Hurray for Hormones!
This is me with my cute-cute nieces Madi and Paigely at my son's hockey game. They are my brother's girls. He has three. How did I get all the boys and he get all the girls? Not sure, but somehow he also got one son! I love my boys to pieces, but there's nothing like having another female around so I don't feel quite so out-numbered! Hormones should be spread around equally don't ya think? Right now at my house it's usually 5 to 1! We had all gone out to dinner for my Dad's birthday and little Madi wanted to come to "Aunt Jodi's" house after. But since it was school the next day, we (she ☺) planned to come over the next day, which was Friday. She said, "Call me tomorrow when I get home from school and when someone answers say, 'Is Madi there?'" Well, I forgot she had early out that day. My Mom called to let me know that my brother mentioned to her that Madi had been sitting by the phone since she walked in the door from school! Boy did I feel bad! I immediately called her and when she answered, I said, "Is Madi there?" She giggled and said, "Yes, this is her." What a cutie! We decided we would pick them up on our way to my son's hockey game and then bring them back to my house for a sleep-over. She called back about five minutes later wondering if her mom could drive her up right NOW! I, of course, said yes! Paigely wanted to come along too. We had a great time. Although, I don't think they were expecting such a long ride to the hockey game! They were pretty bushed when we got back about 10:30 p.m. but still stayed up real late watching Shrek 3 with McKay.
Since I had girls around, I had to have some kind of fun craft project for us to do! I mean really, how often do I get to do that!!! Not much since I have been out of cub scouts. As you can see, McKay wasn't too sold on the idea of doing a "craft"...he is all boy!
When I told him he could paint his the colors of the Carolina Panthers (his favorite football team) he chippered up some! By the way, those are plastic garbage sacks they are wearing to protect their clothes. Worked like a charm!
The finished products! They are gumball machines that you can fill with candy or gumballs or whatever you want. They are made out of terra-cotta pots and lids. I was impressed with how well such little hands could paint!
Paigely made hers to match her room.......purple and lime green. (Guess I will let her back in the purple club! Your fav color has to be purple or you are out! Her's was blue. Imagine!!!) Madi did hers to match her ladybug room. Aren't they the cutest?
Here's McKay's. Of course he didn't want any ribbon or raffia on his! The other one is mine. A very fun and easy project. I am getting excited because they are coming to spend the night again tomorrow since there is no school on Monday! Hurray for hormones!!!
1 comment:
What a cute blog!
Donny Osmond? Haven't heard about him for a while! But if you love purple ......
Great music selections too......
Hope to return often.. Have fun
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