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Given the choice, would you prefer to live in the country or in the city?
Actually neither. I prefer to live in the suburbs. I don't like the confusion of the city or the distance from civilization of the country. I like it somewhere in between. BUT...for vacationing, I LOVE both of those!
Who is the cutest kid you know?
Well, since McKay is sitting here watching me type...I have to say HIM! Actually, I would have said that anyway! I just love to tease him. He is a cutie and a half! He has the cutest expressions and says the funniest things. What a bright spot in my life! As far as the cutest kid when he was two or three years old though, it has to be my Bryce!
Fill in the blank. I couldn't believe it when I heard ________.
That one of my friends was getting a divorce. I still can't believe it.
Main Course
If you could star in a commercial for one of your favorite products, which one would you want to advertise?
I think it would be for Maurice's....IF I got to keep the clothes I modeled!
What type(s) of vitamins and/or supplements do you take on a regular basis?

I take pre-natal vitamins. Don't go jumping to conclusions! I take them for my hair and nails.

Where do you find all your cute picts of food?
Aren't prenatals great?
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