Will SOMEBODY please tell me when my baby MCKAY grew up and turned 12 on me!!!!! NO! It can't be possible. It was just yesterday he was learning how to walk and wouldn't let me out of his sight for even a second. I don't recall giving him permission to grow up into a young man! But he went and ahead and did it anyway...there oughta be a law!
Everyone always told me that children grow up in a flash and after watching my first four do that on me I KNEW it was true....but somehow, somewhere deep in my heart, I always thought my baby would STAY my baby! And now here he goes and follows their lead! I want to protest! It's just not right!
I do have to say that if he is going to grow up on me anyway that I am so very grateful that he did it the way he did. Since day one McKay has been MY boy! I don't want to call him a Mama's boy because that would make him sound sissy or whimpy or something like that, and he is definitely not those things, BUT he has always wanted to be held by me and to be near me. He lavished me with hugs and kisses incessantly when he was little and wanted to be close to me at all times. He has grown out of that some, but he will still come and plop his 12 year old body on my lap quite frequently.
Can I just say... THIS I LOVE!!!
When he was about nine years old someone told him he was too big to be sitting on my lap and he got the saddest look in his face. I immediately told him that he would NEVER be too old OR too big to sit on my lap and I plan on him sitting on it even when he is a grown man!!! We used to read the book I'll Love You Forever by Robert Munsch...
"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as you're living, my baby you'll be..." If you are familiar with the book you will understand what I am talking about. If you're not...GO BUY IT NOW and read it to your children every night!
This little boy McKay has brought so much joy into my life that I can't even begin to express it. It was so funny when I had him (my FIFTH boy) how everyone told me how sorry they were I didn't get a little girl. I immediately responded very sincerely that I was SO HAPPY I got another boy, because I LOVE boys and no girl could ever come close to my sweet McKay! I mean why feel sorry for me because I didn't get additional HORMONES to deal with! Craaaaaaazy! My own are enough!!!
I don't know what I did to deserve him, but one thing is for sure, it must have been pretty great, because he is the most amazing son!
I love you bud!!! ♥
Oh....where did the time go!!!! :(
Party Fun!!!
TWELVE facts about McKster!!!
1. He is the most pleasant person to be around. He always asks about how everyone's day went and is sincerely interested in other's feelings.
2. He can laugh/giggle harder than anyone I know!
3. He has been obsessed with the GRINCH since he was about three. One year for Christmas all he wanted was a GRINCH CASTLE...(a what???) We had never heard of one and found out it didn't exist. He told us Santa could find one. Santa had to work extra hard that year but WAS able to build one and decorate it with the help of Mrs. Claus! (see photos above)
4. He is VERY witty and comes up with the funniest stuff!
5. He is a lot of fun to be around and has lots of friends.
6. He looks up to his older brothers A LOT! AND he can keep up with all of them.
7. He LOVES cookie dough....chocolate chip and Wendy's nuggets and cheeseburgers plain.
8. He is very sensitive and caring about others. He worries about others sometimes too much. At parent teacher conference's we are always told how kind he is to ALL the kids.
9. He is very self confident and has lots of enthusiasm!
10. He is Steve Smith's and the Carolina Panther's greatest fan!
11. He has the most amazing memory. After he learns something in church or school, he comes home and tells us about it verbatim. He can quote movie dialogue non-stop as well...just like his brother Tyson could.
12. Every SINGLE night he reminds everyone of us to say our prayers...without fail!
He is the best bud a mom could have!!! ♥

Purple rolls! Only in Hawaii!
McKay's two older brothers were selected as District Cub Scouts of the Year. When he got nominated the pressure was really on the poor guy. We talked a lot about how it was no big deal if he didn't win too. As he came out of his interviews, he confidently told me he thought he was going to be selected. He was right. Whew!
LOVES football!

I've always had the boys write a FAVORITES LIST in their journals at least twice a year and they are so fun to go back and read. This is McKay's most current one:
McKay's Favorites 2009
Color: Blue
Sport: Football/Hockey
Animal: Iguana
Food: Lasagna
Book: Harry Potter 7
Season: Summer
Restaurant: Tepanyaki Japanese Steak House
Holiday: Christmas
Weather: Sunny
Cereal: Honey Bunches of Oats
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean 3
Candy: Twix/Butterfinger
Subject: P.E.
Toy: Xbox 360
Thing to do: Hang out with friends
Place have been: Hawaii
Place to be: Home
Place want to go: Bahamas
Person: Tyson
Hero: Tyson
Time of Day: Afternoon
Song: A lot
Drink: Guava Juice
Treat: My Mom's Twix Bars
Thing to do with family: Go to the cabin or on vacation
Vacation: Hawaii
We took McKay to Tepanyaki for his birthday and now it's his favorite restaurant.
Celebrating this year....
Happy Birthday Bud! I love you soooooooooooo much!!! ♥♥♥
As long as your living, my baby you'll be...