I really wanted to do something unique for this one. I have been thinking and thinking but having a hard time coming up with something that felt right. I knew one thing for sure, there was no way I was about to do a list of 200 things about me (I am still recovering from the list of 100!) After some thought I decided to not only do a give away (because they are just FUN!) but to also dedicate this post to the POWER of GRATITUDE.
WHY gratitude? Well mainly because I think it is such a powerful tool that doesn't get the attention it merits.
How often are you grateful? Most people only focus on being grateful when something great happens in their life, and maybe on Thanksgiving Day.

I have learned that something as simple as just being grateful for what you have, rather than focusing on what you don't, has an incredible, almost magical power of creating instant happiness. One of the fastest ways to improve your mood or outlook is to count your blessings. When challenging trials or problems come into your life, being grateful for the situation in some way - even when you don't like anything about it- allows you to get through it with a more optimistic attitude. It really is true that every dark cloud has a silver lining. Behind every problem lies an opportunity.
But remember being grateful is a CHOICE. Even though there is usually a downside to each situation, there is also a positive side. The one you choose to focus on is up to you. When something happens, either good or bad, pause for a moment, think it through, and then choose how you want to feel about it. The more you choose gratitude, the happier you will be, mainly because you won't be obsessing over the negatives anymore. You can learn to use gratitude to transform your life.
Most of us tend to be in the habit of negative thinking. When we experience something painful or hard it tends to throw us into a negative state of mind. We then experience feelings of anger, disappointment, hurt, resentment, etc., never realizing that it doesn't have to be that way! We allow ourselves to stay in our negative frame of mind, which ultimately means we are allowing our experiences to choose our mind-set. Not consciously choosing our mind-set, is a choice in and of itself. If we want gratitude to influence our lives then we need to choose it. It's not an automatic response for most people. It is a conscious choice that we must make many times each day. Instead of allowing outside circumstances to determine your attitude, stop and tell yourself, "I choose to be grateful for_______." Then allow yourself to feel grateful.
Gratitude is a choice. Gratitude is an attitude. And gratitude is a habit. When we consciously practice being grateful for the people, situations, and circumstances around us we begin to experience more peace and happiness!!! So what are you grateful for right now?
Now for the contest!

Included in the kit will be: (brace yourself!)

A box of my NEWEST chocolate indulgent treat! M&M's Triple Chocolate Premiums! Oh man! ♥

To enter:
♥ Leave a comment about what you are grateful for today.
♥If you want an additional entry then just mention this contest on your blog along with a link to mine and tell me you did.
♥For a third entry... start a Gratitude Journal where you write down 5 things you are grateful for each day and then leave me another comment before (before Nov. 11th) telling me you started one. ☺ If you already have one, then you are automatically entered again! Just let me know!
Limit to three entries per person.
~Winner will be chosen on Nov.11th~
And remember to...
what a great contest/post. I cant decide if I am more grateful for Kylers improving health or my sweet husband..... well I could go on all day. For our freedom, for the gospel, for friends, for choice..........I could go on and on.
I added a link on the top right of my blog for your contest
I am starting a gratitude journal today. Not only for me but for each memeber of our family. We will do it at dinner every night. Thanks for the great idea.
Congrats on 200 post.
I'm grateful to hear from mom today, that's what I'm grateful for today.
I'm thankful for my healthy body, and for my kind husband. That's a whole lot to be grateful for!
The link's going up right now, so count me for two!
I am VERY VERY grateful that Prop 8 in Cali passed, restoring the traditional definition of marriage!!!! YEAH!!!!
AND, I will go post your grateful post and give away on my blog and then return and report! °Ü°
PS I DO have a gratitude journal!!! So, enter me again!
Okay, enter me for the 3rd time! I posted it on my blog!!! °Ü°
Terrific post, Jodi, and an awesome giveaway! Pick me! Pick me!
