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Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!
I had friend post a question on Facebook asking who everyone was cheering for and what they were serving. Here is my response:
Weekly recap of my rather crazy, insane, but fun and rewarding life!
dear monday, today it was so cold! I really froze for the first part of my run. I ran my route that the pony is on and as I called to him (I call him Buddy) he actually came over to the fence. He has never done that before. He must have been expecting some kind of treat. :) But I didn't have one for him. :( My friend Robin has surgery on her arm today. I took them dinner but had to leave it on her porch because they were still not home from the hospital.
dear groundhog day! Dave asked last week why we didn't have any traditions for Groundhog's Day. I told him I didn't know. I really don't know. So I decided to start some. Never too late to start a new tradition right? Umm... don't answer that. I decided we will watch Groundhog's Day (the movie)...
...and I will start making these adorable Groundhog Day cookies I found on Pinterest. They are so cute. I took some to the Hollingsworth's and to some of the peeps I visit teach.
...and I will start making these adorable Groundhog Day cookies I found on Pinterest. They are so cute. I took some to the Hollingsworth's and to some of the peeps I visit teach.
My boys thought they were turkeys. FAIL! I should enter these on the Pinterest fail page. Oh well, I thought they were kinda cute even if they look like turkeys. I actually thought one looked like an African American Gumby. Remember Gumby?
Some woke up to snow and some didn't. ↓
On my run today, when I went by where the pony is, he was not there! I guess they moved him due to the snow? Not sure, but he was gone! I hope that means he is getting better care. So I gave a treat to these guys.....
It was really cold today! The wind was brutal as you can see by this flag!
I had a RS Board meeting tonight as well. Right now I have three callings. Not sure when I will be released from one OR two of them....but I am okay for now with all of three. I REALLY don't want to be released from my Sunday School calling. I love those kids so much. I teach the 16-17 year olds.
dear hill repeats, I forced myself to do some hills today. My favorite jacket decided to have a zipper issue. Dang!
Maybe I will write to their customer service and see if it's as good as Avalanche's who replaced one of my jackets (wrong color but better than nothing) that also had zippers that quit working.
I only got in 12 repeats because I had a visiting teaching interview and had to cut it short so I wasn't late. I was anyway. Oh well.
Maybe I will write to their customer service and see if it's as good as Avalanche's who replaced one of my jackets (wrong color but better than nothing) that also had zippers that quit working.
I only got in 12 repeats because I had a visiting teaching interview and had to cut it short so I wasn't late. I was anyway. Oh well.
dear birthday lunch for mom and dad, I finally got to take my parents out to lunch today for their birthday. Me, Sky, and Bryce all met them at Maddox. It was a lot of fun to just visit while enjoying some yummy food! I promised myself I would not eat much and so I brought most of mine back for Dave since he was working. I'm trying to get off the five pounds I gained after I ran my last marathon. I think my body wasn't sure why I quit running all those long distances since I had been doing that for an entire year and so it has decided to add some weight to the situation. Or maybe it was all that Christmas Crack I ate over the holidays? :)
Miami Vice???
Every single one of us ordered the same thing! Turkey Steak! Yum!
I had to sneak these in when they weren't looking. Sky does not his picture taken.
I insisted on getting one with him though since I really don't have many. I got one with Bryce too. SO sad it's blurry.
Love these boys!
dear vd decors, I put up my Valentine's Day decors finally today. I LOVE them! I LOVE VDay! I also got the Sportsmanship medals made for tomorrow's games.
I had very little snowmen out this year. Partly because I have lost a few. No idea how that happened. I have the boxes (Jim Shore snowmen) that I opened but they were empty. I think they must have melted!
dear first harp lesson! I had my first lesson on Thursday morning this week! I was so nervous! I got up really early so I could give my friend Robin a ride to her hair appointment in Honeyville at 7:45 a.m. (in a blizzard!) because she just had surgery on her arm and can't drive. Sky also needed a ride to Honeyville to pick up his car. Interestingly enough they were right next door! As I was driving down the lane to the car shop, I drove into a ditch (culvert!)....yikes....but my car was okay (I hope!). I couldn't even see the dip due to the snow. Great! It had snowed and the roads were really slick.
