Since the Friday's Feast Chef has been out of the kitchen for quite some time (and may be for a while yet), I have decided to start my own version until he/she is able to return. I am calling it
What actor/actress would be most believeable to play you in a movie?
If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to survive?
What terms of endearment does your significant other call you? What do you call them?
Midnight Snack
If you could be a fly on the wall, where would you go and why?
Recipe for this Week
(instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!To play along go here.
My Answers♥
What actor/actress would be most believeable to play you in a movie?
I have no idea and so I asked Dave. He said Meg Ryan or Sandy Duncan....what? Who is that? Oh yeah...she's probably about 70 by now! lol I decided to ASK YOU....so who do YOU think my internet blogbuds?
If you were stranded ALONE on a deserted beach, what are the five things that you would want to survive?
Let's see....CHOCOLATE (I'd rather die without it!), food & fresh water (I WILL die without that!), something to read, some kind of pet- even if it's a rock (Wilson.....), and toothbrush and toothpaste!
What terms of endearment does your significant other call you? What do you call them?
Dave calls me Jo for obvious reasons but also because his parents have always called each other Jo because it means sweetheart. It does. Look it up in the dictionary if you don't believe me! He also calls me "love" a lot too. I mostly call him things I cannot write on here.....just kidding! I mostly call him hon.
Midnight Snack
If you could be a fly on the wall, where would you go and why?
There are too many to pick one! I guess it would be wherever my boys are. I don't get a lot of info out of them (some are better than others) and so I would like to just plant myself next to them all day.
Recipe for this Week
(instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
"Life is to be enjoyed - not just endured." (Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley)
PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!To play along go here.

1. October is Halloween - my favorite holiday!!!! And the month I always say I am going to finish with Christmas early and never have yet!
2. Big Spiders scare me!
3. Leaves are falling all around, it's Fall! duh
4. My favorite horror movie is I don't do horror, but my favorite scary movie is The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, and What Lies Beneath, and Rear Window and Jaws, and The Birds, and...okay I'll stop!

5. Watching home videos when the boys were little = good memories.
6. It was a dark and stormy night so I curled up with a good book and some hot cocoa.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Bryce's football game (but it's earlier today so maybe we can do something after!), tomorrow my plans include my long run, watching General Conference, and cleaning, no football!...Dave is taking all the boys hunting,and Sunday, I want to watch General Conference with my family and eat our traditional German Pancakes between sessions! Yum!
To play go here.

My food 4 thought is up!
You can find it ::here::.
Do you have a blogroll or something?
Is this the right place to post my url?
Have a great weekend!
I played! Chocolate! Now why didn't I think of that! LOL
Have a great Friday!
Chocolate all the way baby!! Didn't know that about the Jo part .. very cool!
My F4T is up!
I would love to be finished with Christmas that early!
Have a great weekend. Stop by when you have a chance~
My Food is up!
I can't answer some of them because ..well because..but the one that I would love to answer is where would I be as a fly on the wall. Easy. I play the organ in church and sitting up there every week causes wonder upon wonder. Yes. I'd like to be in the xxxxx house and I'd like to see if the xxxxxx are as lovey-dovey as they make out to be and I'd like to be in the xxxxxxx house to see how they r.e.a.l.l.y live. Yes. Church makes you wonder about things. Oh and ... I'm single. Can't do a couple of the questions. :) Or maybe :(. Who knows.
Fun questions!!!! I played too :)
I'm with you on not going to horror films. Please come see my Friday Fill-in answers. Make sure you check out my book giveaway.
Fun answers! I was thinking that maybe you should trade the book for some toilet paper, but then I realized it could double as both, something to read and then... well you know. Man, I'm gross. You've think I'd been hanging out with a bunch of 10 year old boys! And I think that Meg Ryan would be a good choice for you although when I think of your character I think maybe Wonder Woman would be good, she'd just have to dye her hair!
Great Questions!
I played!
You always have such good answers to these questions. One of these Fridays I'm going to play along.
Dang, girlfriend. POST that recipe for the German pancakes!!!! PLEASE!
And, good luck at the game!
I always say I want to finish up Christmas shopping in October too! Ha never have and never will!
Oh, goodness. What Lies Beneath previews scared me to death! I remember seeing them on tv and the next week or so hubby had to go away for work a couple days. I couldn't stay by myself! I was such a chicken!
Love THe Ghost and Mr. Chicken!!
German pancakes?! Did I miss something? I'm 1/4 German and I make them all the time for my kids. How do you make yours?
I played!!! I love your questions and answers. I too would be my boys fly, but pray they wouldn't notice me or my wings would be plucked, and I'd get smooshed.:) Hey, where did mom go?
Long runs are super.
So are pancakes -
Enjoy your weekend!
have a good weekend everyone!
My entry is HERE.
I would definitely say Meg Ryan. (Funny Love Boat was on TV on the ship and it was an episode with Sandy Duncan ; )
Love your scary movie list.
Watching home videos is such a great actiivity ; )
Enjoy Conference.
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