October is all about being scared.
But it's usually because of this:

and this...

or this....

not to mention this...

or this...

and for sure this...

or this...

Oops! ...now how did that get in here?
Moving right along...
and especially this...

and this...

But who would have ever guessed THIS???!!!!!

Yep...I am afraid it is true.
Now THAT is what I call SCARY! Or at least frightening! Not to mention WRONG...and PREMATURE...and UNWELCOME!!! Who ordered this stuff anyway??? I want a refund!
Ho Ho Ho
your house is beautiful.
Oh goodness that is so wrong! We just got little flurries that didn't stick, but ugh, not right!:)
It is early for snow, but I still find myself being jealous. I love a little dusting. It looks beautiful! :-)
I am still laughing at Michael Jackson. Now THAT is scary! lol
Scary music too!
Give me a flannel quilt and a cup of hot chocolate, I am freezing!
Sorry. I think it was me that ordered the snow. I just love it!!
I agree with you 100%! I was very upset the year that we got snow for Halloween - and this is almost three weeks BEFORE Halloween! It is just not right!
I cant believe you guys got snow!!! I am down here enjoying my 78 degree temps ha ha ha LOL J/K I'm actually missing the snow but I would rather it wait until after halloween....
Oh man! I'm not ready for this weather! It did look pretty though when it was coming down and I was in the house all nice and warm!
I saw the snow on the news last night! I am so sorry! Do you enjoy skiing?
We usually always get snow on Halloween--thank goodness I haven't seen any YET!!!
Alright Chelsea if you ordered it then I hope you will ask for an prolonged extension before the next round...actually,I wouldn't mind it IF the temps were like... say in the 60's!!! lol
Raigon~ Thanks for making me jealous! 78??? We had that a week ago too! BEWARE!
Audrey~ I remember that year we got blasted on Halloween! That was like the earliest ever and NOW we get it this soon! Not fair!
fivekidsandsomechocolate~ No, I do NOT enjoy skiing! That makes it doubly bad for me!!!! But my boys LOVE it...at least snowboarding!
LOL on the Michael Jackson pic.
I can't believe you have snow and we're still in the high 90's here. That's just crazy.
Michael Jackson is the scariest guy I've ever seen! Yuck.
Brrrr! I am glad it was you guys! We get snow and it doesn't go away for YEARS, but we did enjoy the 70 degrees on Saturday. Too bad it doesn't last. I hope it has all melted. P.S. Global Warming?????
wow - snowballs are the best!
You crack me up!!!! BUT, seriously, SNOW????? Okay, that is when I love Southern Cali! I mean, I was just there and loved the fall leaves and wished... but... nevermind.
I can't believe you only got three inches!!! We had four on the ground when I left for work at 7:00am and it didn't stop snowing all day!!! You are soooo lucky!
It's The Nightmare Before Christmas! EEEEK!!!
I loved all your Halloween pictures, and I love your beautiful home! :)
Michael Jackson cracked me up! :D
I'm SO GLAD you posted that amazing video on your sidebar...I hope MANY people see it!
Bwaha! Loved Michael Jackson. DIDN'T love the snow. We still have a little bit of the white stuff left. Cute cute post!! Now I'm excited for Halloween!
oh yeah, your pumpkins are the cutest! :)
holy smoly...
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