I then pointed my car south and drove towards a culmination of a dream I have been nursing for a very long while. My first harp lesson! I met Karen in a store parking lot so she could give me Mickey's harp books to borrow for this week until mine arrive and so she could lead me to the teacher's house. I pulled into my teacher's driveway giddy with excitement and thought to myself, "You are really doing this!" I went in and waited while she finished with another lady. As I sat there, the thought kept scurrying across my brain, "You are finally here! Your heart and soul have waited so long for this moment!" I sat down on the student bench and we got started! I had to pinch myself a couple of times. It went really fast. She is a great teacher. I just love her. She is in her 30's with four little kids. They are darling. I was a little surprised how hard the technique (hand position) is to grasp. I am going to have to really practice! The way you hold your hand while playing is a bit unnatural and will take a lot of practice. I have been told that the harp is one of the most difficult instruments to learn. After today I agree. I am so grateful I know how to play the piano because that makes it so much easier. It was very fun though and I am SO EXCITED to learn how to play! I am actually going to PLAY THE HARP! My dream come true! When I got home and practiced a bit, it just felt so right. It felt like home. I know that I am supposed to be doing this. It feels like I have uncovered a part of me that has been buried beyond it's day of awakening.
I then pointed my car south and drove towards a culmination of a dream I have been nursing for a very long while. My first harp lesson! I met Karen in a store parking lot so she could give me Mickey's harp books to borrow for this week until mine arrive and so she could lead me to the teacher's house. I pulled into my teacher's driveway giddy with excitement and thought to myself, "You are really doing this!" I went in and waited while she finished with another lady. As I sat there, the thought kept scurrying across my brain, "You are finally here! Your heart and soul have waited so long for this moment!" I sat down on the student bench and we got started! I had to pinch myself a couple of times. It went really fast. She is a great teacher. I just love her. She is in her 30's with four little kids. They are darling. I was a little surprised how hard the technique (hand position) is to grasp. I am going to have to really practice! The way you hold your hand while playing is a bit unnatural and will take a lot of practice. I have been told that the harp is one of the most difficult instruments to learn. After today I agree. I am so grateful I know how to play the piano because that makes it so much easier. It was very fun though and I am SO EXCITED to learn how to play! I am actually going to PLAY THE HARP! My dream come true! When I got home and practiced a bit, it just felt so right. It felt like home. I know that I am supposed to be doing this. It feels like I have uncovered a part of me that has been buried beyond it's day of awakening.
After my lesson, I met Karen at Tai Pan. We shopped a bit, we were both rushed, but it was fun. I was planning on getting back for my Homemaker's meeting, but I figured I would be too late and so I went to Costco, returned some things to Kohls and took advantage of being in the city and ran some errands.
dear young women basketball games, as soon as I got back from Ogden I headed over to the church for the games. Andrea was out shoveling snow and so I grabbed a shovel and helped her. The snow was total powder and so light. The games were once again a blast. I am loving this new calling. I am even getting to know a lot of the girl's names! Hah Valerie and I did much better with the scoring this week, but we still have a lot of room for improvement. hehe But it's a lot of fun. Our problem is we like to socialize and so we end up missing some things. We asked one of the coaches which girl made one of the baskets and she jokingly said, "There are four of you and you are asking me?!" It was funny, and we laughed because she is right! Oh well, we have fun and that is what the point of it all is. The girls are so cute and just have a lot of fun as well. The medals have been a big hit too. Glad we did those!
dear friday, I got out early on my run. It had snowed again during the night and the roads were bad. I should have worn my snow tires (aka Yak Tracks) but didn't and I almost biffed it a few times. I did my cemetery route and saw some great sights along the way.
Isn't this beautiful? Winter may be cold and miserable, but it is beautiful!
And check out these two houses I ran past. Purple! Well, okay more like Periwinkle, but still!
Tyson's palm tree was covered in snow! As was most everything else. You can't even see the bunny or angel!
I came home and actually remembered to plank. If I miss a day or two, my time goes way down. I was up to 2:30 last week, but today I only got to 1:45. Last year at this time I was close to 5:00.
