We're so great,
We're so fine,
We're the class of 79!
(Sorry the pix are so small - thank Blogger and click to enlarge)
Wow! 35 years! OUCH! When and HOW did that happen?
Just not sure how that much time has passed or how I can explain that I still feel like I did in high school in many ways. I certainly do not feel like it's been 35 years or that we are now older than all of our teachers who we thought were dinosaurs!
Seriously crazy!
What was even more crazy was the fact that hardly anyone attended this year's reunion. It was mainly due to the oops decision to publicize on Facebook ONLY instead of sending out mailers. Considering more than half the class isn't even on FB, that was not a good way to get the word out. So, sadly the peeps that DID come were the ones that I already have caught up with on FB. We usually have around 150-200 out of 450 grads at every reunion. This year's was a tiny fraction of that. and a few of my besties went anyway! We are always up for a good time together and we made the most of it and had a lot of fun! There were so many of my good friends that didn't come this time. They really missed out.
You would have to know these girls to actually understand how much I laugh when I am with them. There is never even a five minute span without some kind of laughter when we are together. Some of us have been friends since elementary school and we still love spending time together. And it's like time picks up where it left off. It was really like that with all of my old classmates, even the ones I hadn't seen in 10 or 20 years. It's really hard to explain how that happens.
Friday night has always traditionally been classmates only and held at our old stomping grounds, Bonneville High. In the past we have had a bon-fire where we would burn a huge 79 made out of wood just like we did when we were seniors...but the school will no longer allow that. We usually meet in the new court aka deck (by new I mean we were the first class that got to use it!) but there was another reunion being held there and so we were in the library. I had no idea where it was! hahahaha I seriously could not remember really ever going in there. I wasn't a bonehead or anything. I even graduated in the top 10% of my class, but I just didn't frequent that place...ever. lol The other class was from 1964 and I saw a few of them walking in before I knew there was another one there and wondered why our class had aged so poorly! Whew!

This year we just mostly mingled and looked at OLD yearbooks (including our junior high ones). It's always so fun to see and talk to old friends. And since the next day was my birthday they all sang Happy Birthday to me.
Over the years I have come to realize that we had a very unique class. We were really all good friends, I mean we still had cliques and groups, but we were all a really bonded class and seemed to just be all connected.
We also had some famous and very successful classmates. Even just in this photo ↓ there is a county commissioner, an Olympic athlete, a fire chief, and a popular EFY speaker and author that was just made a Stake President. We had a lot of amazing people from our class.
I would have to say our claim to fame would be Ed Eyestone though. He is the tall one standing in the middle with the blue shirt. He was a track star in high school and went on to run in TWO Olympics! He is incredibly talented and now is an ESPN commentator and a writer for Runner's World as well as the head coach for the BYU Men's Track team. When he asked me how my running was going (I was not a runner in high school - he just knows I do now because of Facebook) I took advantage of his knowledge and I told him I could use some tips on how to BQ on my upcoming marathon. He was so nice and asked me a bunch of question such as, am I doing speed work (I told him I was doing hill repeats), am I getting in my 20 mile long runs (yes), am I doing I HATE intervals! I told him that and he said that I needed to do intervals! He also told me I could email him anytime and he would help me out in anyway he could. I might just do that! People would pay large sums of money for his advice and I can get it just because I know the guy.
Our photo bomb picture!
Linda kept taking action photos and since they make me laugh, I had to post them all.
It was a lot of fun to chat and catch up with everyone and just being back in the old school was just so nostalgic. It was kind of weird to walk the halls realizing how many years ago I did that daily.
It was a really hard decision to make whether to go on the Saturday night one since I went on Friday and it was an even harder decision of whether Dave was going to go with me mainly because it was my birthday. The decision got easier to make when we realized hardly any classmates were going (due to poor publicity) and my friends that were going were not taking spouses. It got even easier when we realized it would cost us $50 more if Dave did go. We decided to save the money since he would have been bored out of his gourd anyway and I'd just go and we would celebrate my birthday on Monday.
I'm glad I decided to go. I had already bought my dress and shoes and wouldn't really have any where else to wear them and I really love
being with my high school pals, especially my silly and crazy friends.
Sitting all proper waiting for the partay to begin.
And I mean a literal party. After we finished eating, they made me go up to the front and gave me a birthday crown and candles (a 5 and 3) and then EVERYONE sang Happy Birthday to me. I told them thank you and that it was nice of them to all attend my birthday party. haha I turned the candles around to be a 3 and 5. Not many peeps can say they celebrated their 35th birthday at their 35th class reunion. ☺
Crazy Scott had to come and be in the picture with a crown on. Later on he was nominated as the night's Homecoming Queen. So deserving too.
I got the award (kinda strange award) for "something you always wanted to do in high school but didn't".... (or something along those lines) because I had the Chicken Pox during Cheerleader tryouts AND the Jr. Prom! I thanked Ed for giving them to me because he had them the week before. "We" (me and my peeps) also won the award for the Most Likely to Change the World (as the Housewives of Bonneville High)....okay. lol
With our awards ↓
We got a little ancy and so had some fun...
Robert was taking the photos one right after the other. I wish I had these on a Flipagram.
Ed sang a song he wrote about Lakers and Bonneville (hilarious) and played the bongos using the table. Such talent! Paul sang Bring Him Home. Also great talent.
Even though we were few in numbers (even with spouses), it was pretty fun!
I cringe to think how old we will be at the next one! are ONLY as YOUNG as you feel!
Here's to many more for the Class of 79!
Fun.....there's something about growing up with others. You become so connected! Glad you had fun!
It twas fun!
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