I am about to repent with several posts to try and catch up on all the things I meant to blog about...but... you know, just didn't!
I must ask of my fellow bloggers forgiveness in being even a bigger slacker at leaving comments! It's not because I don't ♥love♥ you....because I do!!! Life just gets a little crazy at times!!!
Put on your seat belts and let's go...
Springtime in Utah... lovely, just lovely! Mother Nature needs to be shot!!!

Cooking Hobo Dinners in the snow!!! FUN!!!
*Me and Jerilyn with her kiddos (she was two when we went to Med School!)
*Taylor the Iron Mouth. Doesn't he look like that James Bond dude with the metal mouth? Bet they used foil too!
*Dave with a bouquet of flowers for MOI!
*And a cute sign...
The steps of BROTHERLY LOVE...
A little church ball with Taylor and Bryce....

Out to lunch with some high school friends...
and other friends...

Teaching Blogging for Dummies at the State 4H Convention...

McKay's birthday goods.... Carolina Panther everything!

Me and my roomate TINA! I was at a conference with 20,000 other women and she saw me and recognized me! We hadn't seen each other in about 29 years! I have NO idea how she recognized me, because I ddn't even recognize her even when she said my name. It was one of those AMAZING moments!!! So good to see her!!!!
That's it for now, but MORE to come....
Nice catch up.....You really have been busy...try not to let life interfere with blogging...LOL
Awesome post :) Thanks for sharing!
♥ Hugs ♥
Woo Woo...thats a busy blogging life! I loved the St. Paddy's day picture, a girl after my own heart. I love feeding my family greeny day food! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing more.
Oh my Goodness! You didn't tell me you saw Tina. You have to fill me in. Awesome Post! Soooo much fun!
P.S. I think I already told you, but just in case, I LOVED YOUR LETTER and picture!
You have had just A LITTLE BIT GOING ON!!!!
Maybe you can settle down a little in April, but somehow I doubt it.
You know there is this really great quote by Charles Swindoll that says, "Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it." So honestly, i've been loving this snow! It is so fabulous! Just watching it fall, it is so pretty! It is all about attitude. :D
I love seeing what is going on in your life. I too have been a blogging slacker, but I think that just happens from time to time. Hopefully we will both get back on the ball.
Holy cow, woman! You've been a busy lady! What fun pictures. I went and planted too, we should have coordinated. And I need copies of those game night pictures! That was too fun!
Steph...that is one of my FAV quotes! But I have a very hard time applying it in APRIL in the SNOW! Other than that...it works! LOL :D
Wow have you been busy! I love that you posted it all for us to see. You are not slacker! Sometimes you just have to prioritize and blogging just didn't come at the top of the list, but you got to it eventually.:O) You are amazing with all you do.
(Maybe someone did shoot mother nature which is why we are still getting snow?!)
I could use some help with starting my blog! We really need to talk!!! I guess I am one of those Blogging for "Dummies" you talked about........
Hey Wendy, I would ♥ to help you in ANY way I can...
It would be a lot of fun to get you going. Let me know when you can get together and I will show the ropes!
Yesterday or as soon as you can! :)
Thanks so much.
I can tell you are excited to get going. We better plan a time soon then. But just a warning...once you start you can't stop. It's addicting! :D I'm excited to help you out...
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