I put McKay's package together and FINALLY got it mailed. It was a pain filling out the custom form and after re-doing it about seven times, they told me I did the wrong one! It cost $93 to mail a 9 pound package to Russia. I guess considering it is going as far away across the world as I can get, that is pretty reasonable. I doubt he will get it before his bday, but that's okay. At least he will get it! He is in Korea this week and then getting transferred after that, so he has a big week!
I visited with Sky this afternoon. We talked about my harp lessons and technique and his job and moving and a million other things. I am really getting sad that he is going to be gone in a couple of days and I won't have this chance again for who knows when. It's been SO great to have him home! It makes me sad knowing he will be gone again and I won't see him for a very long time again. Dave got off early but then had to go to surgery. Once he got back we headed to Ogden to go to Costco to get stuff for the Super Bowl Bash and to eat at Longhorn Steakhouse. The wait was 40 minutes and so we went to Macy's as well. Taylor was texting me about the menu for the Super Bowl Bash and informed he was now bringing about 10 people. Um....okay. I need to get that dang basement ready. It still isn't finished (I want it finished and beautiful!) and so I don't go down there much but I do want it clean. As we were being taken to our table, I saw my brother! We always see them when we go out to eat! Last time it was in BC! We chatted a bit and then ate our food. It was delish! Love that place. I really love their steaks and their sweet potatoes.
dear long run, since Robin had surgery this week I was on my own today. It was about 18° when I left, but by mile five I took off my jacket and my gloves. I was really not wanting to run 10 or 11 miles today and so I thought seriously about putting it off until Monday. I didn't want to be away for too long since Sky is leaving tomorrow and I want all the time with him I can get. But I knew he was super busy packing and once I got out it was easier to just keep going and it's always nicer to get it over with rather than have it hanging over my head. So...I kept going. I saw a lot of cute snowmen. There are snowmen all over town everywhere you look.
We haven't had much snow the past few years and so everyone is taking advantage of it. I ran south of town and found this even cuter snow-gator:
Can you believe how cool this is? A teenage boy was out there adding more paint to it and he told me they do a different one each year if there is enough snow. I will have to check it out every year.
One of my friends posted THIS on Facebook:
Some people are just so creative. It is fun to see what they come up.
I found ALL these coins in the high school parking lot scattered in different places. I have yet to go there and not find at least one coin.
At mile six, the bottom of my left arch started to really bother me. I just figured that my shoes were letting me know they were done...but it kept getting worse and was really painful. Painful enough that I called Dave at mile 10 and had him come and pick me up. Hoping it's not a stress fracture or something worse. UGH!
dear cleaning and cooking, I spent the rest of the day cleaning and cooking for the Superbowl party tomorrow. So far now, Taylor says there will be 10. It started with four...then six...now 10. I am pretty sure the numbers will keep going up. I made a Texas sheet cake and Christmas crack. I also made a pomegranate cheesecake. Mmm.... They are really good! My new ovens are just not like my old ones and every time I bake something, it seems like something goes wrong now. I had to make two cakes because the first one didn't raise. The repairman did mess with my settings and so I hoped it would fix the problem but it didn't.
Then I headed down to the Man Cave to get it cleaned. Our basement is only partially finished and it frustrates me SO BAD that it isn't finished. And that is the reason I try and avoid it. It's better if I don't go down there because every time I do, I get so frustrated with it. I guess I will have to hire the finishing part of it out, but it's stuff that Dave can and likes to do...crown molding, fireplace cabinets, etc. and he probably would freak out if I did. So instead, I just keep letting it bother me. I am determined to make some serious headway with it before McKay gets home. The bad thing is we have couches that are totally falling apart. As in the stuffing is coming out of them! The boys don't want me to get rid of them because they say they are the most comfortable couches on the planet and they like sleeping on them even more then their own beds. But, their days are numbered. They have to go. NO one has couches that have stuffing coming our of them. Just us. The basement has truly been the boys hangout for years and they just do whatever they want down there which is evident in the nicks and holes in the walls. It needs to be repainted completely. And it needs new carpet. We really messed up when we chose the carpet. Dave's bro got it for a good deal for us because he was putting it in his house and so we went with it and it has been the worst carpet I've even seen. If I could go back in time and do things differently, I wouldn't have moved into the house until everything was done. That was a huge mistake. I had no idea it would be 20 plus years down the road and it still wouldn't be finished. And now Dave has less time, energy, and motivation. Not sure it will ever be done. I just would prefer to move. Okay rant over!
