(If pictures are too small, just click to enlarge)
Sherrie had to get home for a carpool and so we said goodbye to her about mile 13. She was going to come and get us when we got to mile 17 so we could just run west and downhill.
I absolutely LOVE running in the rain as long as it's not freezing cold! We had to stop at the Nat for a potty break and then we continued on down west to Watery Lane. We ran past the high school band out in the rain practicing. It brought many memories of all those early summer mornings out practicing with the band as the Majorette. We were getting drenched at that point. We tried to call Sherrie but she wouldn't answer and so we finally called Bryce. By the time he came we were at mile 18 but we walked the last one because my knees were killing me and I knew if I ran that would be an injury waiting to happen. The furthest I've ran is 14 since the marathon and so I wanted to be wise. I started to call Robin "Rockin' Robin" because she had to stop about 4 times to get rocks out of her shoe. haha
I FOUND A PENNY! I do not always find pennies when I run and so I know that this one was sent straight from heaven from Tyson to say thanks for running in his memory! THAT I KNOW! It was pretty cool!
Me and Robin (drenched rats) holding the penny I found.
We were happy with our overall time. Our pace ended up being like a 9:45 or less. It was a good run! I couldn't wait to get in the hot shower to warm up! I was freezing!
I stopped in to see Mona but she was out with her physical therapist and they said she would be another 90 minutes. I decided to head to Farmington Station to try and find the plates I wish I would have bought when I was there last. I want the dinner plates for my birthday. They were gone! I was sad. The checker told me to call around to their SLC stores and maybe they had some. I did that when I got home and could only find some in St. George. So I got online and searched for them and found quite a few but they wanted $50.00 for four! The ones at Home Goods were only $14.99 for four. I kept searching but nothing. I decided to put the ones in St. George on hold and call my friend Loraine to see if she would go get them for me. Hopefully she would just keep them at her house until I got there in October. I called her and she was more than happy to do that for me. I was so excited! They are just SO cute! Do I need them? Absolutely NOT, but I sure am excited to change these up with my old ones. I just love them!
I did some shopping for Taylor and then headed back to see Mona. We had a good visit. She gets to come home next week. That is exciting!
When I got home, I asked Taylor if he wanted to go shopping for his birthday because I really struck out. He agreed to and so we headed to Logan. We stopped at Rumbi Grill for dinner and then hit a few stores and then the mall.
As we were walking in the mall, my phone had this huge black spot on it. Taylor said, "Not good, it's toast!". I told him that I was sure it would go away and be okay but he told me it would only get worse. He was right. It started to go crazy! I could hardly get into it. We stopped at a phone repair store and they could replace my screen for $100 but I thought that I would wait and see if it got better. Bad mistake! By the end of the night I couldn't even use it! It was so far gone and just continued to get worse. I came home and tried to back it up and realized I had never backed it up! Not good! Bryce helped me but it refused to back up. It was acting so crazy! It would just type random letters when I was texting and called my Dad on it's own. It called a ton of people on it's own. I had no control over it. It was possessed by the Devil! I was frustrated! I went without using it for a couple days and finally Bryce took it to Layton for me to get the screen repaired to see if that would fix the issues. It did. But it was expensive.
Then after all that my Lifeproof case went bizerk too! It bubbled up. I had to contact them to get a new one so I could even use it. I love technology until it doesn't work and then it's the most frustrating thing ever!
Here's what I posted on Facebook:
•★ * ░H░A░P░P░Y░ 22nd ░B░I░R░T░H░D░A░Y░*★ • to my son Taylor! So great to have you back home this year to celebrate! You have been a blessing (and a tease!) in our lives since day one and you continue to bring loads of happiness to our family with your fun and lay back personality. We couldn't be more proud of you and for all that you have achieved! Thanks for being such a great son and person! •★ * Feliz Aniversário!!! •★ *
He really is a great kid! I have been so blessed to be his Mama!
