends remembering me, and wishing me well and telling me how much they love me.  But truly, that is what friends do.  They mourn with those that mourn, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.  Every year when this day rolls around, I do mourn, and I do stand in need of comfort.  I have been blessed with some very amazing friends that even after eight years, they still remember.  I have always been amazed by that.  They always send me flowers, chocolate, or something else that makes me feel loved and supported or something that reminds me of Tyson.  Knowing that those things are going to come to me that day, actually makes it much less of a traumatic day.  I feel very blessed for that.  

We don't have too many traditions to commemorate this day like we do his birthday, other than we always put up our lighted Christmas palm tree in the front yard.  I feel like his birthday should be a day to celebrate his life and Tyson's Angelversary more of a day of keeping him close in our hearts...

What I have found for me, is that the week leading up to this day often seems harder than the actual day.  And every year is different.  There have been some years where I have just wanted to cry every minute of the entire day and other years where I have felt so comforted and at peace without shedding a tear.  Those years are usually the ones where the days before leading up to it are full of tears. haha

There is and always will be a very large hole in our family and in our hearts that Tyson used to fill.  Nothing will ever change that.  But even on days like today, my main focus is still that I was so very blessed to have the 17 years that I did with that boy.  I will always be incredibly grateful for that.  

Happy Angelversary bud!  I hope you are up there spreading your smile and cute giggle like you always did down here.  I miss you desperately....

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Oh my! You described my feelings EXACTLY. I am in such awe of your ability to put things into words so well. You have a great gift.
I hate that we both have angelversaries - but I'm so glad that we get to share them together as friends. The Lord was so wise to give us the gift of good friends to support us in our times of need as well as to cheer with us in our happy times. I feel so blessed to call you my friend.


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