BUT, I did end up dejunking the stash of storage we have under the stairs. I got rid of more than 25% of it (my goal!) and so I felt really good about that. Sky had his stuff scattered all over while he tried to decide what to do with it all...take it, sell it, etc. as he was packing. So it was fun to be working down there together. I told Sky how much the basement bothered me and how embarrassing it was to me and he said that no one even cares. I said, "I do!" He meant all of Taylor's friends that were coming for the party tomorrow. But he was so nice and even touched up most of the nicks and holes in the walls. He touched up most of the door frames and it really made me feel better. Though it still needs a complete repaint job. Oh well, the boys really don't mind even if I do. It gives them a place to hang out without worrying too much about doing any damage to it, and trust me a house that raised five boys in it, has seen a LOT of damage to just about everything. When something would break or get damaged, my boys have heard me say way more than they want, "And this is why I can't have nice things!" But things don't matter. They really don't. Having said that, it still would be nice to have a really gorgeous finished basement where they could bring their friends and I would just smile instead of sigh.
dear superbowl party, #50! Panther's vs Bronco's!
A friend of mine posted on Facebook today, "I know what day the Savior will return. I just don't know what year." He meant Superbowl Sunday. He's obviously not a football fan. haha But I do see his point because after church I worked on the food and did more cleaning to get ready for the party. The count is now up to 12. Taylor was here when I got home and even though Travis was with him, I put Taylor to work while Travis played X Box. His cute friend CJ sent him a text with this photo.
Made me laugh. He also asked Taylor how the raspberry fudge was coming. I totally forgot about the fudge! Luckily I had all the ingredients for it and so I made a batch. It really is the best stuff! My nephew Weston loves it and hints for me to make it for him too. I should make it more often because it's so easy. Here's the recipe:
Sky helped me with the set up and I appreciated his help SO much! He also made chicken wings with his own recipe that tastes just like Wingers. They were so good!
Taylor's friends started to arrive. Kolby and Shay (his wife), Ryleigh and Teylor (his wife), and then Cobbley and his wings (not his wife - his mom made chicken wings also). Then Brad and two really pretty girls that are Taylor's neighbors. They went to Fremont and know my good friend Kathy. Then CJ and Olivia came with some yummy cookies her mom made. We got it all ready to go and called them all up to eat and we had so much food! After they filled their plates, we STILL had so much food! It didn't even look like there was dent in it. Oh my, we had enough to feed five times that many. Especially the pulled pork and teriyaki meatballs.
We haven't had much snow the past few years and so everyone is taking advantage of it. I ran south of town and found this even cuter snow-gator:
Can you believe how cool this is? A teenage boy was out there adding more paint to it and he told me they do a different one each year if there is enough snow. I will have to check it out every year.
One of my friends posted THIS on Facebook:
Some people are just so creative. It is fun to see what they come up.
I found ALL these coins in the high school parking lot scattered in different places. I have yet to go there and not find at least one coin.
At mile six, the bottom of my left arch started to really bother me. I just figured that my shoes were letting me know they were done...but it kept getting worse and was really painful. Painful enough that I called Dave at mile 10 and had him come and pick me up. Hoping it's not a stress fracture or something worse. UGH!
dear cleaning and cooking, I spent the rest of the day cleaning and cooking for the Superbowl party tomorrow. So far now, Taylor says there will be 10. It started with four...then six...now 10. I am pretty sure the numbers will keep going up. I made a Texas sheet cake and Christmas crack. I also made a pomegranate cheesecake. Mmm.... They are really good! My new ovens are just not like my old ones and every time I bake something, it seems like something goes wrong now. I had to make two cakes because the first one didn't raise. The repairman did mess with my settings and so I hoped it would fix the problem but it didn't.
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Cocoa mixture for the cake! Smells so good! |
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Sky going through all his stuff and packing and me cleaning out under the stairs. I should've taken an after photo. But I forgot. Trust me, it looked much better. |
dear superbowl party, #50! Panther's vs Bronco's!