I was out on the porch early one day just reading the paper and watched you catch a big fat mouse! Then I watched you play with it and tease it. I have to admit I was more than happy when it escaped your sharp clutches! I felt so bad for it.
You sure do know how to relax to the fullest!
So many cute things!
This is my niece Sara imitating me! ALL PURPLE! haha
We practiced our talents and then we got to perform them!
It was a riot as usual. The talent show is ALWAYS the highlight of the fling!
Linda and her girls did an Enlarging Machine. It was super cute! Carolyn and Nat did the 12 Days of Christmas with cute actions. Grace played the piano. Nat and Aubrey did a skit about teenage girls. Mickey and Sara did a dance with a beach ball.
Karen, Julie, Becki, and I did a synchronized swimming skit. It was rather thrown together at the last minute but it was a hilarious! We had a blast doing it. We looked insane but had so much fun!
After the talent show we did some dancing and each person had to be the leader and we followed their moves. That was super fun especially when little Kylah got up there and showed us her moves.
Then we each got to open a gift that someone else had brought. You could steal someone else's if you wanted but once it was stolen twice it was un-stealable. I got what Julie brought. She said she was really hoping I would get it. Since I was #1 I got to pick first and she kind of lead me to it. It was a candy bra! SO FUNNY! But then Aubrey stole it from me. So I had to open another one and I got Santa slippers. Natalie stole those from me and so I stole my bra back. It was a lot of fun!
Her I am in my lovely candy bra. haha!
The sisters! Minus Tori and Mom.
Tanae also got a lovely bra. A coconut embellished one! ha
We really do have a lot of fun together! I am so blessed to have these wonderful "sisters" in my life. I was not blessed with sisters but I made out really well in the in law department. I feel like they are my sisters.
Silly girls!
We had the timer on and for this one and I couldn't resist adding some of the hilarious ones.
We also made a craft out of seashells. Carolyn really out did herself!
SO much fun!
We then headed out to Cafe Rio in our outfits. Pretty fun!
My niece posted this on Snapchat. Nice!
It was a super duper wonderful day spent with some of my most favorite peeps on the planet! I sure do love these guys!
We were going to go paddle boarding at Pineview but it was 6:00 by the time we were done with dinner and so we decided to do it later this summer. I was happy about that because Dave really wanted me to go with him to a reception to meet the new mission President and so I was able to make that.
We had to get a photo on the golf carts. FORE!
As we were runing down Sardine canyon, we saw Rachelle biking up! She can't run anymore because of her hips and she misses it terribly. I do not take it for granted when I hear stories like hers! She is a doll!
Taylor LOVES little kids and they love him. This is Kylah giving him a smooch!
The other nieces wouldn't leave him alone either. He always had one of them hanging on him. But he loves it!
Weston came and so they had some fun playing ping pong.
It was a fun get together.
With the Russian flag
Two friends posted these on my wall:
I think they know me well!
dear first long run of the week, since we couldn't run on Saturday last week, Robin and I decided to do our long run on Monday. We invited Sherrie to join us. She had already ran 7 miles before joining us. She is amazing and we are pretty sure she is NOT human. She has never been sore or injured and can run 20 miles a day without any side effects! We love running with her because she keeps us going and helps us DIG DEEP! She ran Boston this year for the first time and she did great!
It was her idea to do a 17 mile run in honor of Tyson's 17 years. We were only supposed to go 16 miles today, but I thought it would be cool to run the 17 in Tyson's memory. So we did!
Dave dropped us off at Sherwood Hills and we ran to the Dam and then to the campground and then we got rained on. It felt great!
It was her idea to do a 17 mile run in honor of Tyson's 17 years. We were only supposed to go 16 miles today, but I thought it would be cool to run the 17 in Tyson's memory. So we did!
Dave dropped us off at Sherwood Hills and we ran to the Dam and then to the campground and then we got rained on. It felt great!
Sherrie had to get home for a carpool and so we said goodbye to her about mile 13. She was going to come and get us when we got to mile 17 so we could just run west and downhill.
