Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Dream House!


Taylor found my dream house in Brazil!! 

Oh my!  I have never seen a house quite this PURPLE in all my days!  And I'm so happy he is in the photo looking so cute as a missionary for our church!

When we traveled to Puerto Rico a few years ago, we saw a few houses that were purple.  They really like to color things up over there, just as they do in Brazil.  The USA needs to catch on! Of course, I had to take photos of any building I saw that was purple. Here are few:
 One of my faves!

How cute is this house?↓ 

This ↓ is in an enclosed private school, I believe.

 A little business shack on the side of the road.

 A store
Closer view of the store

 Some businesses were only trimmed in purple.
Or part way purple...

 This one ↓ was gorgeous!  I'm sure the things they sold were expensive too.  It was in the middle of San Juan.

I knocked at this one (aka shook the bars), but no one was home.  This was also in the middle of San Juan.

Not only a purple house, BUT also a street lined with PURPLE cobblestones!   They were amazing!

I typed in PURPLE HOUSE on Google Images and I found some pretty amazing finds!

Like this PURPLE Gingerbread house!  I think I could be happy living here!
 It even has a rocking chair on the porch!  What more do you need?

This one is VERY purple!  It looks so pretty against the green grass and shrubs!

Victorian style.  Not too bad...

This is a beach house in Maryland and available to rent.  It's only about $3000 buckaroos a week.  But hey, if I start saving now, maybe in 10 years I can afford to rent it!  I think I'll put this on my bucket list!

But... if I can't save enough, then maybe this would be a nice replacement!

I can see I totally got gyped as a child! Maybe I can talk Dave into building one of these for future grand-kiddos!  Or for a future grandma???  =)  I'll just replace those lawn chairs on the porch with a rocking chair or two....

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