A friend of mine posted on Facebook today, "I know what day the Savior will return. I just don't know what year." He meant Superbowl Sunday. He's obviously not a football fan. haha But I do see his point because after church I worked on the food and did more cleaning to get ready for the party. The count is now up to 12. Taylor was here when I got home and even though Travis was with him, I put Taylor to work while Travis played X Box. His cute friend CJ sent him a text with this photo.
Made me laugh. He also asked Taylor how the raspberry fudge was coming. I totally forgot about the fudge! Luckily I had all the ingredients for it and so I made a batch. It really is the best stuff! My nephew Weston loves it and hints for me to make it for him too. I should make it more often because it's so easy. Here's the recipe:
Raspberry Fudge
3 cups sugar
3/4 cup butter
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 12-oz. package white chocolate chips
1 7-oz. jar Kraft Marshmallow creme
2 teaspoons raspberry extract
3/4 cup butter
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 12-oz. package white chocolate chips
1 7-oz. jar Kraft Marshmallow creme
2 teaspoons raspberry extract
Combine sugar, butter and milk in heavy 2-1/2 quart saucepan; bring
to full rolling bail, stirring constantly. Continue boiling 5 minutes
over medium heat, stirring. Remove from heat, stir in chips till
melted. Add marshmallow creme and raspberry extract; beat until blended.
Pour into greased 13 x 9-inch baking pan lined with foil. I like to add several drops of purple food coloring and then swirl it into the fudge to get a marbled effect. Let cool and cut into 1-inch
Taylor's friends started to arrive. Kolby and Shay (his wife), Ryleigh and Teylor (his wife), and then Cobbley and his wings (not his wife - his mom made chicken wings also). Then Brad and two really pretty girls that are Taylor's neighbors. They went to Fremont and know my good friend Kathy. Then CJ and Olivia came with some yummy cookies her mom made. We got it all ready to go and called them all up to eat and we had so much food! After they filled their plates, we STILL had so much food! It didn't even look like there was dent in it. Oh my, we had enough to feed five times that many. Especially the pulled pork and teriyaki meatballs.
They seemed to be having a good time though and another friend showed up. I invited my parents to come over and help us eat all the food. They are so awesome and came. I am sure they were tired and would have preferred to just stay home, but they came. Seeing Skyler one last time before he leaves was incentive enough. We watched the game upstairs. We ended up with 13 kids and the five of us.
I was emailing McKay during the game (details below) and I felt so bad for him that his team lost. I know he felt bad as well. But if he had been here watching it, I am sure it would have been worse. I'm just grateful he is where he is and doing what he is supposed to be doing right now. And hey, his Panther's made it to the Superbowl with an almost undefeated season. Not too many can say that! He asked me what food we were serving. He always planned out the menu for me weeks in advance. He LOVES the Superbowl party.
I was emailing McKay during the game (details below) and I felt so bad for him that his team lost. I know he felt bad as well. But if he had been here watching it, I am sure it would have been worse. I'm just grateful he is where he is and doing what he is supposed to be doing right now. And hey, his Panther's made it to the Superbowl with an almost undefeated season. Not too many can say that! He asked me what food we were serving. He always planned out the menu for me weeks in advance. He LOVES the Superbowl party.
After the game, they all stayed around for a while. As they left one of the cute girl's named Morgan said to me, "Just wanted to let you know that you have a great son. He is really awesome!" I told her thanks and that I had to agree with her. I thought that was very sweet of her. I loaded up the boys with food to take back with them being the starving college students that they are. They were pretty happy about that. I also packed up a bunch for Skyler to take on the road with him tomorrow. But we still had a lot of food even after that. I way over planned. It's one of my greatest faults.
I had friend post a question on Facebook asking who everyone was cheering for and what they were serving. Here is my response:
Cheering for the Panthers for my son (who is their biggest fan) who is serving a mission in Russia.
