Food 4 Thought Friday
Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night for those that are on a different time zone. JOIN IN!!!
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions
What is the one thing you are most grateful for this year?
DinnerDo you usually shop on Black Friday or avoid it like the plague?
Midnight Snack What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving feast?
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!
Be sure and stop by the other's blogs who played along too!!!
My answers:
My answers:
How do you usually spend Thanksgiving?
I usually watch the Macey's Parade and then make whatever it is we are taking for the meal. We then either go to my parents or Dave's parents. We rotate each year. This year we are eating at my parents house with them and my brother's family. After we eat, we visit or play games together. When we get home from that we usually watch a movie on TV (always seems to be The Sound of Music or an 0ld Christmas show.) At least I do...the boys usually go play Nintendo rather than watch!
What is the one thing you are most grateful for this year?
My Savior
Do you usually shop on Black Friday or avoid it like the plague?
Oh yes I always shop it! I usually get up about 4: 30 a.m. or even earlier to hit the great early bird sales. It's insane I know! Skyler used to go with me when he was home or I would meet my mom or Dave's sisters later. Last year I went alone and it was no fun. I REALLY hate the long lines and all the people, but it is exciting to get what you are looking for at such a great deal. The past two or three years though, I haven't found it enticing enough to go really early. Most of the sales the past couple of years haven't been all that great. But I always have to go sometime before noon or I feel like I missed out on some great deal!
Midnight Snack
What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving feast?
Candied yams topped with toasted marshmellows! Mmmm...... And of course I LOVE the turkey (white meat only!)
What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving feast?
Candied yams topped with toasted marshmellows! Mmmm...... And of course I LOVE the turkey (white meat only!)
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Don't give up when things seem hard. There is always strength greater than my own waiting to be given to me if I just ask.


1. The last band I saw live was Josh Groban (not exactly a live band -though he did have one- but it was the last live concert I went to.)
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is being with family and the yummy smells!
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is well on it's way this year. Not done, but getting close! Yea!
4. Thoughts of hope right now fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear shorts again, because then it would still be warm weather!
6. Bagpipes sound beautiful!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to attending the state high school championship game where Bryce will be presented his Academic All State award during half time, then rushing back to Taylor's first basketball game, tomorrow my plans include running the Turkey Trot (4 mile race), eating dinner with the visiting General Authority (Elder Hamula) for our stake conference (our Bishop & his wife are unable to attend and so we were invited in their place), then attending the adult stake conference meeting and Sunday, I want to attend Stake Conference and learn a lot!
To play go HERE

It sounds like you have a full and fantastic week-end planned. Have fun and happy Thanksgiving.
Have a fun weekend...I love the smells of Thanksgiving too
Happy Weekend too Jodi. Mine is up HERE.
By the way, what is the title of the 1st song in your playlist? I love it!
No food for me this week.
I don't live in a country were thanksgiving is celebrated.
great list! I too love the turkey and sweet potatoes!
Great Friday Morning everyone!
My Food 4 Thought responses are up!
Jo's Cafe
Have a great day everyone!
Hi, Jodi! I'm up and congratulations to Bryce...how awesome is that?!? And wish Taylor luck on his first game. Enjoy the conference...that's neat y'all were invited.
Have a good weekend!
Candied yams? Are you serious? Yuck! Do you not have pie at your Thanksgiving? Sounds like it's going to be a fun filled and busy weekend. And by the looks of the hula hoop pictures....I think you need to get permission to use my picture! What a dork I look like. Heels and all!
My food is up. :)
My answers are posted. Have a wonderful week!!
My answers are posted. Great questions!
ahhh the yummy smell of family! are you sure you aren't from New Guinea! :)
glad you are getting the christmas shopping done.
maybe (no5) a holiday trip somewhere exotic is in order, you could take your shorts!
have a wonderful weekend
See my Fill-in
I played and your recipe for the week is a lot like mine was before I realized I needed to put what I did for putting up with the antics of my two youngest boys.:)
The sales on Black Friday this year should be good.
I'm a white meat fan, too.
It must have been wonderful to see Josh Groban live--I just love his voice.
I always love the Saturday night session of Stake Conference. Always a great feast.
That was a fun one. I love bagpipes too. I think it's in my blood. I was in a restaurant on St Patty's day with a friend when some bagpipers came in and played. We both had to try hard not to tear up. Somewhere inside me is still in touch with the emerald isle!
My Food For Thought is up. Thanks for hosting, Jodi.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hi Jodi!! I am sereious this time about needing a blog tutor!! I feel like such a dummie!! I have so much to say and no blog to say it on. I am free Tues. morning..(tomorrow!!). Happy Fall! Heather yahwhatever@hotmail.com
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