Do As I'm Doing....
Now that is freaky! Check out their arms and hands! Both are in the exact same spot.
Dave took these two shots of Skyler and Taylor when they were at the airport on their way home from Alaska this summer. One of these photos would have been pretty crazy, but TWO!!!
That's pretty crazy! You can tell they're brothers! I have two pictures of Janz, one when he's about 10 and a current one and he's standing in exactly the same position. My only question is what were you doing up at 1:16 a.m.?
That is pretty crazy. Cool but crazy! :-)
Jen ~
I know it is uncanny how everyone has their own little mannerisms...I told you I can pick out my boys next to everyone else dressed the same in their football uniforms just by how they stand or move or walk. So funny!!!!
I know it says it was posted then, but I had it saved in my drafts folder forever and I just changed the date and not the time! Trust me I was snoozing at that hour!!!! At least last night!!!!
Crazy how brothers will do that. Even my little guys will pick up mannerisms from one another. I think it's a bonding thing that's they don't really notice consciously but more subconsciously. Lots of fun!!!:)Kind of freaky, but fun!
I have a brother 5 years older - I am so thankful we didn't kill each other when I was a kid :)
those are cool photos.
I love it! The first thing I noticed was their shirts are the same color:)
...are you sure they weren't posing??? that really is amazing! and, COOL!!!
Is it genetic. I find myself doing some of the same exact things that my mom did too.
O.K. Jodi, I can't seem to get enough of your eye-catching blog so I'm passing on a blog award to you. "I Love Your Blog' You'll have to view it by visiting me over in my neck of the woods.
Thanks for the laughter, tears and inspiration.
Thank you♥ thank you♥ thank you♥ Fawndear for the awesome award!!! I love it!!! And thank you for your kind words on your blog!!!!
That is so funny.
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