10 miles. Today. Running. Now barely walking. Seriously feeling it.9 toes hurting. One was numb.
8 muscles (at least) asking me WHY I'm torturing them.
7 thoughts of "Why do I enjoy inflicting pain on myself?"
6 thoughts of "Buck up! It's ONLY 10 miles!"
5 thoughts of "Do I really want to a run a marathon? That's 16 MORE miles!"
4 hours to re-coop.
3 Ibuprofen immediately administered upon arriving home.
2 hip flexors screaming.
1 IPOD dead battery. (Definitely a blessing in disguise or I might have kept going,)
I am in training for the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay that is in June. I also ran 10 miles last Saturday. And 9 miles the previous Monday. Those are my long runs. I try to run 4 to 6 miles three times a week as well. I haven't been running more than 8 miles at a time since my injury last year. And, my body is letting me know. I have run two half marathons (13.1 miles -emphasis on the point 1 - that little point 1 is huge!) but once you stop the training, you lose it. Use it or lose it kind of thing.
Last Saturday when I got back from my run, I felt just like I did the very first time I ran 10 miles three years ago. I remember I came home and laid down to just rest for a bit and woke up three hours later. I just wanted to sleep. I was also hurting so bad that I wasn't walking too well. After a while I got used to it and was fine after a long run. I thought I had passed that point of total exhaustion for good with my running, but then I quit running long distances last year due to an injury and so now I guess my body is letting me know that I have to get used to it all over again.
Last Saturday, I ran early and felt like I was worthless the rest of the day. I didn't sleep for three hours, but wasn't super productive either. Today I went out later hoping to get stuff done BEFORE in case it had the same effect on me. Good thing, because I am worthless today as well. Maybe next week I'll go at night so I will be worthless when it's time for bed instead! That would also help my training since the Ragnar requires runs at night in the dark.
The Ragnar Relay is a 188 mile course that is ran in about 24 hours non-stop by a team of 12. Each member has three legs to run. Everyone's legs are different as far as mileage and elevation. They are rated from Easy to Very Hard. The longest total distance for one runner is 20 miles and the shortest is 12. My total running distance is 13.1 miles (yes a half marathon in distance!) The legs are split up over the course and so you may be running at midnight or 3 a.m. depending on your legs. I haven't found out my times yet, but I know I have at least one in the dark. I most excited for that one!
It may sound crazy, but it is a PARTY! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I was registered with the team ENERGIZER RUNNIES last year, but had to drop out because of my injury. I was so bummed. I heard they have over 1000 teams this year. WOW! Major party! That's 1000 x 12 people! It is SOLD OUT! It's going to be one serious party. There is no sleep involved for at least 24 hours unless you are lucky to catch a cat nap here and there when you aren't running your legs. Each team has two vehicles that the non runners travel in and follow their runner. For more info go
Our team name this year is LIPS, HIPS, and ASPHALT. Each team decorates their vehicles and wears crazy costumes. They give away prizes for the best in each category.
The part I am most excited about is my awesome friends Jen, Heather, Mel, and Jen D. are on my team. I love each one of them so much and I know it will be SO MUCH FUN!!! It will also be fun making new friends with the others that are on the team as well. We have nine women and three men. The men are being good sports about the name and what we are planning for costumes.
One thing for sure is I need to get back to the gym to my strength training classes to help me be a stronger runner as well. Those 5:45 a.m. classes are killers, but I can tell a huge difference in my running when I'm not faithful at attending. I am just grateful Mother Nature has decided to give us at least a few days each week of sunshine. I have put away my winter running clothes FOUR times already this spring, only to get them back out when the temps drop again. We will have a few days in the 60's and then the next day it is back in the 30's. Here's hoping her mood swings have finally stabilized!
I'll end on a quote that made me chuckle this week...
"Life is short. Running makes it seem longer." ~ Baron Hansen
Even though I am not running the Ragnar, I told Jen I wanted to train with her. After reading your torture, I am not sure that I am up to it. MY 'long' runs are only 5.25 and that is mostly down hill. Good luck. This sounds so fun! sort of
Jody, you CAN do it! Plan on next year! You and Audrey! Can you imagine the party it would be? Doran could do it with us too!
Excuse me! How did I get in on this? I'm not doing the Regnar - unless I get to drive the van! I can party so much better when I can breathe!!!
OK Audrey you're on for driving the van! And we'll put you in charge of photos too. How's that? BUT, I KNOW you could run it! We can all start training together next spring! PLAN ON IT GIRL!!!
I'm pretty excited about our run too! It will be such a party! Well, except for the running bit. And unlike you, I keep my winter clothes out hoping...
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