my favorite things....GIVE AWAY!!! Ok, I am following the slew of all the MY FAVORITE THINGS posts, (which btw, I have only seen one other that was a contest - yeah I'm new at this!), but that is okay. I just want to give some stuff away, so that's what I am going to do! Oprah eat your heart out! It's much more fun this way! Here's the rub: I am going to list a few of my favorite things and let you leave a comment. You then specify in your comment which of my favorite things you would like if you win. In a week or so, I will put all the comments in a hat and draw the winning name. I will contact you if you win and then you can tell me where you want it shipped etc. etc. HOW EASY IS THAT???? Now don't think you YOU CAN'T POST A COMMENT because you don't deserve a prize (everyone deserves a prize!) OR because you don't know me. Someone is going to WIN!!! Either you or some random dude sitting at his keyboard chewing on his toenails will. It might as well be YOU!!!! So decide which one you'd like best...and if you are the one chewing on your toenails....well.....then stop!
my favorite things!!!
(drum roll please......)

Pampered Chef Mini Whipper
This little whiz is so handy! I love it. I use it for everything from stirring hot chocolate to beating eggs. It beats the heck out of any regular whisk. It is the best little gadget and I wouldn't be without one in my kitchen. I prefer to use it (for everything) over my large wire whisks.
This little whiz is so handy! I love it. I use it for everything from stirring hot chocolate to beating eggs. It beats the heck out of any regular whisk. It is the best little gadget and I wouldn't be without one in my kitchen. I prefer to use it (for everything) over my large wire whisks.

Violet Crumble
This candy bar is imported from Australia and is pretty darn hard to find. It is a chocolate covered honeycomb candy bar. You know the kind of airy, light, honeycomb that just melts in your mouth? My Grandma used to buy me something similar at the ZCMI candy counter when I was a little girl. Oh.......soooooooooo heavenly! This includes four candy bars.

If you don't know about these, you must not be living on planet earth. This little wall plug-in will scent your room with the aroma of Moonlight Path. It is a very subtle, yet romantic scent. Great for the ♥bedroom♥. From Bath & Body Works. Mmmm......

This is thee best honey. Made only in Utah. It is so yummy on toast or anything else that you put regular honey on. Watch out though, it is addicting!

Miracle Hand Repair
This is so great for dry hands. I use it on my face as a moisturizer too. It is a thick cream that just feels so healing when applied. One of those great little secrets.

Cadbury and Dove Chocolate Eggs
It would just not be Easter without these! I wait all year for a bag of these. Both kinds are the most delicious chocolate in the world. Oh man!
It would just not be Easter without these! I wait all year for a bag of these. Both kinds are the most delicious chocolate in the world. Oh man!

