Memorial Day was never more to me than just a day off of school and work, a three day weekend, or the sign that school was almost out and summer was near. Growing up I remember going to the cemeteries and taking flowers (always peonies) to set on the graves of those who had passed on. But it has taken on a whole new meaning in the past two years and a half years for me. Since losing our son Tyson, it has become a day of many mixed emotions. It is a day to remember. Remembering is a good thing. Even though at times it can come with a little bit of pain, and some days a whole lot of it. But the ability to remember is a great gift. I treasure each and every memory I have of that boy. What if I didn't have that? That would be tough. When I remember all the great moments we shared and his upbeat and comical personality, and that signature smile of his, I am overcome with joy. Sometimes remembering can also be painful. When I remember how much he suffered and endured, and how he did it with the most amazing dignity and strength, the sorrow creeps in. Sometimes the only thing I can remember is how much I miss him. Each and every day I remember how much I love him.♥ Remembering those who have passed on blesses us with the ability to treasure those moments even more because it makes us realize that life really is short and we must cherish each and every second of each and every moment we have been so abundantly blessed with. So on this day as you remember those you loved that have passed on, and those who have sacrificed their lives to preserve our freedoms, also remember that there are no guarantees in this life and so be sure to hold tight to those you do have near. ♥ Life is a gift... Cherish it...
I couldn't find just the right thing for Tyson's grave this year. I knew what I wanted, but couldn't find it. So I did what any crazy would do, and made my own. I knew it had to be tropical and hawaiian-ish and so I went and bought lots of things that fit that description and then brought out the big gun(s)... every women's favorite tool...the GLUE GUN!
I really had no clear vision of what I was creating, so I just added a little more glue here and there and...


McKay checking things out on Sunday

Looking nice... The black thing on the right is just my SIL's skirt ( in case you thought it was a black flag or something gothic! Well, we are in the cemetery afterall!☺) 
These shots were taken yesterday. I will post more photos of today later...when we return!

These shots were taken yesterday. I will post more photos of today later...when we return!
These were taken today...
Just checking things out. It rained nearly ALL day today.

All I can say is..."Boys Will Be Boys"

Maybe someday I can use these as blackmail... :D

Yes, definitely!

We are now at the cemetery where my grandparents and my cousin Shelley who just passed away last month, are buried. This is near where I grew up.

My grandparents grave.

My mom and dad showed up while we were there.
Hugs to you, jodi. Beautifully written.
He sounds like he must have been an amazing son. He is so handsome--what a fantastic smile.
I love what you created for his grave.
What an honor to be loved so much! Who could ever ask more from such an amazing woman.
What a wonderful way to remember your son. So hard. My daughter's first daughter died early. We never forget her...we never want to.
It's so hard to have somebody missing at the table. It really makes me treasure having my family all under the same roof right now. I know what a treasure that is, and how temporary.
How perfect for tyson....you did a great job. Your such a strong lady..
Your post brought me to tears. Your tropical creation for Tyson's grave is just wonderful. Here's a big hug for you. (((JODI)))
What a perfect arrangement! I had no idea you had lost a son. I am so desperately sorry. You are a beautiful writer.
wow. awesome. he must have been an AMAZING child, and has such an AMAZING mother.
I love that cemtaries are no place to be eerie or weird around. I love that it's just a place to remember, and the kids can be free. I love that. I do the same. My boys are the same.
Thanks for the read. It was awesome.
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