Food 4 Thought Friday
Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night for those that are on a different time zone. JOIN IN!!!
Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions Breakfast What are you looking most forward to in the next week?
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
If you could choose to get rid of one animal on earth, what would it be?
Midnight Snack
If your life were a made for TV program, would it be a reality show, documentary, sit-com, cartoon, drama series, or a talk show?
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?)
PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!
Be sure and stop by the other's blogs who played along too!!!
My answers:
Breakfast What are you looking most forward to in the next week?
Taylor's first basketball game! (He made the Freshman team! yea!) Painting the boys room. Getting some Christmas done. Stake Conference.
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Sky dive!
If you could choose to get rid of one animal on earth, what would it be?
Midnight Snack
If your life were a made for TV program, would it be a reality show, documentary, sit-com, cartoon, drama series, or a talk show?
All of the above
Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) I can do things I thought I could never do.
PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!

1. Please feel free to play along and leave a comment!
2. When I use a magic marker, fill up with gasoline, or fold laundry I can't help sniffing it occasionally.
3. My favorite thing to cook is desserts!
4. A long hot shower is something I can't get enough of.
5. That's the thing I love most about running (the long hot showers after!)
6. People talking on their cell phones during a movie or lecture always makes me think to myself, what the heck!?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to taking in dinner to a family in need, staying home and chilling with Dave tomorrow my plans include watching McKay at basketball camp, making a large sheet cake for our young women's meeting on Sunday, possibly running a 5K, getting ready for Sunday's meetings (agenda's etc.) and Sunday, I want to attend my meetings before church, prepare my talk, attend and speak at our Young Women in Excellence meeting.
To play go here
I SO agree with your no. 6 - it's one of my pet peeves. Sounds like you've got a busy weekend ahead of you! Enjoy it :-)
early this friday :) have a good weekend everyone!
Mine is up HERE!
Good Morning! My Food 4 Thought Friday post is up! Woohoo
sharks are bad too I say cyotes
great list of questions and answers!
I think skydiving too would be neat but scary!
I played!!
I agree with your #6! Have a great weekend!
My answers are posted for Food 4 Thought. Good questions--thanks!!
Congrats to Taylor. Love that you are so on the ball with Christmas.
I love to make desserts, too.
Laughed at the "possibly running a 5K"--are you kidding, that would take a lot of preparation for me.
I like the smell of clean laundry, too! Thanks for playing :-)
Congrates to Taylor!! Your questions were hard today!! Made me think............Good luck with your YW in excellence you are an awesome YW president!!
My food is up!
I played!
You can find my answers ::here::
Have a nice weekend!
Hey Jodi...one of my commenters wants to know how you put a heart symbol in a comment. I told her I'd ask. I could find out but I'm on my was to Utah/Idaho in an hour or so. I guess...comment again and tell her? I don't know...no biggie.
Lucy - I left a comment on your Hank Post telling her how!
I played.:)
That was great! The one about sniffing markers cracked me up. When I was pregnant with my second baby, I was depleted nutritionally, and became instantly addicted to fumes of all kinds. I had to stay away from markers! We still laugh about how driving past a gas station filled me with longing.
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