I think she appeals to me first and foremost because she is a mom!!! And one that I can relate to, unlike Hillary, but we won't go there. Sarah Palin didn't start out with the ambition of becoming the nation's VP. She was quietly serving her country as Governor of Alaska when the honor was bestowed on her for her ideals, brains, and get it done power. She has been gifted with a natural talent of what a politician should be. She is straight forward, down to earth, beautiful, feminine, poised, and very sweet when she speaks. Yet she is also very intelligent, well informed, confident, and tough if needs be on the issues we are facing in our country today. She is a strong advocate of the average American.
I love what she is representing to the young women of today. How many female politicians do we have out there that are strong AND feminine? Smart AND kind? Well informed AND still drive a carpool? The message she is sending the young women of our country has been long in waiting!
I also love the fact that she is a fellow "Hockey Mom". I love that she doesn't apologize for having a big family and admits that her family isn't perfect. I am so grateful that we now have a role model who chose life when faced with the difficult knowledge that her son would be born with special needs. That didn't lessen the worth of that baby any. They welcomed him into their home with open arms and a copious amount of love. I think it also speaks volumes that her oldest son chose to serve in the armed forces.
Sarah Palin is the breath of fresh air this country has been seeking. No matter what your political persuasion is, you have to admit she is at the very least refreshing. If elected, she will work hard and serve our country well even if she can't create the dramatic changes in Washington we all hope for. Our government has been set up by design so not any one person can impose a great deal of change... in order to keep the power with the people. But, Sarah Palin will most definitely leave our country better than she found it. She already has!
I would love to hear what you think of Governor Palin.
Refreshing and Funny...
if those stuff doesn't make you laugh you take politics too serious for me.
I think SP has lightened things up for everyone.
People take these things so serious...
I love the "We Can Do It!" poster photoshop work - it's the coolest...
the only thing cooler would be Jodi's face on that one. Of course that arm would be pumped up like popeye on spinach!! :)
Oh Larry....you are TOO funny!☺ And trust me I won't take any of those comments about my face on the poster OR the pumped up arm too seriously either!!!! lol
It as SOOOOOOOOOOO funny, I was going door to door on Prop 8... at one door a friendly man opened the door and said, you are republican, aren't ya? I laughed and said, well, that isn't why I am here... he said, you like Palin, dont ya? and I just laughed... he said, I know you are republican and you like her! BUT, I am a democrate and I LIKE her too!!! YEAH!!!!!! Go Palin!!!
I SO VERY MUCH LIKE HER!! And it bugs me having the media try and destroy her!
I didnt know your kids played hockey?
Love those! Love her!
Love those cartoons! Especially the moose saying to be afraid! That's my favorite. The media really does make me so mad at the way they attack very specifically and casually leave out some really important stuff. I think she's great although I was pretty disappointed in the debate. I wish she would have just admitted what she didn't know and just answer the questions that she did instead of trying to go back to the energy stuff. That being said, she's completely awesome to accept the responsibility and try and change the county for good. I don't see anyone else doing that.
Great post! I couldn't have said it better:)
Here here for Sarah! She rocks!
Oh and I totally think she WON the debate no matter what the media or SNL says!!!
LOve the post. Love the cartoons. YOu couldn't have said it any better! The woman is wonderful!
I am so excited about her being McCain's running mate! I really loved what you had to say, and the posters and cartoons are great! :D
Another one of my special blogging friends wrote a light-hearted, NOT controversial post about Sarah Palin, and it ended up attracting some very rude and outspoken haters who left mean anonymous comments. I sincerely hope that does NOT happen here, but if it does, you can certainly delete their comments or disable anonymous comments on this post. (((HUGS))) my sweet friend! :)
Loved the post. I'm so glad to see so many blogs supporting Sarah Palin.
Nancy Face ~
I did worry about that! And I hope it doesn't happen here either. But like you said I can delete them...IF they are vicious. I guess though if I post something like this then I have to expect some haters! It is worth it to me though because I feel so strongly about what she stands for!!!! I know not everyone agrees with how I feel and I really welcome conflicting opinions...just not vicious ones!!!
I do want to hear what others think about her.
What's not to like??? Most politicians seem like they are trying to put on a certain facade, and it isn't a real or believable one in my opinion. They always seem like they are trying to sweet talk us only to leave us high and dry. Sarah Palin doesn't seem like that at all to me. She seems like a real person that wants to make the United States a better place. I think she is great! :-)
Amen, sister. I love Sarah Palin, and can relate to her like you said, Jodi. Thanks for taking a stand. You are a strong woman that we can look up to, as well.
Amen, sister. I love Sarah Palin, and can relate to her like you said, Jodi. Thanks for taking a stand. You are a strong woman that we can look up to, as well.
Great post I was just trying to decide how I would do a post about her and maybe I still will but I would say the same things!!! Brady came home from collage this past weekend and we talked about the elections and he said that Sarah Palin reminded him of ME!! But then he showed me some video clips that made fun of her and I didn't quite get what he was telling me!! Anyway she is a BREATH of fresh air and a women for my VOTE!!
I dont know what happened I lost your blog from my blog reader thingy. DANG! anyway, I love love love Sarah also. I loved someone else in a past election but felt it was actually too dangerouse to put a sticker on my car. You can get keyed or something ya know! and I live in unfortunatly a demo state! ugggg, well King County is demo and is large enough to make the entire state be demo, even though the rest of us are pretty much repub. Anyway thats another story, I ordered two bumper stickers and a hoody sweatshirt AND I am going to wash it at night and wear it every day once it comes. Call me sometime after 1pm PST
I really like her. When McCain first picked her, I didn't have a clue who she was, but I HAVE BEEN SO IMPRESSED.
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