We WERE going to go low key until my college son informed me he's
bringing 10 friends! So now we are serving pulled pork, chicken wings,
teriyaki meatballs, shrimp, fruit,
cheese & crackers, spinach artichoke dip, toasted pitas, 7 layer
dip......etc. Texas sheet cake, pomegranate cheesecake, raspberry
fudge, cookies, candy crack for dessert.....and I'm pretty sure even
with all that that these boys will leave hungry!!
dear mckay, you happened to be emailing right during the Superbowl. I was giving you updates and you were excited to hear the Panther's got the ball after halftime when they were behind 7-16 (I think). You would ask who had the ball or what the score was.......and I would give you a play by play but then you must have ran out of time because even though we got your regular letter after, you never responded back to my play by plays. I'm sure you know by now they lost. I felt so bad for you because I know how bad you wanted them to win. But, I also know you won't let it get you down and you will have a positive attitude about it and just focus on your mission. Here are some pictures we got from last week:
dear random, I think this is one awesome photo of Sky! I saw it on his phone and asked for him to send it to me but he said he was deleting it. Then he posted it as his FB profile pix so I snagged it!
dear quotes,
Okay, now that is COLD! Insanely COLD! |
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Pictures of frozen stuff INSIDE the apartment! |
Stray dogs |
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Zone Conference |
dear random, I think this is one awesome photo of Sky! I saw it on his phone and asked for him to send it to me but he said he was deleting it. Then he posted it as his FB profile pix so I snagged it!
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Crazy Bryce! Not sure how he did that stache. |
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A friend posted this on FB and said she wasn't sure why but it reminded her of me. I know why! I am DONE with winter!!! |
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Taylor posted this. Apparently he got up to 50 mph! Injury waiting to happen! |
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Bryce posted this. Yes, our turkey friend wanted to come in...for dinner maybe? Literally for dinner. Mmm... I do love turkey! |
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He must have heard me say that! |
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Deer AND turkey. They seem to get along. |
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Sky's famous taffy... un-pulled. |
dear quotes,
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I actually have this picture hanging in my home (without the caption on it). Someone posted this on FB and so I wanted to share. |
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Amen! It has truly made me mentally stronger. I have a hard time giving up on anything no matter how tough. And it's not just because I'm stubborn. Running has taught me that. |
LOVE all of these ↓
I'm so glad you are getting to enjoy your cute boys so much! Having the kids around is one of the best things ever! You amaze me in so many ways...you're superbowl spread really did! I can't believe you do so much...but I'm sure it was appreciated!
I loved every single quote...quotes have a way of uplifting me...so do you!
I am so excited that you are learning to play the harp. It is wonderful that you are fulfilling a dream that you have had for years! I can't wait to hear you play.
I totally understand your basement woes! I love my remodel, but there are so many, many things that still need to be completed. I have a very real fear that they will not got done before it is time to start over! Way to go with continuing your quest to get rid of 25%. I would love to do that but I'm afraid that trying to make those kind of decisions would send me screaming right into a straight jacket!
That pic of Sky is the best! He rarely smiles in pictures, it nice to see that smile!. I can't believe how wonderful your SuperBowl party sounds! You are amazing to pull off something like that!
I agree Dawn! I love having them around!
Audrey...I here ya on the trying to make those kind of decisions. You need to hire out Sky. haha He is ruthless and makes you see that most things we keep are totally unnecessary. When I do it alone, it's MUCH harder! I can always justify a reason for keeping most of it! So now when I am trying to decide, I hear his voice in my head saying, "Get rid of it. You don't need it!" And about 50% of the crap I have saved, he is right on. I struggle when it has sentimental value. But even with that, once I have decided to say goodbye, I feel so free! It's a great feeling and I am really hoping I get addicted to THAT feeling, instead of the holding onto to crap feeling! hehe
I think my motivation right now is, if "I" don't decide, then someone else will have to. Also, I keep thinking that I really don't want to have to make this decision AGAIN...once is hard enough, so just get rid of it this time. In 10 years, I won't want it so get rid of it now. That helps as well. But it's still hard!
Me again! I don't usually keep commenting on my own posts, BUT in case you guys see this...
I TOTALLY FORGOT to post the pix of the Super Bowl party! They are on here now! I posted the article, just not the pix! I can't believe I did that!
haha....good to know you're human! j/k
Oh...and I made your fudge for Jaydan's birthday dinner and he loved it! He loves raspberry and I usually make him cheesecake but since he watching what he eats I didn't make any this year....I think he would have ate the cheesecake but instead he really enjoyed the fudge! thanks for the recipe
I am so glad the fudge turned out! It is really good isn't it?? Not sure it could beat a raspberry cheesecake though!
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