I've been tagged by Jen!
You are supposed to choose the fourth picture from your fourth folder and post it. Now that seems like a relatively easy thing to do, IF your folders are in the list file....but mine are not and so I had to decide if I was going to choose the fourth one DOWN or the fourth one ACROSS. I thought BOTH were worthy of posting and so that's what I did!!!
This was taken at the Primary Children's Hospital in 2003. Tyson's respiratory therapist loved to come in and play Nintendo with him when he was done with his shift. The other boys are watching and looking like "they" want a turn! Click to enlarge.
This was also taken in 2003. This is McKay entertaining everyone during a lull in the Peach Day's Parade. What a clown!!!
My parents are on the left and Dave's are on the right. Dave's sister Linda and hubby Lynn are to the far right. Their son Trevor is in front of them. Notice Lynn's video camera in his lap. It is huge!!! Click to enlarge. We used to tease him he was from the Channel 5 News shooting news footage! I am happy to report he no longer has to carry that puppy around. They now finally own a mini one.
I tag Karen, Shauna, and Audrey.
I found this photo in the same folder and just couldn't resist posting it too...since it IS Halloween and all! That is McKay looking out our window and that SPIDER you see is REAL! It is a tarantula. We have lots of them around here. The interesting part is, the only time of year that we see them is around Halloween! Creepy....
You are supposed to choose the fourth picture from your fourth folder and post it. Now that seems like a relatively easy thing to do, IF your folders are in the list file....but mine are not and so I had to decide if I was going to choose the fourth one DOWN or the fourth one ACROSS. I thought BOTH were worthy of posting and so that's what I did!!!
My parents are on the left and Dave's are on the right. Dave's sister Linda and hubby Lynn are to the far right. Their son Trevor is in front of them. Notice Lynn's video camera in his lap. It is huge!!! Click to enlarge. We used to tease him he was from the Channel 5 News shooting news footage! I am happy to report he no longer has to carry that puppy around. They now finally own a mini one.
I tag Karen, Shauna, and Audrey.
I found this photo in the same folder and just couldn't resist posting it too...since it IS Halloween and all! That is McKay looking out our window and that SPIDER you see is REAL! It is a tarantula. We have lots of them around here. The interesting part is, the only time of year that we see them is around Halloween! Creepy....
My pics are not in a file they are in iPhoto--oh well.
LOL about the video camera--they were HUGE!!!
We had a video camera like that when I was in school! My dad would tape my track meets. The only problem was it would cut off the last few seconds of each take. That's right, the end of every race!
I promise I will get this done. Hopefully, today! I know I still have the other one to do, but I don't follow too many blogs. I love the ones you choose though. Great stuff!
Jodi, I do so love your blog.There is always a nice feeling here.
Good pictures! McKay looks SO little! I can't believe it! We found our first tarantula of the year last week. Thanks for lunch last week! It was much needed! When are we going again?
I had honestly hoped you would write that the spider was a fakey. Ugh, real?! No thank you! Good pictures.
wow those r really cool!!!
the spider is the neatest...
me and spiders should NOT be on the same planet!!
That is so spooky! Happy Halloween!
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