Help for the Frazzled Mom!

Sorry about not posting this sooner. But it is still Wednesday...although barely. It has been "one of those days." You know the kind. Every parent has them. Actually every parent pretty much has them every day. The kind of day when you are needed for every little thing...i.e. help with homework, rides to and from friends, rides to and from basketball practice, rides to and from the church, rides to and from scouts, a trip to the grocery store to re-stock the fridge with life sustaining supplies such as chip dip and Swiss Cake Rolls (since there is "never anything good in this house to eat!"), looking for the lost shoe - or the lost mind in my case. And doing it all within the time span of 30 minutes. No biggy. We all do it all the time. And without receiving any kind of medal like you get when you run a marathon, even though every day seems like one when you are a parent in today's world. It's just what we do for the precious fruit of our loins, who of course will someday thank us profusely for all the time and sacrifice we so unselfishly were willing to provide. Right? OF COURSE it's right! But it most likely won't be until they themselves have produced their own precious offspring from their own precious loins. That's when it finally sinks in. But it will happen. Mark my words. It will. I promise. And then on that great and glorious day, you will probably be too tired to do anything but acknowledge their sweet dripping gratitude with just a weary smile and a slow nod of the head.
But I digress. To get to the point...today's PPP is going to be short and sweet. I ran out of time for long and boring. But hopefully it will give you a little food for thought and a wee chuckle to help pull you through "one of those days" that you are undoubtedly going to have today. ☺Sorry, but you know you are!
Read the following quote over and over until it becomes cemented in your brain. Dr. Latham has this quote posted at the end of every single chapter in his book.
"Research has shown that the most effective way to reduce problem behavior in children is to strengthen desirable behavior through positive reinforcement rather than trying to weaken undesirable behavior using aversive or negative processes." (Glenn Latham quoting S.W. Bijou)
That's all for today's post. I told you it was short, but it is HUGE! Give it some thought. In fact, a lot. Now for the chuckle...
If your eyes are as bad as mine, you just might have to click to enlarge...

Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
One more time with the quote...
"Research has shown that the most effective way to reduce problem behavior in children is to strengthen desirable behavior through positive reinforcement rather than trying to weaken undesirable behavior using aversive or negative processes." (Glenn Latham quoting S.W. Bijou)
As always...good luck, and as Dr. Latham used to say:
*BTW~will someone explain to me WHY some pictures will enlarge and others won't? UGH!
I love all your "fruit of my loins" talk. My hubby likes to say that because it grosses out our kids, haha! :D
I know that quote is right...it's just not always easy to put into practice! ;)
I cracked up and the 'precious loins' idea too. Very funny. I needed this today. Thanks!
Love the cartoons! Especially the distinguishing between quiet and too quiet! Maybe you'll have to e-mail those to me if you get a chance! And thanks for the parenting reminder. I need it probably more than every Wed.
Great quote--very true. Warm fuzzies vs. cold pricklies.
It's amazing how much smarter we become when they have children of their own!!!
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