I absolutely LOVE running in the rain as long as it's not freezing cold! We had to stop at the Nat for a potty break and then we continued on down west to Watery Lane. We ran past the high school band out in the rain practicing. It brought many memories of all those early summer mornings out practicing with the band as the Majorette. We were getting drenched at that point. We tried to call Sherrie but she wouldn't answer and so we finally called Bryce. By the time he came we were at mile 18 but we walked the last one because my knees were killing me and I knew if I ran that would be an injury waiting to happen. The furthest I've ran is 14 since the marathon and so I wanted to be wise. I started to call Robin "Rockin' Robin" because she had to stop about 4 times to get rocks out of her shoe. haha
I FOUND A PENNY! I do not always find pennies when I run and so I know that this one was sent straight from heaven from Tyson to say thanks for running in his memory! THAT I KNOW! It was pretty cool!
Me and Robin (drenched rats) holding the penny I found.
We were happy with our overall time. Our pace ended up being like a 9:45 or less. It was a good run! I couldn't wait to get in the hot shower to warm up! I was freezing!
dear trip to ogden, I ran into Ogden to see Mona and to do some birthday shopping for Taylor. I decided to go to Criddles to get Mona a huge cinnamon roll and one for Taylor's birthday as well. As I was standing there waiting to pay, I heard someone yell, "Jodi?" I turned and it was my good friend Dawn! I couldn't believe it! The last time I was in that restaurant it was with her! It was so fun to see her! She was with her friend Tammy. The crazy thing is, I ALMOST called her to see if she had time to go to breakfast today since I was coming in early. What are the odds? I swear the two of us have some unseen and unexplainable connection between us. Things like this always happen to us.
I stopped in to see Mona but she was out with her physical therapist and they said she would be another 90 minutes. I decided to head to Farmington Station to try and find the plates I wish I would have bought when I was there last. I want the dinner plates for my birthday. They were gone! I was sad. The checker told me to call around to their SLC stores and maybe they had some. I did that when I got home and could only find some in St. George. So I got online and searched for them and found quite a few but they wanted $50.00 for four! The ones at Home Goods were only $14.99 for four. I kept searching but nothing. I decided to put the ones in St. George on hold and call my friend Loraine to see if she would go get them for me. Hopefully she would just keep them at her house until I got there in October. I called her and she was more than happy to do that for me. I was so excited! They are just SO cute! Do I need them? Absolutely NOT, but I sure am excited to change these up with my old ones. I just love them!
I did some shopping for Taylor and then headed back to see Mona. We had a good visit. She gets to come home next week. That is exciting!
When I got home, I asked Taylor if he wanted to go shopping for his birthday because I really struck out. He agreed to and so we headed to Logan. We stopped at Rumbi Grill for dinner and then hit a few stores and then the mall.
As we were walking in the mall, my phone had this huge black spot on it. Taylor said, "Not good, it's toast!". I told him that I was sure it would go away and be okay but he told me it would only get worse. He was right. It started to go crazy! I could hardly get into it. We stopped at a phone repair store and they could replace my screen for $100 but I thought that I would wait and see if it got better. Bad mistake! By the end of the night I couldn't even use it! It was so far gone and just continued to get worse. I came home and tried to back it up and realized I had never backed it up! Not good! Bryce helped me but it refused to back up. It was acting so crazy! It would just type random letters when I was texting and called my Dad on it's own. It called a ton of people on it's own. I had no control over it. It was possessed by the Devil! I was frustrated! I went without using it for a couple days and finally Bryce took it to Layton for me to get the screen repaired to see if that would fix the issues. It did. But it was expensive.
