I had the wonderful opportunity to attend Women's Conference this year with a bunch of great friends. For those of you that are unfamiliar with what Women's Conference is exactly, I will try and give you a lay'wo'man's definition of it.
Wom-en's Con-fer-ence
[wim-ins] /ˈkɒnfərəns, -frəns/
1. A meeting lasting for the duration of two days consisting of approximately 20,000 women joined together on one campus to hear amazing and inspiring speakers and wonderful and talented musicians.
2. A gathering of females that behave as though they don't get out much - (though they do often☺) - that come together in one unit to let loose and indulge themselves in eating large amounts of cinnamon roasted almonds, kettle popcorn, BYU's famous mint brownies and fudge, Teriyaki rice bowls, chocolate covered cinnamon bears, and bottled water, all while soaking in great words of inspiration and wisdom.
3. A herd of women walking all over BYU's campus rushing (while usually simultaneously snarfing down some kind of nourishment i.e. BYU mint brownie) to get in a very long line in order to get inside a very large classroom to listen to the one speaker they came to hear and then being told the room is filled to capacity and to go find another class.
4. Females filling the Marriott Center to near capacity to gather together to be inspired and uplifted by not only speakers but musicians as well. Said females ranging in age from 16 to 96 jumping and letting loose and seriously rocking out to rap music at evening concert without holding back. This scene can only be witnessed at Women's Conference and no where else in the world. Same said females standing in unison as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ enters as silence sweeps entire building and standing during closing hymn as tears well up in many eyes.
5. Nearly 20,000 women suffering from sleep deprivation from staying up until 3 a.m. and arising at 6 a.m. in order to get back to campus on time for next day's conference. Sleep deprivation causes some to laugh like a loose cannon at very non-funny things and near wetting of pants as mascara runs down face with tears of uncontrollable laughter.
6. A ginormous group of the female gender listening attentively to speaker after speaker while they multi task with either piously taking detailed notes of the speaker, crocheting, knitting, needle-work, baby blanket making, quilt stitching, altering entire prom dresses in lap, catching up on their backed up hemming pile, texting on cell phone, planning next month's menu, snarfing large amounts of chocolate, kettle corn, or cinnamon roasted almonds, writing letters to their missionary, taking a cat nap, sneaking off to go use restroom in order to avoid waiting in a line that reaches around the entire Marriott Center, removing shoes and then massaging sore and tired feet, popping large amounts of Tylenol, Advil, and Tic Tacs, sneaking a sip of Coke, Pepsi, Mt. Dew, or Dr. Pepper (you know who you are!) they have hidden in their large tote bag in order to stay awake, wondering if that other class they wanted to attend would have been better, squeezing Visine eye-drops into their eyes with the promise of getting the red out, thinking about all that laundry that will be awaiting them upon their arrival back home, and of course thinking about how grateful they are to have such wonderful women friends they can be together with for two days!!!!

Looks like so much fun. I have totally loved WC when I have attended. Need to put it on my list for 2010!
I love the photos! It appears you all had a great time!
I didn't get to go to women's conference this year so I'm searching blogs for any info from classes. It looks like you had so much fun! (From a stranger)
HOW FUN!!! L. Tom Perry, huh? Please share your notes!!!
I've always wanted to go and for some reason have never made it. Next Year - Hopefully! Looks like a Nourishing (physically and spiritually) Weekend!
WOW! I am so impressed at how quickly you posted! It was wonderful, wasn't it! I'm so glad that I was able to attend.
I can't wait until next year when I get to go! You are so cute!
It's a shocker huh Audrey???? I will waiting to see yours!!! Or is it already up? Probably....
So worth it!!!
Oh looks like a GREAT time!!!
I am still pining to get to Carraba's. Since my yummy experience in Florida I want to go again.
I have always enjoyed Women's Conference when I've been there. Maybe I will have to plan a trip for next year.
your posts have such a wonderful sense of family and community -
Happy Mother's Day to you Jodi!
PS: I went to the "fancy" athletic shoe store and got fitted for some extra nice running shoes! Now when the rain stops I'll go for a run!
Jodi, Love your blog. I'm happy to be in the blogging world now too. I want to go next year! Looks like you had tons of fun.
Jodi sounds like you gals had a fantastic time! One of theese days I hope to be able to attend.
That was SO much fun! I really needed it!
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