Food 4 Thought Friday
Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night for those that are on a different time zone. JOIN IN!!!
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
Only SIX more days until CHRISTMAS!!!
Do you still have gifts to buy or are you done with your shopping?Breakfast
Lunch Has the economy affected any part of your Christmas this year? How?
DinnerWhat is your favorite Christmas tradition?
Midnight Snack Are you feeling like a Jolly Elf or a Grinchy Scrooge right at this moment?
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!
Be sure and stop by the other's blogs who played along too!!!
Lunch Has the economy affected any part of your Christmas this year? How?Yes, we aren't buying as many gifts for the boys this year.
DinnerWhat is your favorite Christmas tradition?It is by far our Elf. We have been doing this tradition now for about 15 years. Our elf's name is ELFIS. He shows up at our house on December 1st of each year. He hides each and every night and the boys have to find him in the morning. He sometimes leaves notes and treats. His job is to watch to see if they are being naughty or nice and on Dec. 24th he disappears to go and report to Santa. Even though my boys are now older, he still shows up each year. Occasionally over the years, the older ones had to hide him for the younger ones because for some reason he forgets. Hmm.... We have found him in some interesting places...the microwave, the fridge, the fireplace, etc. If you don't already do this tradition START! Your kids will love it! I love it! ♥ I also really like our Birthday Party for Jesus and wrapping up all our Christmas books and reading one each night in December. I just LOVE traditions!

Meet Elfis!
Midnight Snack Are you feeling like a Jolly Elf or a Grinchy Scrooge right at this moment?
Oh definitely more like a Grinchy Scrooge. Only because I still have so much left to do before I am going to be ready for the big day. I try and squeeze in way too much each year and I am feeling very overwhelmed with it all right now!
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)During this busy time of year be sure and take the time for the basics that help get you through the day even though you may feel "too busy" to do them...praying, reading scriptures, time to meditate, exercise, etc. They make a huge difference in your stress level.
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)During this busy time of year be sure and take the time for the basics that help get you through the day even though you may feel "too busy" to do them...praying, reading scriptures, time to meditate, exercise, etc. They make a huge difference in your stress level.

The Fill-ins are in red.
1. Said the night wind to the little lamb, do you stress like I stress?
2. The first Noel, the angel did say, ♫♫Christmas is here in just six more days ♫♫
3. So many cars creating traffic jams, Over the hills and everywhere.
4. It came upon the midnight clear, you will find me still up wishing bedtime was near.
5. Remember the reason for the season and Let your heart be light.
6. And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing even if you can't carry a tune.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to picking up Skyler from the airport (he's been working in Hawaii this week), visiting my mom in the hospital (she had a hip replacement on Wednesday), attending Taylor's basketball game, and wrapping, wrapping, and more wrapping, tomorrow my plans include visting my mom in the hospital, hopefully taking McKay to meet the Grinch in Ogden, finish my shopping and wrapping, and somehow squeeze in a run, and Sunday, I want to be prepared for my Young Women Board meeting, attend all my meetings, go to Dave's parents and visit his sister's fam that will finally be here from Arizona for Christmas (we really miss them! ♥), and hopefully relax a bit!
To play along go HERE.
I played!
I love your traditions! They sound so fun! Good luck on getting everything done - and then enjoy that long anticipated nap!
Your recipe was perfect!
Meant to ask where you got that cute elf?
What a cute tradition! Hawaii!?!?! Right at this moment I would give anything to be there! We just got dumped on, and its still coming down.. ugh!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Nice elf tradition.
My dinner is served here.
Merry Christmas!
I'm up. Have a wonderful Christmas!!
Did my Food 4 Thought, again with my Fill Ins.
#1 cracked me up! Hope your Mom is healing well, thanks for playing, have fun this weekend!
I joined in! Thanks!
Kelsee...I got the elf years ago at a boutique sorry! Oops....I mean... I didn't "get" him...he just showed up one day!!!
Mine is up HERE. Easy on the shopping everyone!
Have a happy Christmas!
Love your traditions! I wish I had known about the elf thing when I was younger, but I still have an eight year old who would get a kick out of it. I hope your mom is doing well. You will have to fill me in on how everything went. You know I will always LOVE your Mom!!!! She is awesome! Give her a BIG HUG for me!
I love traditions too. That's what keeps me going during the holidays otherwise I might just veg!
I keep seeing your posts about running, so I have had my sneakers out lately and did a little running of my own.
See my mobile blog info on the
Rudolph Run
I love your Elfis--such a cute idea. (And those kinds of traditions last forever--doesn't matter how old the kids get ; )
I haven't wrapped a single gift yet. But I have little elves here who will be more than happy to wrap for me.
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