Then after all that my Lifeproof case went bizerk too! It bubbled up. I had to contact them to get a new one so I could even use it. I love technology until it doesn't work and then it's the most frustrating thing ever!
dear happy birthday taylor! Taylor was woken up by a missionary companion from Uruguay or may be it 's Argentina? Anyway the guy called him and sang happy birthday to him and they talked a while. I took in his giant cinnamon roll with a candle. He was going to go to Lagoon today but he had a lab at 6:00 pm and other things so he bagged it. He ended up going to Mantua with CJ and Bryce with the wave runners. They had fun. We headed to dinner to Ricardo's but Dave wasn't able to stay and eat. He ordered but they were too slow and he had to leave to get to his meetings and interviews. We opened presents about 10 pm! Story of our life. He is going to get a snow board too but hasn't found one yet.
22! Wow!Here's what I posted on Facebook:
•★ * ░H░A░P░P░Y░ 22nd ░B░I░R░T░H░D░A░Y░*★ • to my son Taylor! So great to have you back home this year to celebrate! You have been a blessing (and a tease!) in our lives since day one and you continue to bring loads of happiness to our family with your fun and lay back personality. We couldn't be more proud of you and for all that you have achieved! Thanks for being such a great son and person! •★ * Feliz Aniversário!!! •★ *
He really is a great kid! I have been so blessed to be his Mama!
dear mr. cat, we went upstairs to find you in Taylor's bag. Just all relaxed as if it were your bed. Maybe your were trying to keep him from leaving to go somewhere?
I was out on the porch early one day just reading the paper and watched you catch a big fat mouse! Then I watched you play with it and tease it. I have to admit I was more than happy when it escaped your sharp clutches! I felt so bad for it.
You sure do know how to relax to the fullest!
dear sister's fling 2015! What a blast! Carolyn hosted it this year and it was a lot of fun. The theme for this year was Chrsitmas in July at the beach. We put on our Santa hats and leis and had a good time eating tons of scrumptious food!
So many cute things!
This is my niece Sara imitating me! ALL PURPLE! haha
We practiced our talents and then we got to perform them!
It was a riot as usual. The talent show is ALWAYS the highlight of the fling!
Linda and her girls did an Enlarging Machine. It was super cute! Carolyn and Nat did the 12 Days of Christmas with cute actions. Grace played the piano. Nat and Aubrey did a skit about teenage girls. Mickey and Sara did a dance with a beach ball.
Karen, Julie, Becki, and I did a synchronized swimming skit. It was rather thrown together at the last minute but it was a hilarious! We had a blast doing it. We looked insane but had so much fun!
After the talent show we did some dancing and each person had to be the leader and we followed their moves. That was super fun especially when little Kylah got up there and showed us her moves.
Then we each got to open a gift that someone else had brought. You could steal someone else's if you wanted but once it was stolen twice it was un-stealable. I got what Julie brought. She said she was really hoping I would get it. Since I was #1 I got to pick first and she kind of lead me to it. It was a candy bra! SO FUNNY! But then Aubrey stole it from me. So I had to open another one and I got Santa slippers. Natalie stole those from me and so I stole my bra back. It was a lot of fun!
Her I am in my lovely candy bra. haha!
The sisters! Minus Tori and Mom.
Tanae also got a lovely bra. A coconut embellished one! ha
We really do have a lot of fun together! I am so blessed to have these wonderful "sisters" in my life. I was not blessed with sisters but I made out really well in the in law department. I feel like they are my sisters.
Silly girls!
We had the timer on and for this one and I couldn't resist adding some of the hilarious ones.
We also made a craft out of seashells. Carolyn really out did herself!
SO much fun!
We then headed out to Cafe Rio in our outfits. Pretty fun!
My niece posted this on Snapchat. Nice!
It was a super duper wonderful day spent with some of my most favorite peeps on the planet! I sure do love these guys!
