Sorry it's late! The holiday craziness is sapping up all my time. I was going to bag it this week, but then decided even if it's Saturday by the time I get this done, someone might still want to play along! ☺ Sorry I didn't make it by last week to those who played along. I am still planning to!
Food 4 Thought Friday
Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night for those that are on a different time zone. JOIN IN!!!
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
BreakfastDo you have a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
Do you give a Christmas gift to your nearby neighbors each year?
DinnerHave you ever done the 12 Days of Christmas or had it done to you? Was it anonymous?
Midnight Snack What time do you typically get to bed on Christmas Eve?
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!
Be sure and stop by the other's blogs who played along too!!!
BreakfastDo you have a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?I grew up with artificial ones. In fact we even had one of those silver foil ones with the rotating light wheel. Since I have been married, we have ALWAYS had a real one. Dave always insisted. Now the boys do too. I am still pushing to get an artificial one though. I am getting sick of all the dry needles! For more on this go HERE.
Do you give a Christmas gift to your nearby neighbors each year?
Yes we do. Our neighborhood has always done that. It is one of my favorite parts of Christmas trying to come up with something unique and clever to give. We don't spend more than $2-3 each though. Mainly because we give to so many (usually about 30). The best part is when the doorbell rings and it's one of our neighbors delivering one to us. It's so fun. My favorite one we gave was a can of Pringle chips that I decorated with felt to look like Santa Claus with the poem that said something like: "Jingle, Jingle, Here's Kris Kringle. Sit right down and have Pringle." It took forever to make them, but they were pretty cute.
DinnerHave you ever done the 12 Days of Christmas or had it done to you? Was it anonymous?
We usually do it each year. We pick a family in our area that could use some cheer or help and do it anonymously. It is one of our boys favorite traditions. I usually buy a nativity set and we give one piece each day along with a part of a poem I wrote. On the last day we leave the baby Jesus. We've also had it done to us several times. Last year someone did it for us and the gifts were so generous and the cards were so touching that it REALLY helped make our Christmas much more meaningful after losing Tyson the year before. I think doing anonymous acts of service is really what Christmas is all about. It helps bring the meaning into it so powerfully.
Midnight Snack What time do you typically get to bed on Christmas Eve?
Lately, it has been around 1 or 2 a.m. When the boys were little, I would be up until at least 3 or 4 a.m. Just in time to have them wake us up about 5 a.m.!
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
Hang on no matter how hard it gets. Hard things come to pass not to stay.

1. Friends are one of my greatest blessings! ♥
2. Take good care of your health; it's what makes up the quality of life.
3. I'm ready for NOT Christmas, that's for sure! Never been so far behind as this year!
4. Forbidden Fruit is one of my favorite perfumes or aftershaves or smells.
5. The oldest ornament I have is from our first Christmas in 1982. It is a musical cross-stitched one my Mom made us.
6. Take some gratitude, appreciation, a giving heart, and a little humor mix it all together and you have joy and happiness!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finishing getting my Christmas up (never been this slow!), running kids to and fro, finding Bryce something to wear to his dance tomorrow, wrapping gifts, mostly just doing Christmas stuff! tomorrow my plans include watching McKay's at his last basketball camp day, attending his concert, helping Bryce get ready for his dance date, and Sunday, I want to make it to all my meetings, and hopefully take a long winter's nap (ha-ha!)
To play go HERE.
am I really the 1st to comment?
anyways, mine is up here.
I love it, you did it in Christmas colors ! That is cool.
I love your #6.
I love your #6.
Joined in again.
I played along with this weeks FFTF!
Have a great weekend and enjoy that nap :)
Great Christmas traditions--I love them all. We so enjoy doing the Twelve Days of Christmas.
A long winter's nap sounds really nice.
I played along too, and thank you for the sweet Good Mail. I love it. Many hugs!♥
I played...and did the fill ins too.
Have a great weekend!
The food is served here
I too am up with my foodie answers.
Good questions this week! Hope you find the time to de-stress during this busy time!
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