Yippee! I did it! I ran 9 miles today! (okay 8.72 but close!) A year ago I never thought I would be able to say that! That is the farthest I have run so far!!! Can you tell I am excited? I am training for the Ogden Half Marathon and so even though I am excited about the nine miles, I am still not ready for that. It will be a little over 13 miles. I went with my friend Jen who is training for the marathon and I know I couldn't have done it without her by my side. It was not the perfect setting for a long run. When I looked out the window and saw it snowing and blowing, I wanted to go back to bed. It was just snowing when we left, but then started pelting hard ice in our faces, which eventually turned into hail, and then some rain. You name it, it did it! My feet (and hair) were really wet by the time I got back, but it really wasn't that bad. And we were only told by two people that we were crazy! I have to agree with them! I was feeling
good most of the run and I think I could have gone even farther today. I can't always say that and so I am feeling great after having a real discouraging training week! Sorry, but I am just so excited I had to BLOG it!!! For a more detailed story of the run, you can check out my running blog by clicking here.
A little side-note written several hours after this post:"But behold, it came to pass that my exceedingly great joy turned to sorrow and lamentations, for my body began to hurteth and become exceedingly sore."
You rock! Savor the good days! I am constantly amazed at what we can do over time. Even those things we thought we could never do before! I love your cartoons!
You're awesome!
That is so great. (I bet you enjoyed Sister Dalton's talk at the Broadcast tonight--just remember not to wear a red shirt when you run your marathon ; )
Love your little sidenote--hope everything isn't exceedingly sore tomorrow.
After running that far, I think you should be exceedingly sore. Wow, I am impressed and in the snow no less!
HI there. I love your blog. You commented on my little men blog. I really can't remember how I changed it to be commendable comments. I will keep trying to figure that one out. I hope it's alright. I took some of the cute things from your blog and added to mine. If it's not okay, please let me know and I will delete them. I think it's so amazing that you run. I wish I could. Well, after 4 boys I do, but a mile on my own would be nice. How do you start?
I figured it out. You go to Customize, Layout, then there will be a box that reads Blog with an Edit at the bottom. Click on the edit. A box will pop up reading something like 5 comments. Click on the box, erase, and type what you want. Remember to save. That should work.:O)
How's the body now?
I think I may recover! Let's hope anyway! I think I will be raring to go by tomorrow morn!!! Missed weights today though. I guess I should have done the drugs! (just meaning Advil!!!) lol
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