I am grateful for so many things. My healthy, beautiful family. The freedom and right to vote, even when the candidate I voted for doesn't win. The crisp, beautiful fall and the gorgeous colors.
I have a gratitude journal. I'm not as good at writing in it as I should be, but I promise to do better.
Oh, and your email doesn't show up in your profile...;)
I saw your comment on Jen's blog and had to come for the chocolate! I love what you said about being grateful. So often life seems so overwhelmingly negative. I'm going to start a gratitude journal, I really need it, thanks.
I'm grateful for the walks I am able to go on with my mom and we can just talk!
Where does one begin with such a question when one has been so blessed? I guess I would be most grateful for my Father in Heaven for loving me so much that he gave me great parents, a loving husband, fabulous children, caring friends, beautiful world, challenges, triumphs, failures, successes, but most of all to know that even though I may make mistakes(Believe me, I make tooooo many), I can be forgiven, and return to live with my father-in-heaven, my father, and all those who have so influenced my life today, tomorrow, yesterday or years ago. How grateful I am for this knowledge because everything becomes tolerable.
Yea, I know, what a sap!!!
The link is posted! This is such a great idea for a contest. I hope you get many great comments.
Yummmy, I would love to Win, what's better than chocolate! I am so grateful for my family, and the many opportunities that I have been given in this life.
Once you begin making a list it is really hard to stop. There are so many blessings we have to be Thankful for. Thanks for the reminder. Tamee
I posted your contest on my blog. thanks tamee
I'm grateful for good health, forgiveness, my boys, my faith. Great post Jodi!
Loved your post today, i really needed that! I am grateful for my three beautiful children and a husband that on his day off, stays home and cleans so my week is easier!
Love this.
I know I need to be more grateful which is why I am participating in the month long Gratitude Challenge. Love the comment, "the more you choose gratitude the happier you will be because you won't be obsessing over the negatives"
I am grateful that Proposition 8 passed in California.
I will come back when I do everything you mentioned. (I want as many entries as possible in your contest)
ok I put a post about your contest on my blog, and I am going to start a gratitude journal tonight with my kids! Thanks for the great ideas!
Wonderful post about gratitude and Congrats on your 200th post! There is so much to be grateful for...today I am grateful for the chance to be better....the opportunity for hope. Christ offers me that and this past week I have tried to think of that before I start to rake myself over the coals for not being what I had hoped I would.
I'm adding a link to your contest on my blog at alliwash.blogspot.com so count me again!
I have three boys and we've begun a gratitude journal this month....one more shot at the chocolate?????
Thanks for the great blog. It reminded me of I think it was Elder Bednars talk about Graditute. He said when you pray to just mention things you are grateful for and to not ask for anything. It has great power!!
I am grateful for my family and for my awesome birth-parents who have truly given me everything...my chance to be a mother. I will always be eternally grateful!
?? Do you pay shipping or does it come COD?? J/K Love ya
I am grateful to live in the beautiful state of Missouri!! The fall colors are breathtaking and the weather is perfect...for now.
What an awesome 200th blog a woman after my own heart! I have sooo many things I am greatful for today I am grateful for family!
I have a gratitude journal I think you are the one who got me started on it many years ago. I do write in it offten and it does help me keep a postitive outlook on life, esspecial days like today!!!
And yes I a posting a link!!
1...2...3 pick me pick me I so need some chocolate!!
I am grateful for a wonderful family and for a witty sister-in-law...yes you!! You are way to talented! Have you started your book yet?
Great contest here! What a generous prize package, too! I'm grateful for blog friends - they're some of the best friends in the world, even if some people think they're semi-imaginary! =)
I am grateful for the Spirit that guides us and for the guardian angels that watch over little kids as they explore the world around them.
I mentioned this contest in my blog with a link to yours.
I started a gratitude journal.
1)I am thankful for modern medicine! My twinners have severe croup and boy howdy am I glad for the ER being open 24x7!
2) I am going to link you right after I finish posting this and...
