It's a great feeling to feel loved and appreciated by your fellow internets. I know this because I received an award last week by Fawndear. She really is a "dear"! So much so she passed the "buck" to me! (okay sorry!)
Her very kind words about my blog totally made my day. Sniff...sniff... I didn't even know she read my blog until I received it. I have since been reading hers and it is very entertaining and creative. Check her out here. Thank you so much Fawndear! I feel so honored! It's so nice to know someone appreciates my insanity! It's like getting a big hug right out of cyberspace... ♥
Now for my favorite part of getting a bloggy award - passing it on to others! The rules are simple - choose seven blogs you love, post a link - then leave a comment telling them they have been awarded.
I would like to pass this award on to the following WONDERFUL blogs (though every single blog on my blogroll is more than worthy):
Jen at Living The Life
Earlgirl at Band of BrothersEarlgirl is a very talented writer and is able to use words and phrases in such a way that makes you think you are reading a novel at times. She is also the mother of all boys and so some of her posts just leave me just rolling. Her blog has a lot of variety, is often very though provoking, but is never dull or boring.
Jody at Doran and JodyJody is also a dear friend and the one responsible for helping me turn into a blogger maniac. She was more than willing to come over and help me get started. I wonder if she ever thinks she has created a bloggin' monster! Jody's blog is very down to earth and real. She has a unique style of writing that is so fun to read. She comes up some stuff that just makes me laugh and makes me wonder how she ever thought of it! I love her sense of humor.
Sandra at Full Bellies ~ Happy KidsAs you can probably tell from this blog name, it is one full of yummy recipes! It is a lot like the Pioneer Woman Cooks blog because she posts great pictures of the steps in cooking her wonderful recipes. One of my favorite things about it is she also does a weekly menu of all three meals. It's so nice to go there and get great ideas for dinner. Check it out! You'll be glad you did.
Her very kind words about my blog totally made my day. Sniff...sniff... I didn't even know she read my blog until I received it. I have since been reading hers and it is very entertaining and creative. Check her out here. Thank you so much Fawndear! I feel so honored! It's so nice to know someone appreciates my insanity! It's like getting a big hug right out of cyberspace... ♥

I would like to pass this award on to the following WONDERFUL blogs (though every single blog on my blogroll is more than worthy):
Shaila at Dabergs
I love this blog. We have a lot in common considering she ALSO has five boys around the same ages! It's so fun to read all the fun things she does with her family - who by the way should all be of Hollywood fame because they are all soooo beautiful. Shaila writes the funnest posts and I always leave her blog feeling very uplifted and renewed!
Shauna at The "Maine" Jeppsons
What a find this blog was for me! Shauna is my dear friend and roommate in college. We stayed in touch for a while but then it got down to mostly Christmas cards. We did get in touch a few years ago when my son passed away but then she moved to Maine and we pretty much lost touch again...UNTIL she left a comment on my blog a couple of weeks ago letting me know SHE also had a blog! Now we will forever be able to stay connected. Isn't the internet great??? Her blog is so fun to read because she shares what life is like living in Maine right on the coast and all that comes with all those lighthouses! Her family is very adventurous and she posts great pictures!
Jen at Living The Life
Jen is one of my dearest friends but even if she wasn't I would love to read her blog. She posts such interesting and entertaining things and her kids antics are always worth a good laugh...especially her little cutie Logan! She thinks about things in such an enlightened way and I always come away from her blog with a deeper understanding of life.
Earlgirl at Band of BrothersEarlgirl is a very talented writer and is able to use words and phrases in such a way that makes you think you are reading a novel at times. She is also the mother of all boys and so some of her posts just leave me just rolling. Her blog has a lot of variety, is often very though provoking, but is never dull or boring.
Jody at Doran and JodyJody is also a dear friend and the one responsible for helping me turn into a blogger maniac. She was more than willing to come over and help me get started. I wonder if she ever thinks she has created a bloggin' monster! Jody's blog is very down to earth and real. She has a unique style of writing that is so fun to read. She comes up some stuff that just makes me laugh and makes me wonder how she ever thought of it! I love her sense of humor.
Raigon started her blog about the same time I did. We have tutored each other along the way. Her blog is full of details of her families activities and happenings while living in New Jersey. She is very open and honest about everything and that is so refreshing. She also has a running blog that I love as well.
Sandra at Full Bellies ~ Happy KidsAs you can probably tell from this blog name, it is one full of yummy recipes! It is a lot like the Pioneer Woman Cooks blog because she posts great pictures of the steps in cooking her wonderful recipes. One of my favorite things about it is she also does a weekly menu of all three meals. It's so nice to go there and get great ideas for dinner. Check it out! You'll be glad you did.
Thanks once again Fawndear for the great award!
Congrats on the award. (love the pun ; )
Jodi, thank you SO much :) You're very sweet.
I'm adding you to my bloglines so I can visit you again.
DANG. NOW I have to write better blogs... you just told the world I was funny!!! YIKES! I better polish up on my jokes! LOL....
Seriously, THANK YOU, this is fun!!! You are a lot like me! I hope someday we meet!!!! Lunch???
Thanks Jodi, you're too nice. It's all thanks to you that I'm a blogger, so I'll have Janz talk to you when he says I'm spending too much time on here!
Thanks Jodi, but there is no way I can come remotely close to the great things you are doing. I am forever a better person for having you as a friend. I can only hope to come within a marathon or two of you. Forever admiring. Shauna
You deserve the award! You have an wonderful blog. :-)
AHHHH!!! I looked at the other blogs, and boy am I out of my league. They are incredible! Well, it gives me examples to make mine better.
Yay! An award! I'd first like to thank Jodi, and the academy for making this moment possible. I'd like to thank my agent, who works so hard for me...sniff..sniff
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