Food 4 Thought Friday
Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night for those that are on a different time zone. JOIN IN!!!
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
What is looming on your to do list right now?
What was your life like this week?
What is a fear you currently have?
Midnight Snack
When is the last time you took time for yourself?
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?)
What is looming on your to do list right now?
Taylor's 16th birthday party, laundry, re-doing Bryce's room, catching up my blog (oh, I am SO behind!), my Young Women board meeting agenda, vacation plans, getting back to the gym, doing a post for Sego Lily Spa about the surprise luncheon they threw for me to announce I won!!!!!!!....I better stop there (I could go on and on!)
What was your life like this week?
Pretty much insane. After trying to recover from girl's camp, I had to speak in church about it on Sunday~~~ On Monday I got a phone call from Sego Lily Spa to set up a time to meet with me (they said they wanted to me with all the finalists individually) which got me stressing and worrying and wondering! ~~~ Met with them Tuesday - only it ended up being a surprise party for me as I was "crowned" the new Sego Lily Spa Blogger! (I WON!!! - OH MY GOSH!!!! ---post coming soon!) ~~~ Wednesday was Tyson's 21st birthday memorial celebration of his life that took a lot of planning (post coming soon!) ~~~Thursday I was supposed to go to Lagoon with my sister-in-law (and the boys) but ended up shopping all day instead (post NOT coming soon!) ~~~ Friday and Saturday are my class reunion ~~~ and Saturday I am running the Dam Race which I have been training for all week as well. It has been an eventful week!
Pretty much insane. After trying to recover from girl's camp, I had to speak in church about it on Sunday~~~ On Monday I got a phone call from Sego Lily Spa to set up a time to meet with me (they said they wanted to me with all the finalists individually) which got me stressing and worrying and wondering! ~~~ Met with them Tuesday - only it ended up being a surprise party for me as I was "crowned" the new Sego Lily Spa Blogger! (I WON!!! - OH MY GOSH!!!! ---post coming soon!) ~~~ Wednesday was Tyson's 21st birthday memorial celebration of his life that took a lot of planning (post coming soon!) ~~~Thursday I was supposed to go to Lagoon with my sister-in-law (and the boys) but ended up shopping all day instead (post NOT coming soon!) ~~~ Friday and Saturday are my class reunion ~~~ and Saturday I am running the Dam Race which I have been training for all week as well. It has been an eventful week!
What is a fear you currently have?
An empty nest! Oh, I am going to HATE that so bad! I can't even stand the thought that someday my boys will be out on their own and not here with me! Waaaa!!!!!
Midnight Snack
When is the last time you took time for yourself?
Every single day that I can get out and it was yesterday. But I did go shopping today and that surely counts!!!
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?) Be kind to everyone. Everyone can use a hug or just someone telling them they are loved no matter how strong they appear. Reach out...
1. Krusteaz and syrup make a quick and easy dinner.
2. New Moon is the book I'm reading right now.
3. July brings back memories of Lava Hot Springs. We spent almost every 4th of July there when I was growing up.
4. My exhaustion was obvious.
5. They say if you tell your dreams they will come true!
6. Past time to think it over.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to attending my high school class reunion!!!, tomorrow my plans include running in the Dam Race (so I can get my dam t-shirt! :o)), attending my class reunion's second night (dinner with spouses) and Sunday, I want to try and recover from one long, crazy, and exhausting week!!!
To play go here

I am so glad you won!!! Congrats!! I played along this week. :-)
Right, my answers are posted. Have a great weekend, including some relaxing time.
YaY!! You won!! You have had a very busy week! Happy Friday!
I love your recipe for the week.
Enjoy New Moon!
YOU WON!! Congrates! You make me tired just reading your blog!
here are my answers
Here is mine.
My Food is up!
No Way Jodi! Congrats! Do they let you invite a friend? :) Seriously that is soooo cool and I am way jealous. You deserve it. Anyone who raises that many boys successfully deserves a break. Boys smell and a girly pamper is just the right thing!
I played along! :)
Congrats on winning! I can't seem to keep up with your blogs lately. Don't know what is the matter. Anyway...I was in your neighborhood BC last week. I loved that town. Dang. And I have to live here.
Mine is up HERE.
late entry though :)
have a good week ahead everyone!
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