For our Young Women's Mother~Daughter night this year we had a wonderful evening planned all around weddings and temple marriage.
We were lucky enough to have a ward member that owns a small but beautiful reception center be kind enough to let us have it there.
We gathered some old and some new wedding dresses for the display.
The girls and their moms played a get to know you game before we got started.

I made a small wedding cake to add to the atmosphere.
I wrote some key words on the bottom layer to help the girls visualize what they must remember on their road to the temple... (click to enlarge)

We had Sister Reid ~ a former Temple Matron speak to the girls about preparing for the temple. She was wonderful and so sweet!
We also had a wonderful slide show of the mothers AND leaders wedding pictures! Wish I could add that on here. It was VERY entertaining to see some of those hair styles and dresses!!!
Group picture of the leaders. We have a lot of fun in case you can't tell! Not quite ready for the picture...
Okay now...!

BUT....not QUITE as much fun as me and the girls. Yes, I think I am one of them. I confess, I am the one that instigated this whole photo shoot. I kidnapped a few of them that were waiting to go home and took advantage of the great photo opp in this amazing bride room!

Dreaming and wondering...
I love each one of these...'my'... 30 + girls as if they were my own! I am so grateful I get to be their "mom" too!
What a beautiful wedding cake. you have so many talents. I can tell in the pictures that you really do enjoy 'your' girls. This is a great YW idea.
I love this. What a beautiful idea for 'your' girls. They are so lucky to have you. You have so many wonderful talents and they are blessed for your willingness to share.
The cake was amazing and it looked like so much fun. I'm feeling a bit left out. Guess I'll just have to wait a year and a few months until Abby makes her way in there. Fun, fun!
Looks like you always have something so wonderful planned for those girls. Those are the things they will remember forever! You are inspiring and the cake is spectacular!
I wish you would have been one of MY leaders! What fun!
What an awesome evening. Mind if I "borrow" your ideas for our YW?
Borrow away Holly! It was a great evening!!!
Jen- I can NOT believe Abby is even close to being in YW! That totally blows me away!
What a fun activity. Those girls are so lucky to have you as their leader! You do amazing things with your many talents!
Looks like a perfect night and so fun too! You are amazing!
what a fun night.. you are so talented!!
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