It's true! (Squeeeeeeal!!!!)
It really happened! (Screeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaam!!!!)
I WON the Sego Lily Spa Contest and was crowned the Sego Lily Spa Official Blogger!!!! (fainting...slowly fainting....please administer smelling salts stat! ~ NO!... make that aromatherapy AND a massage instead!)

Is it a DREAM?
YES! It IS a dream! A dream coming true!!!!

WOW!!! What a ride this has been! From writing my original entry HERE ~~~to being selected as one of the FIVE finalists and writing my post to be voted on publicly HERE ~~~to appearing on TV HERE ~~~ to being crowned the Sego Lily Blogger HERE!!!!!!!!! (don't click on that one - you are already here!)
The ride wasn't always a smooth one by any stretch of any of my soon to be pampered muscles. The voting tallies became very intense a time or two, but thanks to my AMAZING friends and family and MANY- MANY strangers I do not even know....I was able to rise victorious in the public vote. It turned into a real nail biter though just hours before voting closed. I was no longer in the lead and that's when my incredible friends really came through for me and I pulled out on top once again! Whew!
BUT...that didn't mean it was in the bag. Oh no! The spa management team would still vote in a secret ballot and then we would be ranked based on those results averaged in with our ranking according to public vote. The competition was tough. Each of the other finalists were incredibly gifted and amazingly talented bloggers. Once the public voting was closed we had to wait over one (very loooooong) week to find out the winner! Torture!!!
On Monday I received a phone call informing me they wanted to meet with each of us individually. My appointment time was set for Tuesday at 3 pm at the Layton Spa location. I was getting extremely nervous. A few hours later I received another call telling me in order to make this a little more fun for everyone I was able to bring my friends along. Well, I wish I could have brought every single person that voted for me or posted on their blogs for their readers to vote for me, or posted on Facebook, or started a group on Facebook just for this contest, or those that begged their husbands, mothers, fathers, grandmas, uncles, aunts, and cousins twice removed to vote for me too! I was blown away by the support I received from everyone! I wish I could name each one individually but there isn't that much room on the web! It was worth being a part of this JUST for that. It taught me that people are just down right GOOD!!! And that they will take time out of their busy lives to help someone else out when they are in need. And trust me, I was in desperate NEED of winning this!
Oh my gosh!!! I really won!!! I STILL can't believe it!!!
Here are some of my INCREDIBLE friends and supporters that showed up to cheer me on even without knowing the outcome of the whole thing!

Here's some more ↓ I am sooooooooooo blessed by such amazing family and friends!

After some photos, we all went inside and the spa people took my "fan club" into the back of the spa and had me sit on a couch in the waiting room waiting for Jackie the district manager to give me some information. They had me under the impression that the other bloggers and their friends were already in the back as well. I was getting seriously NERVOUS about this point. Jackie came in and talked to me and when she didn't really say anything about who the winner was or what exactly was going on, but had me follow her down the long hall towards a closed suspicions were increasing of what was going to happen when I opened that door, BUT I still wasn't sure!

I slowly opened the door and.....

Camera's were flashing, party horns were tooting, people were cheering and clapping, streamers were flying. Pretty much everything but fireworks were going off!

Was I surprised? That's like asking if women and chocolate are friends. Of course I was!!!!
The crowning moment!!!

I seriously felt like Miss America! I did the hand wave in front of my nose trying to suppress the tears like Miss America would do, but I don't think they bought it. Trust me, crying was the farthest thing from my mind at that moment! I had too many thoughts of warm butter being drenched over me as firm but gentle hands massage the oils deeply into my weary skin. I was in some kind of la-la land to be sure!!! An entire year's worth of SPA treatments ahead of me!!!! With THAT thought, I SHOULD be in la-la land!!!!! Even Miss America doesn't have it THIS good!!!

I was given the most GORGEOUS bouquet of flowers!!! Sego Lily does everything with such class and style and this was no exception to be sure!

I was able to meet many of the Sego Lily staff. They were ALL so incredibly nice and genuinely happy for me. I am MORE than excited to get to know them all better. Or at least their hands!!!

These Sego Lily folks for sure know how to throw a party and celebration!!!
Passing my crown down ↓ (but NOT my spa treatments!!!) to my darling niece Mackenzie!
Look at this spread? ↓ It was soooooo delish and yummy!!! Like I said, Sego Lily does EVERYTHING with such style and class. Just like their beautiful facility!
Tasting each other's cheesecake. ↓ Mmmm.........♥

Oh! Oh! OH!!! Now this is ALMOST as good as a massage!!!
Everyone hoping for a little pedicure before leaving!!!

Julie (bottom right) ↑ getting a little tooooo into this! She thinks SHE won not me!
Sego Lily also had a drawing for some awesome door prizes including two $50 gift certificates!!! I drew out my niece Kimberly's name and my sister in law Carolyn's! Congrats girls!!! They loaded the rest of us down with great samples!

Is it REALLY true???? Well, instead of pinching myself to make sure, I think I will try another body butter massage!!! Just to make SURE!
THANK YOU Sego Lily from the bottom of my desperately in need of pampering
THANK YOU to all of you who voted for me and got others to do the same, and for everyone who supported me in ANY way!
And a big thank you to the other four finalists for being such amazing bloggers and such gracious women!

I apologize for not posting this sooner, but life sometimes gets in the way!!! I've barely had time to live it, let alone blog about it!
Just a little SIDENOTE:

This is MY crown of choice!!! ↑ Whadda ya think?
Do any of you remember the Imperial Margarine commercial where after they eat the Imperial Margarine, a crown magically appears on their head? Da, da, da, daaaaaaaaa.......
Yes I do believe the same thing happened to ME! I had a body butter drench and after (just as magically) a crown appeared on MY head too!!! Da, da, da, daaaaaaaaa.......
That body butter must have been Imperial!
For a good laugh, you can watch it HERE
Or click on this video ↓
Bye-bye...I am off to la-la land again!!! Only this time it isn't ONLY in my dreams!!! Ahhh....
YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So long in coming it seems but I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you won!!! You deserve it! I love all the pictures, you rock!
we bow to you queen!
that's really awesome.
Sego most be purty smart folks
AWESOME :) I am SO-OOOO excited and happy you won this!!! You totally deserve it woman! ♥ HUGS ♥
I'm so Happy for you!!! If anyone deserves it, it is YOU!!! Hope you have fun!!
YEAH!!!! I am sooooooooooo very happy for you! You are the best!
Congratulations! You totally deserve to be the big winner!!!!! i am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! What's is there to say. What a great day for you. Have fun with it this year. Dang. If I liked massages ..... nope. Don't want to. :)
Congrats! I never doubted that you would win - You are the Queen.
Of course you would win--I'm not at all surprised. Congratulations.
Congratulations!!! I just knew you would win!
Woo hoo!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Oh, and can I "steal" the cute "mothers of sons" graphic on your sidebar? It's awesome!
THANK YOU everyone for your votes and wonderful support!!!!! I wouldn't have won it without YOU!!!!
Holly ~ Steal away!!!!!
Lucy ~ I can NOT believe you don't like massages!!! You need to come to Sego Lily and I bet you would then!!!
Congratulations, Jodi! It was lovely meeting you. You'll do a great job. :-)
Congrats..Jodi! Sounds like you did a great job. You deserve to win.
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