It should be a crime to eat French Fries without this amazing sauce. Another Utah only product!
Recipe Book by American Mother's Inc.
I personally put together this cookbook and it is the first one I always reach for. I have heard that little endorsement from pretty much everyone who owns one. How could it not be great? It is a compilation of the very best tried and true recipes of a large group of moms.
Mary Engelbreit Journals
Who doesn't love anything with Mary Engelbreit on it? This little journal will inspire you to want to write in your journal or just keep it with you to write down thoughts or daily inspirations.
Okay......there you have it! Now get busy! This should be fun! You can tell your friends about it too. Enter only once.......although if you suck up a bit I just might put your name in twice ☺ I am really curious to see what you choose! And for those of you that keep telling me you have tried to leave a comment but can't.......just click on the comment link (NOT the envelope, but the word COMMENT) right here at the bottom. Go into the page and write your comment. You can just click on name if you want and leave it that way. Pretty easy......... If I can figure it out, so can YOU! ☺GOOD LUCK!!!!!
Hope I'm not the only one!!!!
Hey Jodi!
This is a great blog spot! I love learning more about your great family. I'm entering your contest, and my favorite thing, (I like many of these items), I'm going to say is the lavender Bath and Body works plug in scent thing. I love them, and I really need one right now! (Do you think you could add my name in the drawing twice, because I really, really need one!) You gave me one for my birthday, and I've been hooked ever since. Thanks for the invite. Great job! I'll check back often
You can't change the post date. It's ok.
I would love to win that fry sauce. I've only seen it 2 million times at the store. I'm too chicken to buy something that I might not like. I will let you buy it for me! :) The blog looks great.
Did someone say Give Away? I would love to get the wisky thing. It would be great for when my granddaughters come over and want their Milkachocolatemilk. And honey for my toast and what??? Chocolate eggs??? Mmmm
Wait a minute! I'm not really anonymous. Jodi, It's me, Loraine. I need the lavender plug in thing! I'm just not very computer savvy! Hope this gets straighted out.
I think your blog is great!!! I would love to win the whisk or the lavender bath plug in. Keep up the good work!!! Julie
I came over from Jody's blog. Cost Plus has Violet Crumbles! And as much as I love Good Chocolate, I love cookbooks. I'd love to win the cookbook!
I love your blog. I have boys too. I'll be back.
Hey Jodi,
The blog is great, and so are all the pictures. I used to sell Pampered Chef so I know how great the products are.
jodi, I came over from nancyface and had to let you know that I'm EVEN OLDER than you--just didn't want you to think you were the oldest blogger out there ; )
Regarding changing the date on your post--at the bottom it should say post options click on it and change the date!!!
Yvonne thank you!!!! You're a genius! I am so grateful for the info! Yippee! Thanks again~
Hey you forgot to vote on your fav! I think I should enter you at least twice for such good info! And it's comforting to know I'm not the oldest! But I'm sure I'm almost the oldest!!! hee hee
It is a toss up between the wire wisk and the romantice scent!!
I too love your blog spot and go there as often as possible. My kids think that it is all I do these days! And maybe they are RIGHT! Thanks for getting me started. Karen
Jodi! Thanks for the invite to vote! I too love to win things. I definately love many of the same things you love, but at this time of the year it HAS TO BE the cad. chocolate and dove eggs!!! These are probably my most favorite. I had a great time at lunch, and think we should go again soon! I LOVE your pictures at the concert with Audry and JaeLyn. That is the best. I love Audry. I did get to go to lunch with her and Marilyn a little bit ago. Since you get to seen them more than I do....say hi for me. Vote for Chocolate!!!!
Hi Jo-
For all of you who didn't get how amazing this woman is just by reading this blog....I am here to tell you I don't know what I would do without her. We are related...somehow. I think we are cousins (in a round-a-bout sort of way) but she is my role model, and my idol. Thank you for being who you are Jo- I love you.
Oh and as far as your favorite things give away....I would take ANY of them. I think our loves are very similar (it's in our Poppleton blood). I love you Jodi- I hope you know what a difference you make in my life every day!
I think I have this figured out. See my e-mail so you don't think I am crazy. By the way my pick is the whisk.
Okay Britt.... wow after that I think you are the best suck upper!! How can I not enter you twice....maybe even three times! BTW- the feelings mutual!!! Love ya!
Hey Jodi,
I'd love the whisk thing! It looks so cool! I could really use that thing. Or the cad chocolate eggs! They're my favorite! I love Easter candy! I love your blog!
I couldn't get my sign on to work on your blog so here is my answers. So sorry. (Jodi here- I fixed it for ya!)
You forgot to list the best nickname of all "VD". On Valentines Day I flashed Justin and Jordan the old VD sign and told them it also stood for your nickname.
As for the contest I feel like I am leaning towards the cute little whisk. My son, Justin, is always making chocolate milk and clanging the spoon against the glass and it just about sends me through the roof for some reason. I think the whisk would be much quieter on my nerves as he drinks about 10 glasses a day.
How about your oldest niece? If she is not your mini me then I don't know who is. Are you sure you didn't give birth to her?
I have the cub scouts now and it sounds to me like you might have a few ideas to help me out.
Hey!!! So, since you just love giving me things to eat like oh i don't know... Worms!!! I would love if you would love to give me the cadbury eggs to eat! If I had a favorites list they would probably be on it right behind Levi ;)j/k that would be the person who gave me the eggs :)!!!
P.S. You blog is very cute!!! Did I mention I love those eggs and that I love you most???:)
This is a cute idea! My favorite of the items is the Pampered Chef whipper. I LOVE TO make hot cocoa for my kids, and this would be so great for that. We are coming up on the snowiest season in Colorado, and that is alot of hot cocoa!
Thank you!
Hey Jo,
Count me in! I'll let you know what I'd like after I win!
Hey Jo!!
I love your blog! And as always anything free is always cool too. And just to give Britt a run for her money, you are my hero too!! You amaze me with all you do and your sweetness through it all!!! Oh yea, and how in the world you can stay organized is absolutely amazing!!! My favorite is always chocolate!!! Love ya!!
Hi Jodi, Love your Blog-Auntie Sharon would like to enter your contest, and my favorite thing would have to be the Miracle Hand Cream (at my age anything will help). Please put my name in the hat and hope that I am one of the lucky winners. Love your Blog keep up the good work.
Jodi, we are so proud of you. We love you, Dave and the boys sooooooo much. I'm suppose to be teaching you seems it's the other way around. MOM
PS I like the whipper along with whipper.
What a charming little idea!
Lets see, hand cream sounds interesting and so does the honey. I'd take either but since no one has said that, put me in for your famous honey!
I'll check back often....
Hi Jodi!
You are definitely going to want to give me the Cox's honey, whether I win or not. I'll tell you why! My dad used to always bring me Cox's honey when he came to visit because I loved it as a child. He died almost four years ago and I haven't had any since. I guess I could buy it somewhere, you'll have to let me know where. Anyway, I could definitely enjoy a nice piece of toast with that white creamy honey on it. I'm excited to know about your blog spot! It's awesome. Thanks for sharing!
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