Taylor's track meets...

Taylor did well at region clearing 5'8" on the high jump. He was in 1st place for his age division. It was the first time he participated in that event this year.

Total random...

Skyler left to work in Philadelphia for FOUR LONG months...it was really hard to say goodbye....again! :(

I spoke at a local women's conference on BLOGGING trying to recruit more of us crazies!!!! Hope it worked! lol

More total random...
McKay's last TaVaCi concert...boy was he glad! The last few years he has HATED this with a passion but I wouldn't let him quit because I have learned the power music has in allowing both sides of the brain to work. I firmly believe (AND it has been proven) that it helps with math and other school subjects. Besides, the concerts are fun even for him I think! They make it "cool" for the boys. They receive a trophy on their last concert and the size of it is determined by how many years they took. His was huge!

Bryce's 18th birthday
Bryce's birthday dinner at Tempanyaki's
~Mother's Day~

The things I can get them to do in the name of Mother's Day! ☺

Ardeth Kapp came and spoke at our Stake for a Relief Society meeting. She was EXCELLENT!
This is Bonnie ~ Ardeth Kapp ~ and yours truly after the meeting.
For those of you who don't know who she is, she is a former General Young Women's President. In our church that is one of the most important callings a woman can receive. She worked directly with the Prophet and Apostles. She served (without pay) from 1984 to 1992 over several thousand young women ages 12-18. She has authored over 20 books and is an incredible speaker! What an honor to meet her.
Actually I had met her before only not formerly. When she had just been released from her calling we were eating in a restaurant in Bountiful. I had three very active and lively boys at the time and I remember Bryce was about two years old and a handful. Dave and I were trying to keep them well behaved and well mannered, but as restless boys tend to be, they were a little noisy and wild. Bryce was throwing the crackers I had given him off his high-chair and one of them spilled their water and on and on! I remember being embarrassed because of the older couple that was seated behind us a bit, and feeling like we were upsetting them due to the chaos at our table.
As they got up to leave they walked over to us and the woman gently put her hand on my shoulder and said, "I just have to tell you how much my husband and I have enjoyed watching your darling little family. They are just a joy to watch." When I turned to look at her face, I realized it was ARDETH KAPP!!! What a sweet woman to take the time to make a young mother who was feeling inadequate feel better about herself! I'm sure she sensed my embarrassment. I will always remember that. She was never able to have children of her own and I believe she honestly meant what she said to me.
Bonnie had emailed her this story as they were corresponding about the details of the night (she was in charge of the event) and so when Bonnie introduced me to her, she told her who I was and she gave me a squeeze and just chuckled! Great lady!
That's all folks...at least for now!!! :D
Looks like you have been very busy! But it looks like a fun busy!!! I love the hummer! It really should be yours! lol
I love seeing what you have been up to! Very busy...busy...busy!!! You need to relax sometimes!!!!
Sherri :)
I want that hummer! Can't you steal it for me!!! I will share! haha
I am with you on the whole music thing! It is so very very important! I told my kids that it isn't an option around here. So far so good. We'll see!
Oh and I have a story about Ardeth Kapp I will need to email you! You will love it!
Love all the pictures! Dinner looks so fun, we need to try that place. Hopefully summer won't be as busy as the last month! Then we'll have more time for lunch!
What a great photos. Such wonderful memories.
It's so nice to see them all.
I've been very busy last month, missing the fun part of blogging.
Well, I'm here again...
What fun !!!
Fun pictures--you always have so much going on. I hope Skylar enjoys his time in Philadelphia.
Love the Mother's Day pics.
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