Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
What are you looking most forward to this summer?
The heat!!! Last winter really dragged out for me. I pretty much love everything about summer! I love being able to spend more time with my boys and I love the kick back atmosphere. This year though our summer is LOADED with scout camps, basketball camps, football camps, girl's camp (of course that one would be for me!), driver's ed, merit badge classes, and on and on. It's gonna get craaaaaazy! But I still LOVE IT!! ♥ I am also looking forward to Dave's sister and her family's visit! We have soooo much fun!!!
What is the easiest thing you fixed for dinner this week?
I am envious of my friends that are running the Wasatch Back Ragnar Race. I was signed up to run it and recruited my friend Jen and then I got injured and didn't have enough time to train for it. It's this month and I wish so bad I was going to be part of it. It's a group of 12 women (in our case) that runs 180 miles from Logan to Park City. Everyone has three different legs (legs of the race, NOT body parts!---though I really could use another leg!!) varying from 3 miles to 8 miles (I think). The legs go round the clock, so you might be running at 3 a.m. in the dark for one. Everyone piles in a couple of vans and no one's just a big party! Next year for sure!!!

1. I grew up thinking life lasted a long time, but have since learned life is VERY (you already know what I'm going to say!) CHERISH THE MOMENTS!!!♥
2. Sego Lily Day Spa (to check my voting status ~ still in the lead!!! YEA!) was the last website I was at before coming here.
3. Why don't you go HERE and vote for me RIGHT NOW!!! PLEASE!!! Pretty please?? With a cherry on top?
4. Sego Lily Spa helps me relax... so I really need to win!!! Help me out my peeps!!! If I win I receive a year's worth of spa treatments valued at $3000!!!! YES that's three THOUSAND dollars worth!!!!
5. Thanks for the VOTE! Wow ~ you would have thought I wrote this week's Friday Fill-Ins! Thanks Janet for making it so perfectly timed! ☺
6. Losing is very off-putting. (yeah so go vote PLEASE to prevent me being put off!) ;o)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to attending a bridal shower for one of my past Young Women girls, and then going to watch Taylor play basketball at USU (basketball camp) , tomorrow my plans include spending most of the day in Logan watching Taylor play in the tourney's at basketball camp, go shopping in between games, and then hopefully go out to dinner or something fun! and Sunday, I want to prepare for my Young Women board meeting, attend BYC , a girl's camp meeting, my board meeting, and then our three hour church block. After that, I wanna take a nap!!!!
To play go HERE
AND REMEMBER IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY ~~~ PLEASE GO VOTE FOR ME!!!! HURRY!! Just click here and go to comments. THANKS ALL!!!
I ♥ U!!
Make room in your weekend for that movie! Maybe Saturday night? I really hope you win the Sego Liily thing. That would just be the best prize ever! And don't worry about the Wasatch Back. Mel got me into it, not you, so no worries! And next year for sure. You can have the really hard legs!
You are awesome! I hope you win!
♥ HUGS ♥
Here is mine
Joined in (again, finally) this week:
Great answer to Recipe of the week. I totally agree with you.
Great questions AND answers! I played finally too!
I sent a few votes your way too!
Fun! I am going to try your Chilritos! Sounds very good!
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