This past weekend we attended our LAST Pinewood Derby. After FIFTEEN YEARS of going to Pack Meetings and all the Cub Scout stuff, it is officially over! Waa.. waa...my baby's growing up! He was inducted into Boy Scouts, and so we closed that chapter in our lives. I don't think I like this! And to think of all those times I complained about having to attend yet ANOTHER Pack Meeting! Like they say...the days are LONG but the years are SHORT! Where DID the time go?
At least this chapter ended on a GRAND note. McKay won FIRST PLACE in the race! He was pretty excited. Last year he also won, but they didn't give out awards for it. But it wasn't real hard to figure out who placed where. They just said everyone was a winner and ended it at that. And we thought that was fine too. This year they gave an award for the fastest car but didn't mention what "place" the others took. I thought that was the best way to do it overall.

Dave is pretty good at this thing, after FIVE BOYS I guess he would be. The other boys all won (or took 2nd) as well. He makes sure our boys do most of the work on the car though. Well, as much as he can stand to let them! lol Can I just say I love watching the dads! They are instructed that they are only to HELP the boy, not the other way around. Um...yeah right! Over the years it has been so fun to see the intensity with which some of the dads get into it. We have a lot of engineers in our community and so at my oldest son's derby, it was INTENSE! I had never seen anything like it! It was a REAL do or die race. The boys didn't even seem to care and were cheering each other on, but you could tell the blood pressure was rising in that room in those males over 30! I thought there was going to be some action going on in the parking lot after! Back then they only did it every three years because it was too much for the leaders to handle. Have you seen the movie DOWN AND DERBY? Yeah, pretty much the same scenario! Thankfully, it isn't like that anymore. The dads have mellowed quite a bit. The derby's are actually fun to watch now...at least ours.
McKay won ever single race with the exception of two that he raced against his bud Carson. In the end it came d
own to three. His bud Zack, Carson, and McKay. Carson's car was really fast and I thought for sure it was going to win the whole thing. Then it came down to McKay and Carson. One track seems to be faster than the other and so they were careful to make sure they gave them both a chance on each track. I think overall it should have been called a tie, because it was SO close! I am sure if those two raced against each other over and over, the outcome would have been different each time. It would have been awesome to have them tie! It's kinda hard to beat your best bud! This year they were both selected as the District Cub of the Year - McKay for Webelos and Carson for Bears - and that was so fun for them to share such an honor together. But I don't think this will alter their friendship any. Afterall, they are BOYS! McKay was very excited, but pretty much forgot about it by the next day! Aren't boys great?!!! Here's a few more photos....
McKay won ever single race with the exception of two that he raced against his bud Carson. In the end it came d

That Ninja Turtle car is pretty much the coolest one I've ever seen! I'm impressed with McKay for sticking to his guns and racing it for the second year in a row! And congrats to him for winning...that is something that couldn't possibly happen in our house, haha! :D
My youngest son always insisted on doing his own thing with his cars, and they were usually pretty darn slow, but he didn't mind...he's a good sport, and just loved racing over and over and over, until they made everybody go home, haha! :D
I don't miss Pack Meeting AT ALL...I love having Zach in Boy Scouts now! He serves as a Den Chief for the cubs, so for him, it's the best of both worlds! :)
And I was FIRST! :)
Pretty cool car! And it's so cool he won on his last Pack Meeting! Congrats, McKay!
Wow, that's really exciting. Good for your son. I can't wait until my little guys are in cubscouts and have all those fun thing. Four little guys all at the same time. Our house will be busy. I see you figured out the comments. Good for you!:O)
Good for McKay. That is such a great looking car. How fun for him to use it two years in a row--what a bonus for you, too!!!
My boys NEVER won. We've lived in some pretty competitive wards with some pretty competitive dads. Loved your description of the races you've been to--sounds like maybe the same ones I've been to as well.
You are so welcome!:O) I have a personal blog you can come check out too. http://www.tiffstickles.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the encouragement on running. I hope i can stick with it. I worry about my knee and causing more damadge to it but im hoping i can kinda run through it and it will strenthen. I know this diet thing is crazy the sad thing is i know it works because i did it before but its just so hard and you give up so much.. You look fabulouse by the way... I am sure you do not have to worry about this kind of stuff you have always been petite and thin.. I am really trying to loose some punds before me and my hubby head to hawaii this summer so i really need to get serious lol.... Anyways we are doing the pinewood derby on tuesday in scouts i will have to let you know how we do..
Thanks for all your comments!!! I love them..
I really don't miss having a boy in scouting! Glad those days are over!
My new blog template is from LeeLou blogs. There's a link at the bottom of my blog page.
I hate the Pinewood Derby... We have 4 more years of Pinewood Derbys and I live for the day when they are over!
Good for McKay. E wanted to race his car from last year (it won last year too) but I thought he should do a new one instead, so he did one that was identical to last years, but he didn't win at all. He was kind of bummed.
I love your blog!! Thank you so much! I am going to post it in the Motherhood Support Center right now. It is beautiful!
I read this post and laughed, because you're right, we do have so much in common! It seems like families with lots of boys kind of share the same vibe. I have five, from almost 13, down to almost three. We have a 23 year old former scout of my husbands who's lived with us since he was 18, and an exchange student from Saudi Arabia. You're a bit farther down the road than me in parenting experience, so I'm going to keep a sharp lookout for tips. Thanks for introducing yourself!
Jodi, We all loved the slideshow of the pinewood derby! Thanks for sharing your photos! They are darling! After pack meeting Pat said, "Carson and McKay are such good sports as well as good friends. They really act like "Cubs of the Year!" I thought that was such a wonderful compliment. Good friends are one of life's most precious blessings, we are thankful Carson has such a friend in McKay! Much Love, Karen
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