3) I am starting a gratitude journal on my blog.
Even though the process of buying a house has been SO exhausting and emotionally draining, I am SO grateful for the tiny condo we live in where we only have to pay $271 a month!! We are so blessed...and for that reason, THAT is why I am grateful today! I already keep a gratitude journal that I write in daily.
Jodi your truely inspiring. Im very grateful for reminders to be grateful. The big thing I'm grateful for my hubby, kids and grandkids. Without them it would be really boring.
This is wonderful. I have a journal that I am attempting to write in more often, so adding a gratitude journal will be wonderful. I would love to put a link on my new blog if you can tell me how. Oh yeah, I have a new blog. The one you looked at was for my husband's family. This one is for me. It is titled This is me.
Thanks Jod! You always give me good things to think about that help a ton! I am grateful for a thoughtful husband, two (almost) missionaries, a 15 year old, a kindergartener, and a preschooler. It was a hard road to get them all here with me!
I have thought about starting a gratitude journal, this will give me the extra push to do it! Count me in as I'm counting my blessings!
Today I'm grateful for my sweet little girl (who never sits still) climbing into my lap and saying, "Mama, hold you."
Sent here by Yvonne. Great idea for a 200th celebration.
Happy 200th! YAY! :D
I'm so grateful that all three marriage protection amendments in our country passed yesterday! (California, Arizona and Florida!) To me, that's a miracle! :)
Oky doky! I've got your link at the top of my sidebar! :)
I found you through Tiff's Tickles. This post was beautiful! I had started my gratitude journal just after General Conference last month. I feel so much better after starting it.
Today (it being 3am) I am grateful that when the phone rang an hour ago, it was still downstairs - thus allowing Popeye to miss the phone call calling him out into service. (There's a nasty storm a-brewin' outside right now.)
I'm also grateful for finding your blog and this post. I feel happy.
You can put me in twice, because I am off to spread the word! :-)
I put the link on my blog and I started a Gratitude Journal--that's two more entries ; )
hi! i'm a Nancy Face reader, and couldn't resist the chocolate linky link at the top of her blog... so Nancy Face should get kudos - like another entry? :) hee hee!
i don't need to be entered into the competition - i live in South Africa and it'll cost you FAR too much to post the prize if i were to win *cough cough...not likely* don't get me wrong, the prize is mouth-watering. but mostly i just want to say what i'm grateful for! so here goes, in no particular order:
1. chocolate
2. my family
3. sunshine
4. good music
5. a God who loves me
6. photographs
7. my cat
8. friends
9. movies
10. penguins
11. dancing in the rain
12. second chances
13. books!
14. artwork
and so on and so forth! :)
This is why Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday! And I know we should be grateful more than just in this month. I just love that it seems to be the focus. O.K., so I'm grateful for my Savior, the gospel, the priesthood, my family, good friends, fall leaves, good smells, good food and chocolate! (There's much more but I'll stop there!) #1
I linked back to you! #2
I have a gratitude journal but am not consistent. I will be better! #3
Thanks for all the inspiration!
I loved you class and learned TONS. I want to add a cute banner to my page...how do I do that?
Heather Robison
200 posts! What a great accomplishment! I would love to be entered into your contest.
I have been stalking your blog for a while.... guess it was time I finally made a comment
You have been added on the mormon mommy blogs to the a little of everything cateogories.
Now that business is out of the way, I want to enter. I have a gratitude journal... so does that count as 2??
congrats on the 200 posts!
Jodi, you are so awesome.. I am grateful for friends like you who lift me up and make me a better person. Plus who wouldn't want this chocolate give away.. Your awesome.