We were going to go paddle boarding at Pineview but it was 6:00 by the time we were done with dinner and so we decided to do it later this summer. I was happy about that because Dave really wanted me to go with him to a reception to meet the new mission President and so I was able to make that.
dear reception for the new area Mission President, Dave had already left when he got my call saying I was going to be home early so I could go with him. He turned around and when I got home I threw on a skirt and off we went to Tremonton. We were told it was a reception (as in open house) but we were wrong! When we got there, we opened the door to the cultural hall (talking loudly I might add!) and saw all these people around tables listening to a speaker! Yikes! That was embarrassing! Apparently it was a sit down dinner NOT an open house! We didn't get that memo! So we walked in as we interrupted the entire meeting and sat down at a table. Dave ate the salad (I had already eaten) and I wouldn't have anyway. Too embarrassed at that point. They went on with the speakers and then after they fed us! I just sampled mine. It was delish! But still rather embarrassed! The good thing about him being a doctor is people usually cut you a lot of slack just assuming that's why you were late. It usually IS the reason, but not this time! Groan!
dear first bike ride of the summer! I haven't even got my bike out yet until this week! I had run 17 miles on Monday and we were going to run 16 on Saturday and so I decided to do a little cross training. I went on about a 12 mile ride and I could feel muscles that I hadn't used in running. It felt good to be on it. I love riding! And I didn't even crash! Bonus!
dear throwback! Colleen posted these! This is Tanner and McKay and Taylor and Kaylie! I have no idea who that cat is! Not ours! McKay was a tuckered out little guy! lol They are both now serving missions! How time flies!
dear second long run of the week! We were off again on Saturday to get in another one! 16 miles today! Dave drove us back up to Sherwood. He is so nice to do that at 6:00 a.m! We had to use the "facilities" while there and so we went in the clubhouse. Robin went in the Men's and I nearly dropped my phone in the toilet!
Check out the toilet paper brand? lolWe had to get a photo on the golf carts. FORE!
As we were runing down Sardine canyon, we saw Rachelle biking up! She can't run anymore because of her hips and she misses it terribly. I do not take it for granted when I hear stories like hers! She is a doll!
dear twix bars, I owed a couple people Twix bars from the ward auction and I was taking them to Tanae's homecoming as well and so I decided to make three big pans full so I could also take them to the new move ins in our ward and send some to McKay.
They are just so yummy!
dear tanae homecoming. My niece Tanae got home from her mission to Australia and so her homecoming was Sunday. It was at 9 a.m. with the luncheon at noon. Kylah was there and being so cute. As was Nikki. I love babies. My niece Dani stopped by and so I got to see her little guy Ryder. He is a cutie!
Taylor LOVES little kids and they love him. This is Kylah giving him a smooch!
The other nieces wouldn't leave him alone either. He always had one of them hanging on him. But he loves it!
Weston came and so they had some fun playing ping pong.
It was a fun get together.
dear mckay, I haven't added pix in a couple weeks so here are a few weeks worth. Elder McKay is having a good experience in the MTC and he really loves his comps and roomies. He can make good friends anywhere he goes. Everyone loves McKay and I know he is making the MTC a funner place for all. But oh man, the language looks so difficult! I added HIS captions under the photos.
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This one is for you Mom. |
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Russian Hymn Book. One with my thumb and one without. |
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With Elder Wankier! Laundry room. Good quote. Wednesdays at the MTC |
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Our classroom mascot. My precious. Ring pops |
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One of our sisters got a wedding announcement from her crush haha. "INVADE FOR MOTHER RUSSIA" |
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It was suppose to look like I was sitting on a throne of packages but it just turned out awful haha. Pano of my classroom. My desk. We put 6 pounds of gummie bears in Elder West's pillow. |
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Sure do love and miss this kid!
dear what? I posted this on Facebook this week: One smile makes you feel as good as 2000 chocolate bars? Studies done by
British Researchers show it takes 2000 chocolate bars to make you feel
as good as ONE smile! Since I am very careful of any studies I tell you
about, and I am highly skeptical of this one, I have decided to test
this out for myself. (I know, what a selfless gal I am!) ;) I will keep you updated as my research continues. Probably shouldn't take too long.
Two friends posted these on my wall:
I think they know me well!
dear quotes,
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