I got you linked on my page and I am starting the gratitude journals tonight.. What a great idea.. we will do it every night at family prayers, I figured that would be a great time to do it.. Thanks for the idea.. Hey how do you find out how many posts you have done??
jodi i am shauna's daugher in law and have read your blog for a few weeks now. you are so inspiring and fun!
today i am greatful for adoption and the great blessing it has brought to my life.
november in national adoption month and some of my favorite blogs i read are realted to adoption so it is something that has been on my mind a lot this week.
my life has been so blessed my a birth mother who was young and knew she could not provide for me the kind of life that i needed. she did the most unselfish thing a person can do and placed me for adoption with two amazing parents. she gave me a mom and a dad who were able to provide for me. parents who i was able to be sealed to and raised in the gospel. i am so blessed and so grateful for all i have been given in life from one selfless heartwrenching decision.
i posted about your contest on my blog.
hope i win i love chocolate too!!
you should check out my blog so you can see how very cute shauna's first grandbaby is!
Grateful for new bloggy friends.
I've been keeping a gratitude journal on and off for the past 7 years. Love it.
Get this - I just posted my 200th Blog Post too! So you'll have to come enter my give-away as well.
Here's to the next 200! Congrats!
I am grateful that I found your site today...It really reminds of the things I have and not the things I don't have...I am so grateful that I live here in the United States of America where I can enjoy the freedom of speech. I am doing the Giving Thanks Challenge on my site so that is my gratitude journal and I will place your contest link on my site as soon as I get there Have a wonderful weekend.
What a fun giveaway! I am grateful for my family and good friends (in real life and bloggyland).
What a great post and giveaway!!! I am grateful today for my mom! We just got back from a 2 week trip together and I am grateful for her love and support and that we enjoy each other so much!!!
Yum, I'm salivating already!
I'm so grateful for my kids. They are my life and bring me joy every day.
I'm also grateful for small towns, good people, and great chocolate!
I was going to start a gratitude journal with my kids on Monday for FHE anyways so I might as well get an extra entry too!
Ok, I'll go for all three. I put a link on my blog. :)
Today I am grateful for the rain. We truly need here in the nursery capital. Thanks for the giveaway.
Ok, Jodi, I have linked your post to my blog. The thing that I'm most grateful for today is my Sunday School calling. First I am grateful that the Bishopbic had the confidence in me to give me such a calling - one that I'm sure is no big deal to most people, but to me it is HUGE! Also, I'm so grateful that by getting ready for my lessons I am able to study in a different way than I ever have, and I'm getting new insights in the scriptures and from our Church Leaders. And I'm so grateful to learn to love people that I would never have thought twice about including in my "circle", but now I'm so very glad that they are in my life!
I have a graditude journal - but it is a little barren. However I REALLY want to win the prize, so I hearby commit to recording five things a day starting now!
Thanks for such a terrific post! You are the greatest!
I started a "What I'm Thankful for Today" section on my blog last week, so this is timely for me! You can find it at the end of each day's post. I love all your Gratitude images in your post. Gave me even more to think about.
Oops - forgot to post what I'm grateful for today -- a warm, cozy house on a cold, cold day. Sometimes I forget what a luxury a warm house would be for many.
I am grateful for having my family, although we are going through some difficult times right now and I wonder what the future will bring-I know that He will help us through it.
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Sounds great! I'm in. I'd be grateful if I could get over this sickness I'm currently living with - but other than that, things are great. Chocolate would help.
I am thankful for the temple...that families can be together forever. I am thankful for the attonement of Christ and that I can be as clean as the day I was baptized each Sunday when I take the sacrament. I am thankful for a Prophet of God on the earth today and for the programs of the church that are for US! I am thankful I saw your blog and that it has helped me remember some very important things I am thankful for! THANK YOU!
Hello Jodi Mae,
What a wonderful message you have spread about gratitude. With all the trials our family has been through lately, I have learned not to think about what was or what could be. I just focus on what I have right now and this helps me be grateful for so many things. Thanks so much for your example and for the time and effort you spend on your blog. You have touched many lives and I'm so grateful for your example and determination to make the best of each and every moment! Stay Happy and have a Wonderful Day!
Love ya,
Linda lou
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